
TABLE 3-1small space Comparison of Sun Compiler Suite and Sun HPC ClusterTools Software

TABLE 3-2small space Comparison of Shared-Memory and Distributed-Memory Parallelism

TABLE 3-3small space Speedup with Number of Processors

TABLE 3-4small space Scaling of Computation and Communication Times for Selected Algorithms

TABLE 3-5small space Sample Performance Values for MPI Operations on Two Sun Platforms

TABLE 4-1small space Algorithm 1 Implemented in Fortran 90

TABLE 4-2small space Algorithm 2 Implemented in Fortran 90

TABLE 4-3small space Algorithm 3 Implemented in Fortran 90

TABLE 4-4small space Algorithm 4 Implemented in Fortran 90

TABLE 4-5small space Algorithm 5 Implemented in Fortran 90

TABLE 4-6small space Driver Program for Example Algorithms

TABLE 6-1small space Amount of Communication and of Load Balancing with Local, Block, and Cyclic Distribution

Number of Elements the Processes Operate on in and

TABLE 6-3small space Using S3L_declare or S3L_declare_detailed Routines to Allocate Arrays in Shared Memory

TABLE 6-4small space Summary of Performance Guidelines for Specific Routines

TABLE 9-1small space Profiling Alternatives

TABLE 9-2small space MPProf Attributes Bytes Sent and Received

TABLE B-1small space Sun MPI Environment Variables