A P P E N D I X  F

Configuring a Server Running the Solaris Operating Environment

This appendix provides the following Solaris-specific information:

F.1 Accessing the Firmware Application From a Host Running the Solaris Operating Environment

This section provides information on redefining the baud rate for the serial port connection, and using the tip command to access the array remotely. For more information about the baud rate and other communication settings, see Configuring a COM Port to Connect to a RAID Array.

Note - You can also monitor and configure a RAID array over an IP network using the RAID firmware or the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service program after you assign an IP address to the array. For details, see Setting Up Out-of-Band Management Over Ethernet refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Configuration Service User's Guide.

You can specify the baud rate of 38,400 when you type the tip command.

1. Connect the RAID array COM port to a serial port of a Solaris workstation (see FIGURE F-1).

 FIGURE F-1 RAID Array COM Port Connected Locally to the COM Port of a Workstation or Computer Terminal

Figure shows RAID array COM port connected locally to the COM port of a workstation or computer terminal.

2. Use the tip command to access the array locally.

# tip -38400 /dev/ttyn

where n is the COM port identifier. For instance, if you have connected the array to the COM port identified as ttyb, use this command:

# tip -38400 /dev/ttyb

3. Refresh your screen by holding down the Control key on your keyboard (this is abbreviated Ctrl on some keyboards) and pressing the letter L key on your keyboard.

F.2 Editing the sd.conf File

Edit the /kernel/drv/sd.conf file to add additional targets and LUNs, up to 128 LUNs which can be used in a single Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI Array. Then reboot the host.

You may want to allow a few extra LUNs for flexibility over the coming months, but generally most administrators minimize the number of unused LUNs because each LUN causes a seven-second delay when you reboot the host.

Note - The maximum number of LUNs per target is 32.

caution icon

Caution - After you edit sd.conf, you must reboot the host to enable the new LUN assignments.

The following example file sets up targets 1 and 3 with a total of 41 LUNs (LUNs 0 through 31 on target 0, and LUNs 0 through 8 on target 3). Default LUNs are listed first, followed by new LUNs.

# Copyright (c) 1992, by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#ident	"@(#)sd.conf	1.9	98/01/11 SMI"
name="sd" class="scsi" class_prop="atapi"
target=0 lun=0;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=15 lun=0;
#NEW LUNs have been appended to the default settings in the file, starting here.
name="sd" class="scsi" 
target=1 lun=1; 
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=1 lun=2;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=1 lun=3;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=1 lun=4;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=1 lun=5;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=1 lun=6;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=1 lun=7;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=1 lun=31;

name="sd" class="scsi"
target=3 lun=1;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=3 lun=2;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=3 lun=3;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=3 lun=4;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=3 lun=5;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=3 lun=6;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=3 lun=7;
name="sd" class="scsi"
target=3 lun=8;
# END additional lun entries


F.3 Enabling a Host Running the Solaris Operating Environment to Recognize New Devices and LUNs

By default, a Solaris host is configured for one host LUN per SCSI target, which is not enough LUNs for a Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array. You need to edit the appropriate onboard HBA driver configuration file to add additional targets and LUNs, up to 32 LUNs per logical drive, and a maximum of 128 LUNs per Sun StorEdge 3310 array.

Driver configuration files include /kernel/drv/qus.conf and /kernel/drv/glm.conf. Edit the file which is appropriate for your HBA.

Note - Refer to the driver.conf(4) man page for information and syntax to use. Refer to your HBA Release Notes and your HBA Installation Guide for specific configuration information.

Once you have edited the configuration file, reboot the host for the changes to take effect.

1. Edit the /kernel/drv/qus.conf or /kernel/drv/glm.conf file (whichever is appropriate to your HBA) to add more targets and LUNs (up to 32 LUNs per logical drive, and a maximum of 128 LUNs per Sun StorEdge 3310 array).

