C H A P T E R  2

Configuring the Cluster
Platform 280/3 System

While the hardware and software for your Cluster Platform is preinstalled at the factory, there are configuration and customization procedures you need to perform to tailor the system to your specific environment.

This chapter contains the configuration and customization procedures that you must perform when you first install your system.

Before you perform these procedures, you should record and save your site-specific information on the worksheet provided in this chapter.

Overview of Tasks

The following is an overview of the tasks required to add the cluster nodes to your network environment and to configure the shared storage.

To integrate your system into a production environment, you must:

1. Configure the hardware (connect power cords and network cables)

2. Configure the terminal concentrator.

3. Configure the management server.

4. Customize the cluster environment.

5. Boot up the Sun StorEdgetrademark T3 disk arrays.

6. Install the Sun Management Center software (optional).

7. Launch the Cluster Console for both nodes.

8. Install the software stack on both cluster nodes.

9. Configure the VERITAS volume manager (if used).

10. Configure the shared storage with Solstice DiskSuite or the VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM). Configuration includes the creation of disk sets (or disk groups), disk volumes, and file systems.

11. Install and configure your highly available applications.

12. Establish the NAFO, resource groups, logical hosts, and data services required to support your highly available applications.

Note - Because each site has different needs, this document does not provide specific instructions for Task 10 through Task 12.

Collecting Site-Specific Information

Use FIGURE 2-1 to record site-specific information that is needed to complete the procedures in this guide. Names and addresses shown in the center column represent the examples used in this guide. Assign names and addresses (routed or non-routed) that are appropriate for your site.

TABLE 2-1 Worksheet


Used In this Guide

Your Value

Terminal concentrator




IP address (admin network)


Subnet mask1


Load host address1


Broadcast address


Dump address1


Management Server


Host name



IP address (eri0 on admin net)


Subnet mask1


Default router IP address (admin net)







Default router IP address



Network mask1


Cluster Node 1





IP address
(qfe0 on production network)



Ethernet address



Cluster Node 2





IP address
(qfe0 on production network)



Ethernet address



Internal Admin Network Addresses

Internal network IP address


Network mask1


Management server IP address (eri1)


network hostname


Set automatically

Cluster node 1, IP address


Cluster node 1, hostname


Set automatically

Cluster node 2, IP address


Cluster node 2, hostname


Set automatically

T3 Array 1




Internal network IP address


Ethernet address2

(must have two digits between each colon)




T3 Array 2




Internal network IP address


Ethernet address2

(must have two digits between each colon)






Private interconnect
IP address1


Private interconnect Netmask1


Choose one volume manager product:

  • Solstice DiskSuite
  • VERITAS Volume Manager3



(Optional) Two VERITAS
license keys: node 1

node 2


1. The default value is often an acceptable choice for this address.2. The Ethernet address for each cluster node is located on the Customer Information, System Record sheet supplied with your system. Use the serial number on the information sheet and on the back of each node to correctly identify the Ethernet address. Ethernet addresses are located on the T3 arrays as shown in FIGURE 2-1.3. You must obtain two VERITAS license keys if you intend to use the VERITAS Volume Manager product on your Cluster Platform. These license keys are not needed if you plan to use Solstice DiskSuite instead of VERITAS Volume Manager.

FIGURE 2-1 shows the location of the Ethernet address for the T3 arrays.

 FIGURE 2-1 Location of Ethernet Address on Sun StorEdge Disk Array Pull Tab

Diagram showing the location of the Ethernet address label on the Sun StorEdge Array.

Configuring the Hardware

procedure icon  To Install the Cluster Platform 280/3 Hardware

1. Connect the Cluster Platform 280/3 electrical cords to two separate power sources, but do not turn on the power to the Cluster Platform at this time.

See Power and Heating Requirements.

2. Connect the Cluster Platform 280/3 to your network(s) as described in the following steps and shown in FIGURE 2-2:

a. Connect the eri0 port of the management server to your administration network.

If you do not have an administration network, connect eri0 to your production network.

b. Connect the Ethernet port on the terminal concentrator to your administration network.

If you do not have an administration network, connect the Ethernet port to your production network.

c. Connect the qfe0 port on node 2 to your production network.

d. Connect the qfe4 port on node 2 to your production network.

This connection provides connectivity for network automatic failover (NAFO).

e. Connect the qfe0 port on node 1 to your production network.

f. Connect the qfe4 port on node 1 to your production network.

This connection provides connectivity for network automatic failover (NAFO).

Note - For details on the internal cable connections see Appendix B.

 FIGURE 2-2 Cluster Platform 280/3 Connections to Your Networks

Figure showing the location of the cable connections in the rack.

Configuring the Software

When your system is shipped from the factory, the management server is pre-loaded with all of the necessary software to install the Solaris operating environment and Sun Cluster software on the cluster nodes. You must configure the terminal concentrator first.

caution icon

Caution - You must enter the correct parameters during the initial configuration, or the system will not configure properly.

procedure icon  To Configure the Terminal Concentrator

Because the Cluster Platform does not have a monitor, it is only accessible from another system that you provide (referred to as the local system in this guide). The local system is simply used as a remote display to the management server, and it must be connected to the same network as the Cluster Platform. You do not need to permanently dedicate any particular system as the local system. It can be any system that is convenient at the time. For the first several steps, however, the local system needs to be in close proximity to the Cluster Platform (for connecting a temporary cable connection for tip) and it should be running Solaris (or use a laptop as described in Appendix A).

1. Power on the expansion cabinet power sequencers, and then power on all individual system components, except for the Sun StorEdge T3 disk arrays.

caution icon

Caution - Do not power on the Sun StorEdge T3 disk arrays until instructed to do so on "Invalid Cross-Reference".

2. Provide console connectivity from the local system to the terminal concentrator:

Note - The initial access to the terminal concentrator is performed using the tip command through a serial port of the local system to Port 1 of the terminal concentrator.

a. Disconnect the serial cable (part no. 530-9524) from Port 1 of the terminal concentrator.

b. Connect the RJ-45 end of the serial cable (part no. 530-2151) to Port 1 of the terminal concentrator and the other end, DB-25 male, to serial port B of your
local system.

