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Sun Fire B10n Content Load Balancing Blade Administartion Guide





1. Product Overview

Hardware and Software Overview

Software Architecture

Hardware and Software Requirements

Product Features

Key Features

Server Selection Algorithms

Supported Protocols

Diagnostic Support

The Role of the Content Load Balancing Blade

Topology Fundamentals

The Role of the B10p SSL Proxy Blade

Failover Alternatives

The Role of VLANs

System Integration

Usage Overview

Command Modes

2. Installing the Blade and Setting Up the System

Installing the Hardware

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Install the Hardware

LED Displays

Location of Ports

Connecting to the 10/100/1000BASE-T Data Network Ports

Serial Port Pin Numbers

Powering On Content Load Balancing Blades

Powering Off Content Load Balancing Blades

Powering Off With an Orderly Shutdown of the Operating System

Forcing the Power Off

Powering Off a Load Balancing Blade Without Requiring the Confirmation Prompt

Powering a Load Balancing Blade Down to Standby Mode to Save Power

Powering Off a Content Load Balancing Blade to Remove It

3. Preparing the Sun Fire B10n Content Load Balancing Blade for Load Balancing

Configuring the Blade Servers

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Check the Blade Server Module Software Version

procedure iconsmall space To Set Up the Blade Server

Setting Up the Load Balancing Blade

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set Up a Content Load Balancing Blade

Completing the Basic Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a Default Gateway

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the DNS Server

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure DNS Suffix

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Commit the Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Verify the Configuration

4. Command-Line Options

Typographic Conventions Specific to the Sun Fire B10n Command Line Interface

User Access

Using the login Command

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Log In as Administrator

Adding Users

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add a User

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change the User Access Level

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change the User Password

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove a User

procedure iconsmall spaceTo List All Users

Configuring the Networking

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the Management IP Address

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Send a ping Request

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unconfigure a Network Interface

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a DNS Server

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove a DNS Server

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the DNS Suffix

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show DNS Use

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unconfigure the DNS Suffix

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the Default Gateway

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unconfigure the Default Gateway

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set the Default Hostname

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show the Network Configurations

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show ARP Entries

To Configure the Subnet Mask for a VIP

procedure iconsmall spaceTo List the VIPs Configured


procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set Up Server Monitoring

Configuring SSL Blade Entries

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add an SSL Blade

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove an SSL Blade

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add a Port Pair to an SSL Blade Entry

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove a Port Pair from an SSL Blade Entry

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add an Interface to an SSL Blade Entry

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove an Interface from an SSL Blade Entry

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Enable an SSL Blade Entry

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Disable an SSL Blade Entry

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show the Configured SSL Blades

Configuring the Content Load Balancing Blade

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set the TCP Parameters

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set Parameters for TCP Connection Handoff

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show All the Default TCP Parameters Settings

Load Balancing Service Configuration and Management

Creating a Load Balancing Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Load Balancing Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add SSL Devices to a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove SSL Devices from a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set SSL Devices in a Service as Active or Standby

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add a Default Load Balancing Group to a Load Balancing Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set the TCP Parameters for a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set Parameters for TCP Connection Handoff for a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add a Service Point to a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove a Service Point From a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a Service for Client IP or Subnet-Based Persistence

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove Client IP or Subnet Based Persistence from a Service

Configuring a Service for Service Point Tracking

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a Service for Service Point Tracking

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove Tracking Service Point from a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a Service for Cookie-Based Persistence

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove Cookie Persistence From a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Enable a Load Balancing Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Disable a Load Balancing Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove a Load Balancing Service

Server Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Enable a Server

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Disable a Server

Load Balancing Rule Configuration

Creating an IP Load Balancing Rule

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create an IP Load Balancing Rule

Creating an HTTP Load Balancing Rule

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create an HTTP Load Balancing Rule

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove a Load Balancing Rule

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Build Load Balancing Rules

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Get the Status for the Build for Load Balancing Rules

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Get the Status for the Last Build for Load Balancing Rules