Note - If the file does not exist, create it using the format below:

An example of text to add to /kernel/drv/qus.conf or /kernel/drv/glm.conf is:

device-type-scsi-options-list = "SUN StorEdge 3310",
SE3310-scsi-options = 0x43ff8;

caution icon

Caution - Do not edit the /etc/system file to accomplish the same purpose. While this can have the desired effect, it can also cause interference with other storage devices attached to the same host.

2. Reboot the host to implement the file changes.

The Solaris 8 operating environment requires a reconfiguration reboot to create device files and implement sd.conf changes but you do not need a reconfiguration reboot for the Solaris 9 operating environment.

reboot -- -r 

For the Solaris 9 operating environment, use the following commands to create device files after you have edited sd.conf. No reboot is necessary with this command:

update_drv -f sd 

The new LUNs are displayed when you perform the format command.

3. To display the new LUNs, perform the following command:


F.4 Labeling a Volume

For the Solaris operating environment to recognize a volume, it must be labeled with the format command. Whenever you create a volume, label it using the following procedure. For more information on the format command, see the format(1M) man page.

To label a volume, perform the following steps.

1. On the data host, type format at the root prompt.

2. Specify the disk number when prompted.

In this example, the array is shown as disk number 2. You can identify it by the SUN-3310-0200 label.

Searching for disks...done
       0. c0t2d0 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk8
       1. c0t2d1 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk9
       2. c0t4d0 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk10
       3. c0t4d1 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk11
       4. c0t6d0 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk12
       5. c0t6d1 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk13
       6. c0t8d0 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk14
       7. c0t8d1 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk15
       8. c1t1d0 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk8
       9. c1t1d1 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk9
      10. c1t3d0 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk10
      11. c1t3d1 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk11
      12. c1t5d0 <SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34901 alt 2 hd 128 sec 256>  disk12
		  14. c3t2d0 <SUN18G cyl 7506 alt 2 hd 19 sec 248>
      15. c3t3d0 <SUN18G cyl 7506 alt 2 hd 19 sec 248>
Specify disk (enter its number): 2
selecting c0t4d0
[disk formatted]

If the volume had not been labeled previously using the format command, the following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Disk not labeled. Label it now?

3. (Optional) If you see this confirmation prompt, type y and press Return to display the FORMAT MENU.

The FORMAT MENU is displayed.

4. Type type to select a drive type:

        disk       - select a disk
        type       - select (define) a disk type
        partition  - select (define) a partition table
        current    - describe the current disk
        format     - format and analyze the disk
        repair     - repair a defective sector
        label      - write label to the disk
        analyze    - surface analysis
        defect     - defect list management
        backup     - search for backup labels
        verify     - read and display labels
        save       - save new disk/partition definitions
        inquiry    - show vendor, product and revision
        volname    - set 8-character volume name
        !<cmd>     - execute <cmd>, then return0
format> type

5. Type 0 to choose the Auto configure option.

Select the Auto configure option regardless of which drive types are displayed by the type option.


        0. Auto configure
        1. Quantum ProDrive 80S
        2. Quantum ProDrive 105S
        3. CDC Wren IV 94171-344
        4. SUN0104
        5. SUN0207
        6. SUN0327
        7. SUN0340
        8. SUN0424
        9. SUN0535
        10. SUN0669
        11. SUN1.0G
        12. SUN1.05
        13. SUN1.3G
        14. SUN2.1G
        15. SUN2.9G
        16. SUN-3310-0100
			17. other
Specify disk type (enter its number)[16]: 0
c1t1d0: configured with capacity of 33.34GB
<SUN-3310-0200 cyl 34145 alt 2 hd 16 sec 128>
selecting c1t1d0
[disk formatted]

6. Type label and answer y when prompted to continue.

format> label
Ready to label disk, continue? y

Note - For further information on partitioning, see the Solaris format(1M) man page.

F.5 Making JBODs Visible to Hosts Running the Solaris Operating Environment

If the JBOD cabling is correct and the drives are still not visible, run the devfsadm utility to rescan the drives. The new disks can be seen when you perform the format command.

If the drives are still not visible, reboot the host(s) with the reboot -- -r command so that the drives are visible to the host.