 FIGURE 2-3 Terminal Concentrator Serial Port 1

Figure showing the location of port 1 on the terminal concentrator.

3. From a terminal window on the local system, type the following command:

# /usr/bin/tip hardwire

The tip(1M) command connects the local system I/O to the terminal concentrator I/O during an interactive session.

Note - If the port is busy, see Appendix C for information on configuring another port for a tip connection.

4. Configure the terminal concentrator:

  • Power on the terminal concentrator.
  • Within 5 seconds after power on, press and release the TEST button.

The terminal concentrator undergoes a series of diagnostics tests that take approximately 60 seconds to complete.

Following the diagnostics tests, the tip window of the local system displays:

System Reset - Entering Monitor Mode 

5. Configure the network addressing information for the terminal concentrator.

Use the addr, addr -d, and sequence commands to modify and verify the network configuration of the terminal concentrator. Refer to your completed worksheet for the network address information.

In the following example, replace the addresses shown in italics with the appropriate addresses for your network environment.

monitor:: addr
 Enter Internet address []::
 Internet address:
 Enter Subnet mask []::
 Subnet mask: 
 Enter Preferred load host Internet address [<any host>]::
 Preferred load host address:
 Enter Broadcast address []::
 Broadcast address:
 Enter Preferred dump address []::
 Preferred dump address:
 Select type of IP packet encapsulation (ieee802/ethernet) [<ethernet>]:: ethernet
 Type of IP packet encapsulation: <ethernet> :: ethernet 
 Load Broadcast Y/N [Y]:: N
 Load Broadcast: N
monitor:: addr -d
 Ethernet address (hex): 00-80-2D-ED-21-23
 Internet address:
 Subnet masks:
 Preferred load host address:
 Broadcast address:
 Preferred dump address:
 Type of IP packet encapsulation: ethernet
 Load Broadcast: N
monitor:: sequence
Enter a list of 1 to 4 interfaces to attempt to use for downloading code or upline dumping. Enter them in the order they should be tried, separated by commas or spaces. Possible interfaces are:
 Ethernet: net
 SELF: self
Enter interface sequence [net]:: self
 Interface sequence: self

6. Terminate your tip session by entering ~. (tilde and period).

monitor:: ~.

7. Power cycle the terminal concentrator to apply the IP address changes and wait at least two minutes for the terminal concentrator to activate its network.

8. Return the system to the factory cable configuration:

a. Remove the cable that you connected for the earlier tip step.

Disconnect the serial cable (part no. 530-2151) from port 1 of the terminal concentrator and from the local system.

b. Reconnect the serial cable (part no. 530-9524) to Port 1 of the terminal concentrator.

Note - At this time, the cluster configuration should be cabled as originally shipped from the factory.

9. From the local system, type the following command to verify that the terminal concentrator responds to the new IP address:

# /usr/sbin/ping is alive

The local system must be connected to the same network to which the terminal concentrator was configured.

10. Access the terminal concentrator using the telnet command:

# telnet
Connected to 
Escape character is '^]'. 
Enter Annex port name or number: cli
Annex Command Line Interpreter   *   Copyright 1991 Xylogics, Inc. 
annex: su
Password: (password defaults to the assigned IP address)

Note - The default password matches the IP address of the terminal concentrator. You can change the default password of the terminal concentrator to avoid unnecessary security exposure. Refer to the terminal concentrator documentation for more information.

11. Edit the terminal concentrator config.annex file:

annex#  edit config.annex   

The terminal concentrator opens an editing session for the config.annex file.

12. Type the following information into the config.annex file. Replace with the appropriate default router address for the management server in your network.

% gateway
net default gateway metric 1 hardwired 
Ctrl-W: save and exit  Ctrl-X: exit  Ctrl-F: page down  Ctrl-B: page up 

13. Type Ctrl+W to save the changes and exit the config.annex file.

14. Enable access to all ports.

annex# admin
Annex administration MICRO-XL-UX R7.0.1, 8 ports
admin: port all
admin: set port mode slave
       You may need to reset the appropriate port, Annex subsystem 
       or reboot the Annex for changes to take effect.
admin: quit

15. Reboot the terminal concentrator.

annex#: boot
bootfile: <CR>
warning: <CR>
       *** Annex ( shutdown message from port v1 ***
       Annex ( going down IMMEDIATELY

After 90 seconds, the terminal concentrator and all ports will be accessible from outside the subnet. Use the /usr/sbin/ping command to determine when the terminal concentrator is ready to be used.

procedure icon  To Configure the Management Server

caution icon

Caution - On the local system, you must set and export the TERM environment variable to a value that emulates the kind of terminal you are using. This setting should also correlate with the terminal emulation you choose on "Invalid Cross-Reference" in Step 7. If this is not done, the text might not display properly on the screen.

When executing commands on the management server from the local system, verify that the DISPLAY shell environment variable (on the management server) is set to the IP address of the local system (local host).

In the following steps, replace the italicized examples with the appropriate names and addresses from the worksheet.

1. From your local system, access the terminal concentrator:

Telnet to the terminal concentrator, and select Port 1. The following steps will assist you in the configuration of the management server; at the conclusion of the steps, the management server will reboot, and you will be asked a series of questions to configure the cluster.

The following are the port designations:

  • Port 1 = management server
  • Port 2 = cluster node 1
  • Port 3 = cluster node 2
  • # telnet
    Connected to 
    Escape character is '^]' <CR>
    Rotaries Defined:
    Enter Annex port name or number: 1

2. Type Ctrl+] and type send brk at the telnet prompt to make sure that the management server is at the "ok" OpenBoot PROM prompt.

