C H A P T E R  2

IPMI Server Management

Server manufacturers today have to re-invent how each new server manages itself. The hardware and software design for one server does not necessarily work with another. Every server supplier provides basic monitoring and data collection functions but no two do it exactly the same. These proprietary implementations for manageability only complicate the problem.

The standardization of server-based management, called Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI), provides a solution. IPMI allows you to interconnect the CPU and devices being managed. It allows for:

IPMI is an industry-standard, hardware-manageability interface specification that provides an architecture defining how unique devices can all communicate with the CPU in a standard way. It facilitates platform-side server management and remote server-management frameworks, by providing a standard set of interfaces for monitoring and managing servers.

With IPMI, the software becomes less dependent on hardware because the management intelligence resides in the IPMI firmware layer, thereby creating a more intelligently managed server. The IPMI solution increases server scalability by distributing the management intelligence closer to the devices that are being managed.

Baseboard Management Controller

In order to perform autonomous platform-management functions, the processor runs embedded software or firmware. Together, the processor and its controlling firmware are referred to as the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC), which is the core of the IPMI structure. Tightly integrating an IPMI BMC and management software with platform firmware facilitates a total management solution.

The BMC is a service processor integrated into the motherboard design, providing a management solution independent of the main processor. The monitored server can communicate with the BMC through one of three defined interfaces, which are based on a set of registers shared between the platform and the BMC.

Note - In these servers, the SP has software that emulates a BMC.

The BMC is responsible for:

The BMC provides the intelligence behind IPMI. In these servers, the SP serves as the BMC, providing access to sensor data and events through the standard IPMI interfaces.


IPMI defines a mechanism for server monitoring and recovery implemented directly in hardware and firmware. IPMI functions are available independent of the main processors, BIOS and operating system.

IPMI monitoring, logging and access functions add a built-in level of manageability to the platform hardware. IPMI can be used in conjunction with server-management software running under the OS, which provides an enhanced level of manageability.

IPMI provides the foundation for smarter management of servers by providing a methodology for maintaining and improving the reliability, availability and serviceability of expensive server hardware.

IPMI Compliance and LAN Channel Access

The server supports IPMI through the SP software version 2.0 and later. These servers meet compliance standards for IPMI version 1.5.

The IPMI implementation on these servers also support LAN channel access. (Refer to the IPMI specification version 1.5 for details.) The LAN channel access is disabled by default. To enable it, use the ipmi enable channel command and specify the ID of the channel to enable for the LAN Interface, as follows.

Note - This ID is case-sensitive and must be lowercase.

# ssh spipaddr -l spuser ipmi enable channel {sms | lan} 

For more information about enabling or disabling the IPMI channel, refer to Appendix E.

Usernames and Passwords

Operator and administrator-level access over the LAN channel requires a valid user ID and password. These servers come preconfigured with an administrator-level user with a null user ID. However, you can re-add the anonymous user at a later time if you wish. You can configure both the user ID and password to be null.

Note - For security reasons, the LAN channel access is disabled by default.

Note - IPMI user identities are in no way associated with user accounts defined for server-management capabilities. Refer to Initial Setup of the Service Processor for more information about these server-management user accounts.

Lights Out Management (LOM)

On these servers, Lights Out Management is performed through IPMItool, a utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices.


IPMItool is a simple command-line interface (CLI) to servers that support the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) v1.5 specification. It provides the ability to:

Originally written to take advantage of IPMI-over-LAN interfaces, IPMItool is also capable of using a system interface, as provided by a kernel device driver such as OpenIPMI.

Further Information





The syntax used by IPMItool is as follows:

ipmitool [-ghcvV] -I lan -H address [-P password] expression 
ipmitool [-ghcvV] -I open expression 


TABLE 2-1 lists the options available for IPMItool.

TABLE 2-1 Options for IPMItool




Provides help on basic usage from the command line.


Makes the output suitable for parsing, where possible, by separating fields with commas instead of spaces.


Attempts to make IPMI-over-LAN communications more robust.


Displays the version information.


Increases the amount of text output. This option may be specified more than once to increase the level of debug output. If given three times, you receive hexdumps of all incoming and outgoing packets.

-I interface

Selects the IPMI interface to use. The possible interfaces are LAN or open interface.

