A P P E N D I X  C

Alphabetical Command Reference

This appendix provides an alphabetical listing of all the Sun Fire B10n content load balancing blade commands.



Create an alias.



Boot the system.

boot config

Set the boot configuration.

boot image

Configure the system image to use for the next time the content load balancing blade goes through a system reboot.


Used to send a message to all the users logged into the Sun Fire B10n content load balancing blade.

build rules

Activate the rules just configured.



Output a file to the screen.


Clear the screen.


Enter configuration mode.

commit config

Activate the configuration just entered.


debug module

Configure the debug level for a specified module in the system.

default gateway

Configure a default gateway on the load balancing blade.

default hostname

Delete service.

default qos level

Set the default QoS level.

default tcp-dos-params

Set the default TCP-dos parameters.

default tcp-handoff-params

Set the default TCP-handoff parameters.

default tcp-params

Set the default TCP parameters.

default vlan

Configure the default VLAN.

delete service lb-group rule

Delete service load balancing group rule.

delete service lb-group server

Delete the service load balancing group server.

diag level

Configure the diagnostics level and the level of verbosity of the diagnostics.

dns primary

Set the primary dns service.

dns secondary

Set the secondary dns service.

dns server

Configure a DNS for the load balancing blade. When supplied with a hostname, this DNS will resolve it and obtain the corresponding IP address.

dns suffix

Set the suffix to be added to the hostnames before resolution, for example .com.

dump config

Display the existing configuration.

dump memory

Dumps the system memory to the screen.

dump module

Dump the information about a specific module to the screen.



Echo text typed in.

enable lb failover

Enable load balancing failover.

enable server

Enable the server.

enable service

Enable the configured service.

enable service app-monitor

Enable the service application monitor.

enable service tcp-dos

Enable the TCP dos service.

enable service vlan

Enable the VLAN service.

enable vlan

Enable the VLAN setting.


Exit this mode.

export config

Export a configuration.


failover primary-monitor

Failover to the primary monitoring system.




Show command help.


Show command history.


Set an HTTP rule.


import config

Import current configuration.


Configure the real IP address for the content load balancing blade to be used for management and control, for example opening a telnet session.


Set the IPMP.

ipmp testip

Set a test IP address for IPMP.


Set an IP rule.


list service

List a service.


Log in to a user session.


Log out from a user session


List the content of the current directory


management vlan

Create the management VLAN.

modify service lb-group server

Make changes to the service for a load balancing group server.

modify service ssl mode

Make changes to the service for the SSL mode.


Create a new directory.


Move a file to another directory.


no build rules

Remove the rules just configured.

no default gateway

Remove the default gateway

no dns server

Remove the DNS server.

no dns suffix

Unset the DNS suffix to be used by the DNS resolver.

no enable lb failover

Remove the load balancing failover.

no enable server

Remove the server.

no enable service app-monitor

Remove the service for application monitoring.

no enable service tcp-dos

Remove the TCP DoS service.

no enable service vlan

Remove the VLAN service.

no enable vlan

Remove the VLAN.

no ip

Remove the IP address.

no service cookie-persist

Remove the cookie-based persistence service.

no service ip-persist

Remove the IP persistence service.

no set gateway

Remove the gateway.



Change the current password.


Check for a response from a remote IP address.


Display the current working directory on the screen.



Reset the system.

reboot force

Force the reboot without asking for confirmation.

remove dns server

Remove a DNS server from the system.

remove rule

Remove a rule.

remove service

Remove a service.

remove service lb-group

Remove a load balancing group.

remove service lb-group rule

Remove a load balancing group rule from a service.

remove service lb-group server

Remove a load balancing group server.

remove service point

Remove a service point.

remove service ssl

Remove an SSL service.

remove service tracking

Remove tracking a service.



service point

Set up a service point.

service qos

Set up a qos service.

service ssl

Set up an ssl service.

service ssl-vlan

Set up an ssl-vlan service.

service tcp-dos-params

Set up a tcp-dos-params service.

service tcp-handoff-params

Set up a tcp-handoff-params service.

service tcp-params

Set up a tcp-params service.

service tracking

Set up tracking for a service.

service vlan

Set up a VLAN service.


Display commands.

show arp

Display all the entries in the ARP table.

show boot option

Display the current and next boot options.

show build status

Display the status of the build.

show date

Display the current system date and time.

show default tcp

Display default tcp protocol.

show default tcp-params

Display default tcp parameters.

show default tcp-dos-params

Display default tcp security parameters.

show default tcp-handoff-params

Display default tcp handoff parameters.

show gateway

Display default gateway.

show image

Display WHAT image.

show images

Display WHAT images.

show interface

Display current interface (0 or 1).

show ip

Display administration port ip address.

show last build status

Display the previous build status.

show network

Display the network.

show real service

Display real services.

show service lb-group

Display the service defined for the load balancing group.

show service lb-group server

Display the load balancing group server.

show ssl

Display the security blade.

show system

Display the current system settings.

show tasks

Display the current active tasks.

show uptime

Display the uptime for the system.

show version

Display the version of the software in use.

show vip


Display the security blade.


Perform a graceful shutdown of the system.

shutdown force

Force the shutdown without asking for confirmation.


Configure an ssl blade.

ssl-blade port pair

Configure an ssl port pair.

stty hardwrap

Turns on hardwrap on the console.

stty status

Displays the console settings.



Utility that collapses all the files under the specified directory into one tar file.


Displays the contenes of the specified tar file.


Display all the content load balancing blade commands.



Utility that extracts all the files from the specified tar file int the current directory.

update image

Download a new boot image over the network and write it into flash.


Display the amount of uptime.

user add

Add a new user to the system.

user delete

Delete a user.

user show

List all users currently existing in the system, along with their respective access level.



Configure the VIP netmask.



Display all current users.


Display current user, mode, and system information.