3. Set auto-boot? to true from the OBP prompt as follows:

ok setenv auto-boot? true


4. Boot the management server from the OBP prompt to start the configuration process.

The management server boots and begins asking you to define information that is specific to your site.

ok boot disk
Resetting ... 
LOM event: +17h48m45s host reset
Netra T1 200 (UltraSPARC-IIe 500MHz), No Keyboard
OpenBoot 4.0, 1 GB memory installed, Serial #16641800.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:fd:ef:8, Host ID: 80fdef08.
Executing last command: boot disk                                     
Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@8/disk@0,0  File and args: 
SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic_108528-12 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Hostname: unknown
metainit: unknown: there are no existing databases
Configuring /dev and /devices
Configuring the /dev directory (compatibility devices)
The system is coming up.  Please wait.

caution icon

Caution - The following steps provide critical information for configuring the cluster platform. Use the information you collected in the worksheet.

5. Select a language.

Select a Language
  0. English
  1. French
  2. German
  3. Italian
  4. Japanese
  5. Spanish
  6. Swedish
Please make a choice (0 - 6), or press h or ? for help: 0

6. Choose a locale.

 Select a Locale
   0. English (C - 7-bit ASCII)
   1. Albania (ISO8859-2)
   2. Australia (ISO8859-1)
   3. Belgium-Flemish (ISO8859-1)
   4. Belgium-Flemish (ISO8859-15 - Euro)
   5. Bosnia (ISO8859-2)
   6. Brazil (ISO8859-1)
   7. Bulgaria (ISO8859-5)
   8. Canada-English (ISO8859-1)
   9. Catalan, Spain (ISO8859-1)
  10. Catalan, Spain (ISO8859-15 - Euro)
  11. Croatia (ISO8859-2)
  12. Czech Republic (ISO8859-2)
  13. Denmark (ISO8859-1)
  14. Denmark (ISO8859-15 - Euro)
  15. Egypt (ISO8859-8)
  16. Estonia (ISO8859-15)
  17. Finland (ISO8859-1)
  18. Finland (ISO8859-15 - Euro)
Press Return to show more choices.
Please make a choice (0 - 52), or press h or ? for help: 0

Note - When the correct terminal type is used, the text at the bottom of most of the screens in steps 3 through 19 shows function keys instead of escape sequences for the options. If the terminal cannot interpret the function keys properly, the screens will show escape sequences. Most of the screens also have different options than those shown in the examples.
Selection screens have two options, escape sequences or:
Confirmation screens have three options, escape sequences or:

The only exception to these rules is the Time Zone selection screen, which has a Cancel option:

F2_Continue    F6_Help

F2_Continue    F4_Change    F6_Help

F2_Continue    F5_Cancel    F6_Help 

7. Select the appropriate terminal emulation:

Choose one of the terminal types from the list that best emulates the kind of terminal you are using on the local system.

What type of terminal are you using?
 1) ANSI Standard CRT
 2) DEC VT52
 3) DEC VT100
 4) Heathkit 19
 5) Lear Siegler ADM31
 6) PC Console
 7) Sun Command Tool
 8) Sun Workstation
 9) Televideo 910
 10) Televideo 925
 11) Wyse Model 50
 12) X Terminal Emulator (xterms)
 13) Other
Type the number of your choice and press Return: 3

After you select the terminal emulation, network connectivity is acknowledged.


8. Select Yes to the network connectivity question.

The eri0 interface on the management server is intended for connectivity to the administration network.

- Network Connectivity ------------------------------------------
Specify Yes if the system is connected to the network by one of the Solaris or vendor network/communication Ethernet cards that are supported on the Solaris CD. See your hardware documentation for the current list of supported cards.
Specify No if the system is connected to a network/communication card that is not supported on the Solaris CD, and follow the instructions listed under Help.
      [X] Yes
      [ ] No
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

9. Deselect Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) services.

Because the management server must have a fixed IP address and name recognized by outside clients, DHCP is not supported for this function:.

- DHCP ----------------------------------------------------------
On this screen you must specify whether or not this system should use DHCP for network interface configuration.  Choose Yes if DHCP is to be used, or No if the interfaces are to be configured manually.
WARNING: Because this machine booted from the network, DHCP support will not be enabled, if selected, until after the system reboots.
      Use DHCP
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

10. Select the primary network interface.

The management server configuration uses eri0 as the default primary network interface. This is the only interface you should configure at this time.

On this screen you must specify which of the following network
adapters is the system's primary network interface. Usually the correct choice is the lowest number. However, do not guess; ask your system administrator if you're not sure.
To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and
press Return to mark it [X].
      Primary network interface
      [X] eri0
      [ ] eri1
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

11. Define the host name of the management server.

- Host Name -----------------------------------------------------
On this screen you must enter your host name, which identifies this system on the network.  The name must be unique within your domain; creating a duplicate host name will cause problems on the network after you install Solaris.
A host name must be at least two characters; it can contain letters, digits, and minus signs (-).
    Host name: sc3sconf1-ms                         
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

12. Type the IP address for the eri0 port of the management server.

- IP Address ----------------------------------------------------
On this screen you must enter the Internet Protocol (IP) address for this system.  It must be unique and follow your site's address conventions, or a system/network failure could result.
IP addresses contain four sets of numbers separated by periods (for example
    IP address:
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

13. Select a subnet membership.

The default configuration is to provide network connectivity on a subnetted network.

- Subnets ----------------------------------------------------
On this screen you must specify whether this system is part of a subnet.  If you specify incorrectly, the system will have problems communicating on the network after you reboot.
To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and
press Return to mark it [X].
      System part of a subnet
      [X] Yes
      [ ] No
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

14. Specify a netmask.

- Netmask ----------------------------------------------------
On this screen you must specify the netmask of your subnet.  A default netmask is shown; do not accept the default unless you are sure it is correct for your subnet.  A netmask must contain four sets of numbers separated by periods (for example
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

15. Disable IPv6 support.

Currently, only version 4 of the IP software is supported. Verify that IPv6 support is disabled.

- IPv6 -------------------------------------------------------
On this screen you should specify whether or not IPv6, the next generation Internet Protocol, will be enabled on this machine.  Enabling IPv6 will have no effect if this machine is not on a network that provides IPv6 service. IPv4 service will not be affected if IPv6 is enabled.
To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and
press Return to mark it [X].
      Enable IPv6
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

16. Confirm the site-specific information for the management server:

- Confirm Information ------------------------------------------
Confirm the following information.  If it is correct, press F2;
to change any information, press F4.
                    Networked: Yes
                     Use DHCP: No
    Primary network interface: eri0
                    Host name: sc3sconf1-ms
                   IP address:
      System part of a subnet: Yes
                  Enable IPv6: No
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

17. Deselect Kerberos security.

Only standard UNIX security is currently supported.

- Configure Security Policy: ------------------------------------
Specify Yes if the system will use the Kerberos security mechanism.
Specify No if this system will use standard UNIX security.
      Configure Kerberos Security
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

18. Confirm your selection for Kerberos security.

Verify that Kerberos security is not configured.

 -Confirm Information -----------------------------------------
  Confirm the following information.  If it is correct, press F2;
  to change any information, press F4.
    Configure Kerberos Security: No
  Esc-2_Continue    Esc-4_Change    Esc-6_Help

19. Select None for the name service menu.

For this function, you must select None. After the management server and cluster nodes are configured, you can manually set up a name service.

 -Name Service --------------------------------------------------
On this screen you must provide name service information.  Select the name service that will be used by this system, or None if your system will either not use a name service at all, or if it will use a name service not listed here.
To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option
and press Return to mark it [X].
      Name service
      [ ] NIS+
      [ ] NIS
      [ ] DNS
      [ ] LDAP
      [X] None
 Esc-2_Continue    Esc-6_Help

20. Confirm the information for the name service.

Note - The two cluster nodes are automatically configured to not support any name services. This default configuration avoids the need to rely on external services. After the cluster nodes are configured, name services can be manually configured.

- Confirm Information ------------------------------------------
Confirm the following information.  If it is correct, press F2;
to change any information, press F4.
    Name service: None
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

21. Select your region:

- Time Zone ----------------------------------------------------
On this screen you must specify your default time zone.  You can specify a time zone in three ways:  select one of the geographic regions from the list, select other - offset from GMT, or other - specify time zone file.
To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and
press Return to mark it [X].
[ ] Asia, Western
[ ] Australia / New Zealand
[ ] Canada
[ ] Europe
[ ] Mexico
[ ] South America
[X] United States
[ ] other - offset from GMT
[ ] other - specify time zone file
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

22. Select your time zone.

Note - Verify that you select the correct time zone. The following is an example only.

- Time Zone ----------------------------------------------------
To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and
press Return to mark it [X].
      Time zones
      [ ] Eastern
      [ ] Central
      [ ] Mountain
      [X] Pacific
      [ ] East-Indiana
      [ ] Arizona
      [ ] Michigan
      [ ] Samoa
      [ ] Alaska
      [ ] Aleutian
      [ ] Hawaii
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

23. Set the date and time:

- Date and Time -----------------------------------------------
Accept the default date and time or enter
new values.
  Date and time: 2001-10-05 11:15
    Year   (4 digits) : 2001
    Month  (1-12)     : 10
    Day    (1-31)     : 05
    Hour   (0-23)     : 11
    Minute (0-59)     : 04
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

24. Confirm the date and time, and time zone information:

- Confirm Information -------------------------------------------
Confirm the following information.  If it is correct, press F2;
to change any information, press F4.
        Time zone: US/Pacific
    Date and time: 2001-10-05 11:04:00
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

25. Create a secure root password for the management server.

On this screen you can create a root password.
A root password can contain any number of characters, but only the first eight characters in the password are significant. (For example, if you create `a1b2c3d4e5f6' as your root password, you can use `a1b2c3d4' to gain root access.)
You will be prompted to type the root password twice; for security, the password will not be displayed on the screen as you type it.
If you do not want a root password, press RETURN twice.
Root password: abc
Re-enter your root password. abc
Press Return to continue.

The system reboots, and the cluster environment customization starts. After the system customization is completed, the management server installs the Solstice DiskSuite software and configures itself as an installation server for the cluster nodes.

procedure icon  To Customize the Cluster Environment

caution icon

Caution - The following steps provide critical information for configuring the cluster nodes. Use the information you added to the worksheet to answer the questions in the following procedure.

1. Confirm (or deny) that the management server information you entered in the previous procedure is correct.

Before the cluster environment customization script starts, you are given the chance to decide if you want to continue, or if you want to re-enter the information from the previous procedure.

You have just finished the system identification for the 
(MS) Management Server.
Before continuing, the system identification information 
previously entered must be correct. It will be used for 
setup and configuration of the cluster environment and 
can not be changed with out a complete recovery from the
recovery CD/DVD for the MS.
Is the MS system ID information correct ? 
Do you want to continue with the setup ? (y/n)y
System ID information is correct. Continuing with setup
and configuration for cluster environment.

Based on your response to this question, take the following action:

  • y (yes)--proceed to Step 2.
  • n (no)--the system will unconfigure the management server configuration information and halt. Return to "Invalid Cross-Reference", Step 4 to repeat the previous procedure.

2. Specify the default router address for the cluster:

Enter the Management Server's Default Router (Gateway) IP Address...

3. Specify the terminal concentrator name and enter the IP address:

Enter the Terminal Concentrator Name...TC
Enter the Terminal Concentrator's IP Address...

4. Enter the following cluster environment names and addresses.

Note - In the following examples, many of the default addresses are selected by pressing return. You can use the default internal admin network addresses as long as they do not conflict with the network addressing in your network environment.

