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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxtemplate - install and administer volume templates and template sets


vxtemplate [-g diskgroup] [-p storage_pool] \
activate template=t1[,t2...]

vxtemplate [-g diskgroup] [-p poolname] \
deactivate template=t1[,t2...]

vxtemplate help [keywords | options]
vxtemplate [-C | -g diskgroup] [-ir] \
[-d file] [-p storage_pool]
install [template=t1[,t2...]] \
[capability=c1[,c2...]] \

vxtemplate [-C | -g diskgroup] [-p storage_pool] \
list [template=t1[,t2...]] \
[capability=c1[,c2...]] \
[template_set=ts1[,ts2...]] \

vxtemplate [-C | -g diskgroup] [-p storage_pool] \
listcapabilities [c1 [c2 ...]]

vxtemplate listpooldefinitions [pd1 [pd2 ...]]
vxtemplate listpoolsets [ps1 [ps2 ...]]
vxtemplate [-C | -g diskgroup] [-p storage_pool] \
listtemplates [t1 [t2 ...]]

vxtemplate listtemplatesets [ts1 [ts2 ...]]
vxtemplate [-C | -g diskgroup] [-p storage_pool] \
print [template=t1[,t2...]] \
[capability=c1[,c2...]] \
[template_set=ts1[,ts2...]] \
[storage_pool_set=ps1[,ps2...]] \

vxtemplate [-C | -g diskgroup] [-p storage_pool] \
printcapabilities [c1 [c2 ...]]

vxtemplate printpooldefinitions [pd1 [pd2 ...]]
vxtemplate printpoolsets [ps1 [ps2 ...]]
vxtemplate [-C | -g diskgroup] [-p storage_pool] \
printtemplates [t1 [t2 ...]]

vxtemplate printtemplatesets [ts1 [ts2 ...]]
vxtemplate [-g diskgroup] renamecapability c1 c2
vxtemplate [-g diskgroup] renametemplate t1 t2
vxtemplate [-C | -g diskgroup] [-p storage_pool] [-r] \
uninstall [template=t1[,t2...]] \
[capability=c1[,c2...]] \


The vxtemplate utility provides a command line interface for administering the volume templates and template sets that are used with the VERITAS Intelligent Storage Provisioning (ISP) feature of VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM).

The operations that can be performed by vxtemplate are selected by specifying the appropriate keyword on the command line. See the KEYWORDS section for a description of the available operations.

Most operations can be performed either on a configuration database if the -C option is specified, or on a single storage pool which is associated with a disk group. If a disk group is not specified by using the -g option, the default disk group that is aliased by defaultdg is selected.



Activates one or more templates in a disk group or storage pool.


Deactivates one or more templates in a disk group or storage pool.


Displays information on vxtemplate usage, keywords or options.


If the -C option is specified, installs one or more templates and/or capabilities in the configuration database.

Otherwise, install one or more templates, capabilities and/or template sets in the specified disk group and/or storage pool.

Note   Note    By default, installing a template also activates the template unless the -i option is specified.


If the -C option is specified, lists templates, capabilities, template sets, storage pool sets and/or storage pool definitions in the configuration database.

Otherwise, lists templates, capabilities and/or template sets that are installed in the specified disk group and/or storage pool.


If the -C option is specified, lists capabilities in the configuration database.

Otherwise, lists capabilities in the specified disk group and/or storage pool.


List the storage pool definitions in the configuration database.


List the storage pool sets in the configuration database.


If the -C option is specified, lists templates in the configuration database.

Otherwise, lists templates in the specified disk group and/or storage pool.


List the template sets in the configuration database.


If the -C option is specified, prints details of the templates and/or capabilities in the configuration database.

Otherwise, prints details of the templates and/or capabilities in the specified disk group and/or storage pool.


If the -C option is specified, prints details of the capabilities in the configuration database.

Otherwise, prints details of the capabilities in the specified disk group and/or storage pool.


Print details of the storage pool definitions in the configuration database.


Print details of the storage pool sets in the configuration database.


If the -C option is specified, prints details of the templates in the configuration database.

Otherwise, prints details of the templates in the specified disk group and/or storage pool.


Prints details of the template sets in the configuration database.


Renames a capability.


Renames a template.


If the -C option is specified, uninstalls templates and/or capabilities from configuration database.

Otherwise, uninstalls templates, capabilities and/or template sets from the specified disk group and/or storage pool.



Performs an operation on the configuration database.

-d file

Specifies a file from which to install templates and/or capabilities.

-g diskgroup

Specifies a disk group by name or ID for an operation. If this option is not specified, and an alternate default disk group is not defined by specifying the diskgroup attribute on the command line or in a defaults file (usually /etc/default/allocator), the default disk group is determined using the rules given in the vxdg(1M) manual page.


Prevents activation of a template on installation.

-p storage_pool

Specifies a storage pool for an operation.


Performs the install and uninstall operations recursively.


List all templates that are installed in the disk group mydg:

vxtemplate -g mydg listtemplates

List the templates t1 and t2, and the capabilities c1 and c2 that are installed in the storage pool mypool within the disk group mydg:

vxtemplate -g mydg -p mypool list template=t1,t2 capability=c1,c2

List all elements that are defined in the configuration database:

vxtemplate -C list

Print details of the template t1 and the capability c1 for the default disk group:

vxtemplate print template=t1 capability=c1

Print details of the templates Template1 and Template2, and the capability C1 from the configuration database:

vxtemplate -C print template=Template1,Template2 capability=c1

Rename the template mytemplate installed in disk group mydg as template1:

vxtemplate -g mydg renametemplate mytemplate template1

Install the templates from the file template1.txt into the configuration database:

vxtemplate -C -d template1.txt install

Install the templates HardwareReliable and SoftwareReliable, and the capability Reliable from the file template1.txt into the configuration database:

vxtemplate -C -d template1.txt install
  template=HardwareReliable,SoftwareReliable \

Install the templates t1 and t2, and the capabilities c1 and c2 into the disk group mydg:

vxtemplate -g mydg install template=t1,t2 \

Recursively uninstall the templates temp1 and temp2, and the capability cap1 from the configuration database:

vxtemplate -C -r uninstall template=temp1,temp2 \

List all the template sets known to the system:

vxtemplate listtemplateset

Print details of the template sets ts1 and ts2.

vxtemplate printtemplateset ts1 ts2


The vxtemplate utility exits with a non-zero status if the attempted operation fails. A non-zero exit code is not a complete indicator of the problems encountered, but rather denotes the first condition that prevented further execution of the utility.


If a template is associated with any ISP volumes, you cannot dissociate the template from a storage pool, or uninstall the template from a disk group without first deleting the volumes. To display which templates are associated with ISP volumes, use the following command:

vxvoladm -g diskgroup printintent volume_name ...


vxpool (1M), vxusertemplate (1M), vxvoladm (1M)
VERITAS Storage Foundation Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation