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Cluster Platform 4500/3 User's Guide

A product from the SunTonetrademark Platforms portfolio




1. Introduction

Tools for Reading Online Documentation

Netscape Navigator Browser

AnswerBook2 Server

Adobe Acrobat Reader

The man Command

Solaris Documentation

2. The Cluster Platform 4500/3 System

Your Integrated System

Task Overview

Hardware Components

Software Components

Cluster Platform Component Location

Power and Heating Requirements

Cabling the System

Customizing the Cluster Platform 4500/3

procedure iconsmall spaceCustomizing the Terminal Concentrator

procedure iconsmall spaceStarting the Cluster Console

procedure iconsmall spaceInstalling the Software Stack on Both Cluster Nodes

Cluster Platform 4500/3 Recovery

Before You Begin Recovery

Recovery CD-ROMs

Completing the Recovery Process

A. Laptop Settings to Access Monitor Mode

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Access the Terminal Concentrator from a Laptop

B. Console Output for the Automatic Software Install on the Cluster Nodes

C. Connections Within the Cluster Platform 4500/3

D. Troubleshooting the Cluster Platform 4500/3 Installation