-- Cluster Environment and Public Network Settings (Cluster Nodes) --
Enter the Cluster Nodes Default Router (Gateway) IP Address... router_IP_address
Enter the Cluster Environment Name (node names will follow)... sc
Enter the Public Network Mask for the Cluster Nodes: []... <cr>
Enter the First Cluster Node's Name... node1
Enter the First Cluster Node's IP Address... node1_IP_address
	NOTE: Please double check that you are entering the 
		correct MAC address.  This cluster node will not setup
	correctly if the wrong MAC Address is entered
Enter the First Cluster Node's Ethernet Address... 8:0:20:fb:29:8e
Enter the Second Cluster Node's Name...node2
Enter the Second Cluster Node's IP Address...node2_IP_address
	NOTE: Please double check that you are entering the 
	correct MAC address.  This cluster node will not setup 
	correctly if the wrong MAC Address is entered
Enter the Second Cluster Node's Ethernet Address... 8:0:20:fb:1a:55

5. Enter the internal administration network addresses.

----- Internal Admin Network Settings (MS, Cluster Nodes and T3's) ------
>>> Network Address for the Internal Admin Network <<<
	The internal admin network uses the default address 
    If this network address is already in use elsewhere within your
	enterprise, you must use another address from the range of
	recommended private addresses (see RFC 1918 for details).
	If you do select another network address, note that the
	last octet must be zero to reflect a network.
	The default netmask is; you can select another
	netmask, as long as it masks all of the bits in the network
Enter the Internal Admin Network Address: []... <cr>
Enter the Internal Admin Network Mask: []... <cr>
Enter the Admin Network IP Address for the Management Server: []...<cr>     
 NOTE: The assigned admin network hostname will be MS-280R-admin
Enter the Admin Network IP Address for the First Cluster Node: []... <cr>
    NOTE: The assigned admin network hostname will be node1-admin
Enter the Admin Network IP Address for the Second Cluster Node: []... <cr>
    NOTE: The assigned admin network hostname will be node2-admin


6. Enter the T3 array names and internal network addresses.

You can accept the default values if they do not conflict with existing addresses in your network environment.

Enter the First T3's Name... T3-01
Enter the admin network IP address for the first T3... []...<cr>
    NOTE: Please double check that you are entering the correct
	 MAC address. This T3 will not function correctly if the wrong
	 MAC Address is entered
Enter the First T3's Ethernet Address... 00:20:f2:00:3e:a6
Enter the Second T3's Name... T3-02
Enter the admin network IP address for the second T3... []...<cr>
    NOTE: Please double check that you are entering the correct
	 MAC address. This T3 will not function correctly if the wrong
	 MAC Address is entered
Enter the Second T3's Ethernet Address... 00:20:f2:00:04:d6


Note - The T3 ethernet addresses must include both digits of each octet as shown in the following example, for example, 00:12:e2:00:4c:4b is typed instead of 0:12:e2:0:4c:4b. If this is not entered correctly, the T3 host information may not be set properly.

7. Specify the network address of the private interconnect:

  • To accept the default network address, type y.
  • To specify a different address, type n, followed by the network address.
Refer to the worksheet.
 >>> Network Address for the Cluster Transport <<<
The private cluster transport uses a default network address of But, if this network address is already in use elsewhere within your enterprise, you may need to select another address from the range of recommended private addresses (see RFC 1597 for details).
If you do select another network address, please bear in mind that
the Sun Clustering software requires that the rightmost two octets
always be zero.
The default netmask is; you may select another netmask,
as long as it minimally masks all bits given in the network address
and does not contain any holes.
Is it okay to accept the default network address [] (y/n) y

Note - For the range of recommended private addresses, refer to Section 3 of the Request for Comments (RFC) 1918 Internet standard from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

8. Specify the netmask address of the private interconnect:

  • To accept the default netmask address, type y.
  • To specify a different netmask address, type n, followed by the netmask address.
  • Is it okay to accept the default netmask [] (y/n) y

9. Confirm the assigned names and addresses:

  • If all are correct, type y.
  • If any of the values are not correct, type n, and the line number of the item to change, followed by the correct value.
  • Type 99 to quit the update mode when all values are displayed correctly.
    Management Server "MS-280R" ( at 8:0:20:fd:ef:8
    Option  External Admin Network Setting
    ------- -------------------------------------------------------------
         1) Management Server's Default Router=
         2) Terminal Server's Name= TC
         3) Terminal Server's IP Address=
    Option  Cluster Environment and Public Network Settings
    ------  -------------------------------------------------------------
         4) Cluster Name= sc
         5) Cluster Nodes Default Router= router_IP_address
         6) Public Network Mask for the Cluster Nodes=
         7) First Node's Name= node1
         8) First Node's IP Address= node1_IP_address
         9) First Node's Ethernet Address= 8:0:20:fb:29:8e
        10) Second Node's Name= node2
        11) Second Node's IP Address= node2_IP_addres
        12) Second Node's Ethernet Address= 8:0:20:fb:1a:55
    Option  Internal Admin Network Settings Network Settings
    ------  -------------------------------------------------------------
        13) Internal Admin Network address=
        14) Internal Admin Netmask=}
        15) Admin IP Address for the Management Server=
        16) Admin IP Address for the First Cluster Node=
        17) Admin IP Address for the Second Cluster Node=
        18) First T3's Host Name= T3-01
        19) First T3's Admin Network IP Address=
        20) First T3's Ethernet Address= 00:20:f2:00:3e:a6
        21) Second T3's Host Name= T3-02
        22) Second T3's Admin Network IP Address=
        23) Second T3's Ethernet Address= 00:20:f2:00:04:d6
    Option  Cluster Private Interconnect Settings
    ------  -------------------------------------------------------------
        24) Private Interconnect Network Address=
        25) Private Interconnect Netmask=
    Option  Finish Updates
    ------  -------------------------------------------------------------
        99) quit update mode....
      Are all variables correctly set y/n? y 

10. When prompted, choose one of the following volume manager products:

  • Solstice DiskSuite--type y
  • VERITAS Volume Manager--type n
  • Storage Software Configuration <
    The Cluster nodes can be configured with either
    *Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 or Veritas VM 3.1.1*
    The default is Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 .
    If the installer does not except the default,
    Veritas Volume Manager 3.1.1 will be installed.
    By choosing VXVM 3.1.1 you will be making a choose
    to encapsulate your boot disk.
    A Veritas license is required for each node running
    VXVM 3.1.1 . You will be prompted during the install
    of each cluster node to enter the license key.
    Please have the license keys ready.
    Do you want to install Solaris Volume Manager 4.2.1 (y/n) y

The configuration files for the management server are configured for root and swap mirroring.
PLEASE WAIT: Setting up Management Server configuration files for jumpstart services
Preparing Management Server for root and swap mirroring.
System will reboot after setup!
Netra T1 200 (UltraSPARC-IIe 500MHz), No Keyboard
OpenBoot 4.0, 1 GB memory installed, Serial #16641800.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:fd:ef:8, Host ID: 80fdef08.