-H address

Displays the address of the remote server; it can be an IP address or host name. This option is required for the LAN interface connection.

-P password

Displays the password for the remote server; the password is limited to a maximum of 16 characters. The password is optional for the LAN interface; if a password is not provided, the session is not authenticated.


TABLE 2-2 lists the expressions and parameters available for IPMItool.

Note - For each of these expressions, the beginning command is always ipmitool, followed by the expression and parameter(s).

Note - The sol command is not supported in these servers, but you can enable a Serial-over-LAN feature. See Serial Over LAN.

TABLE 2-2 Expressions and Parameters for IPMItool (1 of 4)




Description and examples




Can be used to get command-line help on IPMItool commands. It may also be placed at the end of commands to get help on the use of options.



ipmitool -I open help

Commands: chassis, fru, lan, sdr, sel


ipmitool -I open chassis help

Chassis Commands: status, power, identify, policy, restart_cause


ipmitool -I open chassis power help

Chassis Power Commands: status, on, off, cycle, reset, diag, soft




cmd data

Allows you to execute raw IPMI commands (for example, to query the POH counter with a raw command).



ipmitool -I open raw 0x0 0x1


RAW REQ (netfn=0x0 cmd=0x1 data_len=0)

RAW RSP (3 bytes)

60 00 00




Displays information about the selected channel. If no channel is specified, the command displays information about the channel currently being used.



ipmitool -I open chaninfo

Channel 0xf info:

Channel Medium Type: System Interface

Channel Protocol Type: KCS

Session Support: session-less

Active Session Count: 0

Protocol Vendor ID: 7154


ipmitool -I open chaninfo 7

Channel 0x7 info:

Channel Medium Type: 802.3 LAN

Channel Protocol Type: IPMB-1.0

Session Support: multi-session

Active Session Count: 1

Protocol Vendor ID: 7154

Alerting: enabled

Per-message Auth: enabled

User Level Auth: enabled

Access Mode: always available





Note: Channels 6 and 7 are not supported on Sun Fire V20z servers.


Displays information about configured user information on a specific LAN channel.



ipmitool -I open userinfo 6

Maximum User IDs : 4

Enabled User IDs : 1

Fixed Name User IDs : 1

Access Available : call-in / callback

Link Authentication : disabled

IPMI Messaging : enabled





Returns information about the high-level status of the server chassis and main power subsystem.





Controls the front panel identification light. The default value is 15 seconds. Enter "0" to turn it off.




Queries the chassis for the cause of the last server restart.




Performs a chassis control command to view and change the power state.




Shows the current status of the chassis power.




Powers on the chassis.




Powers off chassis into the soft off state (S4/S5 state).

NOTE: This command does not initiate a clean shutdown of the operating system prior to powering off the server.




Provides a power-off interval of at least 1 second.

No action should occur if chassis power is in S4/S5 state, but it is recommended to check the power state first and then only issue a power-cycle command if the server power is on or in a lower sleep state than S4/S5.




Performs a hard reset.




Prints the current configuration for the given channel.




Sets the given parameter on the given channel.



ipaddr x.x.x.x

Sets the IP address for this channel.



netmask x.x.x.x

Sets the netmask for this channel.



macaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Sets the MAC adddress for this channel.



defgw ipaddr x.x.x.x

Sets the default gateway IP address.



defgw macaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Sets the default gateway MAC address.



bakgw ipaddr x.x.x.x

Sets the backup gateway IP address.



bakgw macaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Sets the backup gateway MAC address.



password pass

Sets the null user password.




Enables the user-access mode.



access [on|off]

Sets the LAN-channel-access mode.



ipsrc source

Sets the IP address source. As a source, you can indicate:

none = unspecified

static = manually configured static IP address

dhcp = address obtained by BMC running DHCP

bios = address loaded by BIOS or system software



arp respond [on|off]

Sets the BMC-generated ARP responses.



arp generate [on|off]

Sets the BMC-generated gratuitous ARPs.



arp interval [seconds] s

Sets the interval for the BMC-generated gratuitous ARPs.



auth level,...

This command sets the valid authtypes for a given auth level.

Levels can be: callback, user, operator, admin

Types can be: none, md2, md5





Reads all inventory data for the Customer Replaceable Units (CRUs) and extracts such information as serial number, part number, asset tags and short strings describing the chassis, board or product.