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Stop the Build for Load Balancing Rules

Load Balancing Group Configuration and Management

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Default Load Balancing Group

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Load Balancing Group

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add Rules to a Load Balancing Group

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove Rules From a Load Balancing Group

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add Servers to a Load Balancing Group

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove Servers From a Load Balancing Group

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set Servers for a Load Balancing Group as Active or Standby

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove Load Balancing Groups

Load Balancing Configuration Listings

procedure iconsmall spaceTo List Load Balancing Services

procedure iconsmall spaceTo List Load Balancing Rules

procedure iconsmall spaceTo List Load Balancing Groups

procedure iconsmall spaceTo List All Servers in the System

Configuring the System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the Image for the Next Reboot

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Download a New Boot Image Over the Network

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the Diagnostics Level

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the Debug Level for Specific Modules

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Shutdown the System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Reboot the System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show the Date and Time

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show the System Settings on the B10n

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show the System Uptime

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show Memory

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show Modules

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Export a Configuration to a Remote Host

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Import a Configuration From a Remote Host

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Commit the Current Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show the Current Saved Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove the Current Configuration in Flash

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Specify the Configuration in Flash to Use after a System Reboot

Flash File System Commands

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Output a File to the Screen

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change the Current Directory

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Copy a File

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Rename a File

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Delete a File

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a New Directory

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove a Directory

procedure iconsmall spaceTo List Files

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Print the Current Working Directory

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Compress All Files in a Directory

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Uncompress Files

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Display Contents of a Compressed File

Other Useful Commands

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Clear the Screen

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create an Alias for Any Command

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Send a Message to All Logged-on Users

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Echo a String on the Screen

procedure iconsmall spaceTo View the Command-Line Interface Tree

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Print the History of All Executed Commands

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Get Help for CLI Commands

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Logout

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Exit From a Script

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Retrieve the Current User Information

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Retrieve Information About All Users

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Display Console Settings

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Turn On Hardwrap on the Console

5. Configuring VLAN Parameters

Available VLAN Types

Enabling VLAN Tagging

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set Client Traffic VLAN Tag

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Enable VLAN Tagging

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set Management VLAN

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set VLAN for Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Enable VLAN Tagging for a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Disable VLAN Tagging for a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Show VLANs

Disabling VLAN Tagging

6. Updating the Application Software and the BSC Firmware


Setting up a TFTP Server

Software Architecture

Updating the B10n Software

Updating the BSC Firmware

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Update the Software Interactively

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Update the Software Noninteractively

Choosing the Boot Image

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Specify and Make the Boot Image Permanent

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Specify the Boot Image at Boot Time

A. Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Diagnostic Tools

NPU POST and SDRAM Diagnostic Tests

Image Management and Troubleshooting

The Boot Process

Setting the Diagnostic Level

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set the Diagnostic Level

B. Tutorial and Examples

Configuring Layer 4 and Layer 7 Load Balancing

Setting the Networking Configurations

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the IP Addresses

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the Default Gateway

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the DNS Server

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure DNS Suffix

Configuring a Basic Layer 4 Service Without Any Rules

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Layer 4 Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add Two blade servers to the Default Load Balancing Group for the Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add Another Server to the Default Load Balancing Group

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove a Server From the Default Load Balancing Group

Configuring a Basic Layer 4 Service With Rules

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a Layer 4 Service with Layer 4 (IP) Rule

Configuring a Basic Layer 7 Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a Basic Layer 7 Service Without Rules

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a Layer 7 Service with Layer 7 Rules

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a Service for IP Persistence

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove IP Persistence From a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a Service for Tracking

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove Port Tracking

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add an End Point Tracking to a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove End Point Tracking

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a Service for Cookie-Based Persistence

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove Cookie Persistence from a Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a UDP Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure an FTP Service

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add an End Point to a Service to make it Multi-homed

Setting Up VLAN

Set Up on the Switch

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set Up VLAN on the Server

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set Up VLAN on a Load Balancing Blade

C. Alphabetical Command Reference