The management server reboots.


procedure icon  To Boot Up the T3 Arrays

1. Power on the Sun StorEdge T3 disk arrays.

Power on T3's at this point. If T3's are already powered up,
Power cycle them and let them reboot.
This will take 3-4 minutes !! 
Please Wait until T3's have completely rebooted.
Press the Return key when T3's are ready!

The disk arrays boot.

2. Press Return when the Sun StorEdge T3 disk arrays are finished booting.

procedure icon  To Set Up the Sun Management Center Software

Refer to the Sun Management Center 3.0 Installation Guide for additional details.

1. Choose to set up, or not set up the Sun Management Center (Sun MC) software:

  • Type y to set up Sun Management Center software (server, agent, and console) on the management server, and continue with Step 2.
  • Type n to set up the management server without configuring the Sun Management Center software, and proceed to To Launch the Cluster Console for Both Cluster Nodes. You can install the Sun Management Center software at another time by running the Sun Management Center setup script (/opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-setup).
  • - Do you want to setup Sun MC 3.0 (y/n) y

Note - If you receive an error that reports Missing Product License, you can do one of the following:
-Ignore the error, and run the SunMC software as usual. The license is used for SunMC advanced monitoring features. The standard features do not require a license.
-Obtain a SunMC license. Visit: http://www.sun.com/solaris/sunmanagementcenter

2. Answer the Sun Management Center installation questions as shown in the following example:

Sun Management Center Setup Program
This program does setup of Sun Management Center components that are installed on your system.
Checking for Sun Management Center components installed on your system.
You have the following Sun Management Center components installed
Sun Management Center Server
Sun Management Center Agent
Sun Management Center Console
Sun Management Center successfully configured for java: "Solaris_JDK_1.2.2_08"
Configuring the system for setup, please wait.
This part of setup generates security keys used for communications
between processes. A seed must be provided to initialize the keys.
Please make sure you use the same seed for all the machines you install.
You may like to keep record of this seed for future use.
Please enter the seed to generate keys:abc123 
Please re-enter the seed to confirm:abc123
You should setup a user as a Sun Management Center administrator.
This person will be added to the esadm and esdomadm groups.
Please enter a user to be the Sun Management Center administrator:root 
The Sun Management Center base URL is relative to the Sun Management Center Console.
The Sun Management Center Console is able to request help documentation via the network.

If you have installed Sun Management Center help documentation in an http-accessible location within your network, you may specify this location. If Sun Management Center help is installed on the console host, simply accept the default value.
Please enter base URL to Sun Management Center help [local]: <cr>
The base URL has been set to file:/opt/SUNWsymon/lib/locale
Starting Advanced System Monitoring setup
Checking config reader support for Advanced System Monitoring ...
Checking for required config reader done.
Creating /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/console-host-apps.cfg ...
Add Advanced System Monitoring as Sun Management Center application ...
Using /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/console-host-apps.cfg
/var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/details-applications-j.x updated.
Finished with Advanced System Monitoring setup
Starting Sun Management Center Service Availability Manager Setup
Setup for Service Availability Manager in progress, please wait.
Setup of Service Availability Manager complete.

3. Specify whether you want to install the Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K administration module.

  • Type y if you have Sun Fire 15K servers in your enterprise and you want to monitor them with Sun Management Center.
  • Type n if you do not have Sun Fire 15K servers in your environment.
  • ----------------------------------------------------------
    Starting Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15000 Server Setup
    Would you like to setup this Sun Management Center package? [y|n|q] n

4. Specify whether you want to install the Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K system controllers administration module.

  • Type y if you have Sun Fire 15K system controllers in your enterprise and you want to monitor them with Sun Management Center.
  • Type n if you do not have Sun Fire 15K system controllers in your environment.
  • ----------------------------------------------------
    Starting Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15000 System Controller Server Setup
    Would you like to setup this Sun Management Center package? [y|n|q] n

5. Specify whether you want to install the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 administration module.

  • Type y if you have Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 servers in your enterprise and you want to monitor them. Answer the additional installation prompts.
  • Type n if you do not have these Sun Fire servers in your environment.
  • For setting up Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration module you need to provide SC IP address, community strings, port numbers for domain agent etc.
    Do you want to setup Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration 
    module [y|n|q] n

6. Press y to install the Sun Management Center Netra t administration module for monitoring the management server and Sun StorEdge T3 arrays.

Starting Sun Management Center Netra t Setup
---> Platform Found: Netra T1
---> Netra t add-on Agent package found! <---
Do you want to setup Netra t Config Reader for this platform? [y|n|q] y

7. Press y to monitor the T3 arrays.

Do you want to setup T3 module [y|n|q] y

8. Press 3 to select the Add managed T3 routine.

Selecting 3 causes the script to prompt you with T3 setup questions.

Sun Management Center
StorEdge T3 Module Setup Program
This program will configure the StorEdge T3,
so that they can be managed by T3 Module
[1] List managed T3
[2] List available T3
[3] Add managed T3
[4] Remove managed T3
[5] Reconfigure managed T3
[6] Quit
Select the function you want to perform [1-6]: 3

9. Select 1 to display the list of available T3 arrays.

[1] add T3 from available T3 list.
[2] add new T3
[3] return to the main menu
Please press [1-3] 1

10. Type the line number of the first T3 array.

Note - Do not select any line numbers associated with the nodes.