Reads the Sensor Data Record (SDR) and extracts sensor information, then queries each sensor and prints its name, reading and status.





Queries the BMC for information about the system event log (SEL) and its contents.




Clears the contents of the SEL.

The clear command cannot be undone.




Lists the contents of the SEL.

IPMI Linux Kernel Device Driver

The IPMItool application utilizes a modified MontaVista OpenIPMI kernel device driver found on the Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers Documentation and Support Files CD. The driver has been modified to use an alternate base hardware address and modified device IO registration.

This driver must be compiled and installed from the Documentation and Support Files CD.

The following kernel modules must be loaded in order for IPMItool to work:

1. ipmi_msghandler

The message handler for incoming and outgoing messages for the IPMI interfaces.

2. ipmi_kcs_drv

An IPMI Keyboard Controller Style (KCS) interface driver for the message handler.

3. ipmi_devintf

Linux-character-device interface for the message handler.

To force IPMItool to use the device interface, you can specify it on the command line:

# ipmitool -I open [option...] 
Installing and Compiling the Driver

To install and compile this kernel device driver, see Initial Setup of the Service Processor.

LAN Interface for the BMC

Note - In these servers, the SP has software that emulates a BMC.

The IPMItool LAN interface communicates with the BMC over an Ethernet LAN connection using User Datagram Protocol (UDP) under IPv4. UDP datagrams are formatted to contain IPMI request/response messages with IPMI session headers and Remote Management Control Protocol (RMCP) headers.

Remote Management Control Protocol is a request-response protocol delivered using UDP datagrams to port 623. IPMI-over-LAN uses version 1 of the RMCP to support management both before installing the OS on the server, or if the server will not have an OS installed.

The LAN interface is an authenticated, multi-session connection; messages delivered to the BMC can (and should) be authenticated with a challenge/response protocol with either a straight password/key or an MD5 message-digest algorithm. IPMItool attempts to connect with administrator privilege level as this is required to perform chassis power functions.

With the -I option, you can direct IPMItool to use the LAN interface:

# ipmitool -I lan [option...] address password

To use the LAN interface with IPMItool, you must provide a host name on the command line.

The password field is optional; if you do not provide a password on the command line, IPMItool attempts to connect without authentication. If you specify a password, it uses MD5 authentication, if supported by the BMC; otherwise, it will use straight password/key.


The file /dev/ipmi0 is a character-device file used by the OpenIPMI kernel driver.


If you want to remotely control the power of an IPMI-over-LAN-enabled server, you can use the following commands:

# ipmitool -I lan -H spipaddr -P sppasswd chassis power on 

The result returned is:

Chassis Power Control: Up/On 
# ipmitool -I lan -H spipaddr -P sppasswd chassis power status 

The result returned is:

Chassis Power is on 

Viewing the IPMI System Event Log

To view the System Event Log (SEL), use IPMItool.

The out-of-band command is:

# ipmitool -I lan -H spipaddr -P ipmipasswd sel list 

The in-band command (using OpenIPMI on a Linux-based server or LIPMI on a Solaris-based server) is:

# ipmitool -I open sel list 

Note - To receive more verbose logging messages, you can run the following command:
# ssh -l spuser spipaddr sp get events

Clearing the IPMI System Event Log

You can use commands to clear the contents of the IPMI SEL.

Use one of the following commands, depending on your OS:

IPMI Troubleshooting

TABLE 2-3 describes some potential issues with IPMI and provides solutions.

TABLE 2-3 IPMI Troubleshooting



You cannot connect to the management controller using IPMItool over LAN.


Verify the network connection to the management controller and its IP address and verify the channel is enabled using the ipmi get channels command.

You cannot authenticate to the management controller using IPMItool over LAN.


Ensure that you are using the password assigned when you enabled IPMI LAN access from the management-controller shell prompt.

You have forgotten the password for IPMI access over LAN.

  1. You can reset the IPMI setting, reset the SDRR and purge the SEL from the management-controller shell by running the command:


# ssh spipaddr -l spuser ipmi reset -a


  1. Now re-enable IPMI on LAN with the following commands:


# ssh spipaddr -l spuser

# ipmi enable channel lan

# exit


IPMItool fails when using the "open" interface.

Ensure that the Linux kernel module ipmi_kcs_drv is loaded by running the lsmod command.