Available T3:
                Name            IP Address
        1       node1 
        2       node2 
        3       T3-01 
        4       T3-02 
Add available T3 [1-4] 3

11. Type the root password for the selected T3 array, and press Return.

Input root password of T3-01:abc 
Check SunMC token files...
Check SunMC token files success.
Check logging status...
Check logging status success.
Press Enter to return: <CR>

12. Type 3 to configure Sun Management support for the second T3 array:

Sun Management Center
StorEdge T3 Module Setup Program
This program will configure the StorEdge T3,
so that they can be managed by T3 Module
[1] List managed T3
[2] List available T3
[3] Add managed T3
[4] Remove managed T3
[5] Reconfigure managed T3
[6] Quit
Select the function you want to perform [1-6]: 3

13. Type 1 to display the list of available arrays:

[1] add T3 from available T3 list.
[2] add new T3
[3] return to the main menu
Please press [1-3] 1

14. Type the line number of the second T3 array:

Note - Do not select any line numbers associated with the nodes.


Available T3:
                Name            IP Address
        1       node1 
        2       node2 
        3       T3-02 
Add available T3 [1-3] 3

15. Type the root password for this T3 array, and press Return.

Input root password of T3-02:abc
Check SunMC token files...
Check SunMC token files success.
Check logging status...
Check logging status success.
Press ENTER to return: <CR>

16. Type 6 to exit the T3 module setup program.

The Sun Management Center software will install the module that supports monitoring of T3 arrays.

Sun Management Center
StorEdge T3 Module Setup Program
This program will configure the StorEdge T3,
so that they can be managed by T3 Module
[1] List managed T3
[2] List available T3
[3] Add managed T3
[4] Remove managed T3
[5] Reconfigure managed T3
[6] Quit
Select the function you want to perform [1-6]: 6

17. Specify whether you want to install the Sun Management Center CP2000 administration module.

  • Type y to use Sun Management Center to monitor any CP2000 systems (SPARCengine based systems with compact PCI) in your enterprise network and you want to monitor them with Sun Management Center.
  • Type n if you do not have CP2000 systems in your environment.
  • ----------------------------------------------------------
    Starting Sun Management Center CP2000 Application Setup
    PLATFORM_FILE= /var/opt/SUNWsymon/platform/platform.prop
    ---> Visa application add-on Agent package found! <---
    Do you want to setup the CP2000 applications for this platform? [y|n|q] n 

18. If you receive the following question, specify whether you want to install the Sun Management Center CP2000/CP1500 server module.

  • Type y to use Sun Management Center to monitor any CP2000/CP1500 platforms in your enterprise and you want to monitor them with Sun Management Center.
  • Type n if you do not have CP2000/CP1500 platforms in your environment.
  • -----------------------------------------------------------
    Starting Sun Management Center CP2000/CP1500 Server Setup
    PLATFORM_FILE= /var/opt/SUNWsymon/platform/platform.prop
    ---> Visa Server add-on package found! <---
    Do you want to setup the Server Package for the CP2000/CP1500 platforms? [y|n|q] n

19. Press y (mandatory) to start the Sun Management Center components, and wait for the Sun Management Center database setup to complete.

Starting Sun Management Center WGS Setup
Using /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/console-tools.cfg
/var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/tools-extension-j.x updated.
Sun Management Center setup complete.
 Please wait, Sun Management Center database setup in progress. It may take 15 
to 20 minutes
Do you want to start Sun Management Center agent and server components now 
[y|n|q] y
 Waiting for service registration... Running Services...

procedure icon  To Launch the Cluster Console for Both Cluster Nodes

1. Type the command /usr/openwin/bin/xhost (the administration IP address of the management server) to allow your windows manager to display screens from remote systems.

2. After the management server reboots, log in as root to start the installation of the cluster software stack described in the following steps.

MS-280R console login: root
Password: abc
Last login: Thu Sep 20 22:53:51 on console
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.8       Generic February 2000
You can produce console windows for each cluster node.
Set DISPLAY variable, export DISPLAY then execute: 
ccp $CLUSTER &

3. Type the following command to ensure that the DISPLAY environment variable on the management server is set to the IP address of the local host (the local system):

# DISPLAY=local_host_IP:0.0; export DISPLAY

When executing the ccp(1M) command remotely, you must ensure that the DISPLAY shell environment variable is set to the IP address of the local host.

4. Type the following command to launch the Cluster Control Panel:

# ccp $CLUSTER &

When the ccp $CLUSTER & command is executed, the Cluster Control Panel window is displayed (see FIGURE 2-4).

 FIGURE 2-4 Cluster Control Panel Window

Screen shot showing the cluster control panel window.

5. In the Cluster Control Panel window, double-click the Cluster Console (cconsole) icon to display a Cluster Console window for each cluster node (see FIGURE 2-5).

 FIGURE 2-5 Cluster Nodes Console Windows

Screen shot showing the cconsole windows for node 1 and node 2.

To type text into both node windows simultaneously, type commands in the Cluster Console window.

The text does not display in the Cluster Console window, but displays in both node windows. This ensures that both nodes execute the commands simultaneously.

The console windows for both cluster nodes are grouped (the three windows move in unison--FIGURE 2-5). To ungroup the Cluster Console window from the cluster node console windows, select Options from the Hosts menu (FIGURE 2-6) and deselect the Group Term Windows checkbox.

Note - You can stop the cluster nodes and access the OpenBoot PROM (OBP) prompt by positioning the cursor in the Cluster Console window and typing Ctrl+]. This control character sequence displays the telnet prompt. Typing send brk (equivalent to a stop-a) at the telnet prompt forces access to the OBP prompt.


 FIGURE 2-6 Cluster Console Window

Screen shot showing the location of the Options pull-down menu.

procedure icon  To Install the Software Stack on Both Cluster Nodes

1. Use the Cluster Console window to type the following command into both nodes simultaneously:

boot net - install

boot net - You must use spaces before and after the dash (-) character in the
"install" command string.

The following software is automatically installed on both cluster nodes:

  • Solaris 8 10/01 operating environment
  • Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 or VERITAS Volume Manager 3.1.1, depending on your selection on "Invalid Cross-Reference" in Step 10.
  • Sun Cluster 3.0 and recommended patches

All patches are applied and system files are configured to produce a basic cluster environment.


2. Take one of the following actions based on the volume manager product you chose on "Invalid Cross-Reference" in Step 10:

3. Log in to each cluster node as a superuser (password is abc) and change the default password to a secure password:

# passwd
passwd: Changing password for root
New password: secure-password-choice
Re-enter new password: secure-password-choice

4. Install the Sun Management Center agent on the cluster nodes.

Installing the Sun Management Center agent enables you to use Sun Management Center software to monitor the nodes. For installation instructions, refer to the Sun Management Center 3.0 Installation Guide.

5. Configure the Sun StorEdge T3 array shared disk storage.

Configure the T3 array volume configuration if you do not plan to use the default T3 configuration. Refer to the T3 documentation that shipped with your Cluster Platform.

Configure the storage using Solstice DiskSuite, then create disk sets, metadevices, and file systems that suit your needs. Refer to the Solstice DiskSuite documentation.

6. Proceed to Finishing Up.

procedure icon  To Configure VERITAS Volume Manager

caution icon

Caution - The following instructions only apply to configurations that are using VERITAS Volume Manager instead of Solstice DiskSuite. Only follow this procedure if you selected to use VERITAS Volume Manager on "Invalid Cross-Reference" in Step 10, and you have your two VERITAS license keys.

You must have two valid VERITAS license keys (one for each node) to complete this procedure.

1. In the Cluster Console window (cconsole) choose to encapsulate the root disk, and type the pathname of the jumpstart program:

Configuring Quorum device and VXVM install
Oct  8 13:10:49 node1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: CMM: Cluster members: node1 node2.
Oct  8 13:10:49 node1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: CMM: node reconfiguration #4 completed.
Oct  8 13:10:51 node1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: CMM: Votecount changed from 0 to 1 for node node2.
Oct  8 13:10:51 node1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: CMM: Cluster members: node1 node2.
Oct  8 13:10:51 node1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: CMM: node reconfiguration #5 completed.
Oct  8 13:10:53 node1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: CMM: Quorum device 1 (/dev/did/rdsk/d2s2) added; votecount = 1, bitmask of nodes with 
configured paths = 0x3.
Oct  8 13:10:53 node1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: CMM: Registered key on and acquired quorum device 1 (gdevname /dev/did/rdsk/d2s2).
Oct  8 13:10:53 node1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: CMM: Quorum device /dev/did/rdsk/d2s2: owner set to node 1.
Oct  8 13:10:53 node1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: CMM: Cluster members: node1 node2.
Oct  8 13:10:53 node1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: CMM: node reconfiguration #6 completed.
Do you want Volume Manager to encapsulate root [yes]? yes
Where is the Volume Manager cdrom? 

Note - Ignore references to "cdrom" in the computer output.

2. In each individual node window, enter the license key for that node (obtained from VERITAS) to register your version of VERITAS Volume Manager:

Note - You must enter your own valid VERITAS license keys for the script to complete successfully. A VERITAS license key is made up of 23 digits and is formatted as follows:
1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 567 (This is an example only. Do not use this number).

caution icon

Caution - You must enter valid license keys. If the script detects an error in the license key, the script will not complete successfully.


(For node 1)
Volume Manager installation is complete.
Oct  8 15:34:03 node1 vxdmp: NOTICE: vxvm:vxdmp: added disk array 60020f20000004d60000000000000000
Oct  8 15:34:03 node1 vxdmp: NOTICE: vxvm:vxdmp: added disk array 60020f2000003ea00000000000000000
Please enter a Volume Manager license key: node_1_VERITAS_license_key


(For node 2)
Volume Manager installation is complete.
Oct  8 15:34:03 node2 vxdmp: NOTICE: vxvm:vxdmp: added disk array 60020f20000004d60000000000000000
Oct  8 15:34:03 node2 vxdmp: NOTICE: vxvm:vxdmp: added disk array 60020f2000003ea00000000000000000
Please enter a Volume Manager license key: node_2_VERITAS_license_key

3. In the Cluster Console window, wait for the installer script to display the login prompt:

     Setting up root mirror. This will take approximately 45min's
                             Please wait .... 
The system is ready.
node1 console login:

4. In each individual node window, log in to each cluster node as a superuser (password is abc) and change the default password to a secure password:

node1 console login: root
Password: abc
# passwd
passwd: Changing password for root
New password: secure-password-choice
Re-enter new password: secure-password-choice

node2 console login: root
Password: abc
# passwd
passwd: Changing password for root
New password: secure-password-choice
Re-enter new password: secure-password-choice

5. Install the Sun Management Center agent on the cluster nodes.

Installing the Sun Management Center agent enables Sun Management Center to monitor the nodes. For installation instructions, refer to the Sun Management Center 3.0 Installation Guide.

6. Configure the Sun StorEdge T3 array shared disk storage.

Configure the storage using VERITAS Volume Manager. Configure the volumes and file systems to suit your needs. Refer to the VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.

Note - The VERITAS Volume Manager VMSA packages are available on the management server in the /jumpstart/Packages/VM3.1.1 directory. If you want to use the VERITAS GUI, install the VMSA packages with the pkgadd command. Once installed, the Volume Manager man pages will be placed in the /opt/VRTS/man directory. Add this directory to your MANPATH variable to access these pages with the man command.

7. Proceed to Finishing Up.

Finishing Up

1. Install and configure your highly available application(s) for the cluster environment.

For additional details, refer to the manufacturers' documentation that accompanied your highly available application(s).
Refer to the following appendices for additional information about configuring the following software that came with your cluster platform:

Note - If you are planning to configure and run Oracle OPS on this cluster platform, you need to download and install patch 111158-03. Read the patch README file before installing this patch. This patch is a supplement patch to 111118-02. Patch 111118-02 is automatically installed on your cluster platform if you choose VERITAS Volume Manager as your choice of volume management product.

2. Establish network automatic failover (NAFO), resource groups, logical hosts, and data services to enable your application(s) under the Sun Cluster 3.0 infrastructure. Refer to the Sun Cluster 3.0 documentation. The path to the Sun Cluster data services is:


NAFO configuration and activation information is in the Sun Cluster 3.0 System Administration Guide that is installed on the management server.

Note - Before you use an editor in a Cluster Console window, verify that the TERM shell environment value is set and exported to a value that emulates the kind of input terminal your are using on the local system.