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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxpool - create and administer storage pools


vxpool [-g diskgroup] adddisk storage_pool dm=dm1[,dm2...]
vxpool [-g diskgroup ] assoctemplate storage_pool template=t1[,t2...]
vxpool [-g diskgroup ] assoctemplateset storage_pool template_set=ts1[,ts2...]
vxpool [-g diskgroup] create storage_pool [dm=dm1[,dm2...]]
[description=description] [autogrow=level] [selfsufficient=level]
[rules=rules] [pooldefinition=storage_pool_definition]

vxpool [-g diskgroup] [-r] delete storage_pool
vxpool [-g diskgroup] distemplate storage_pool template=t1[,t2...]
vxpool [-g diskgroup] distemplateset storage_pool template_set=ts1[,ts2...]
vxpool [-g diskgroup] getpolicy storage_pool
vxpool help [keywords | options | attributes]
vxpool [-g diskgroup ] list
vxpool listpoolsets
vxpool listpooldefinitions
vxpool [-g diskgroup] organize storage_pool_set
vxpool [-g diskgroup] print [storage_pool [storage_pool ...]]
vxpool printpooldefinitions [storage_pool_definition [storage_pool_definition ...]]
vxpool printpoolsets [storage_pool_set [storage_pool_set ...]]
vxpool [-g diskgroup] rename storage_pool new_pool_name
vxpool [-g diskgroup] rmdisk storage_pool dm=dm1[,dm2...]
vxpool [-g diskgroup] setpolicy storage_pool [autogrow=level] [selfsufficient=level]


The vxpool utility provides a command line interface for the creation and administration of storage pools that are used with the VERITAS Intelligent Storage Provisioning (ISP) feature of VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM).

The operations that can be performed by vxpool are selected by specifying the appropriate keyword on the command line. See the KEYWORDS section for a description of the available operations.

Most operations can be applied to a single disk group only. If a disk group is not specified by using the -g option, and an alternate default disk group is not defined by specifying the diskgroup attribute on the command line or in a defaults file (usually /etc/default/allocator), the default disk group is determined using the rules given in the vxdg(1M) manual page.



Adds one or more disks to a storage pool.


Associates one or more templates with a storage pool.


Associates one or more template sets with a storage pool.


Creates a storage pool and associate it with a disk group. This operation allows disks be added to the pool when it is created. Use the dm attribute to specified a comma-separated list of disk media names for these disks. Policies for the pool such as autogrow and selfsufficient can also be specified. By default, the values of autogrow and selfsufficient are set to 2 (diskgroup) and 1 (pool) respectively.

If you specify a storage pool definition, the storage pool is created using this definition. Any other rules or policies that you specify override the corresponding values in the definition.

Note   Note    Only a single data storage pool may be configured in a disk group. Any storage pools that you configure subsequently in a disk group are clone storage pools. A clone storage pool is used to hold instant full-sized snapshot copies of volumes in the data storage pool.


Deletes a storage pool. If the -r option is specified, any disks in the pool are also dissociated from the pool provided that they are not allocated to volumes.

Note   Note    If any volumes are configured in the storage pool, the command fails and returns an error.


Disassociates one or more templates from a storage pool.


Disassociates one or more template sets from a storage pool.


Displays the values of the policies that are set on a storage pool.


Displays information on vxpool usage, keywords, options or attributes.


Displays the storage pools (data and clone) that are configured in a disk group.


Lists all available storage pool sets.


Lists all available storage pool definitions.


Creates data and clone storage pools using the storage pool definitions that are contained in a storage pool set. Unique storage pool names are generated by appending a number to the definition name. If required, you can use the rename operation to change these names.


Displays the details of one or more storage pools. If no storage pool is specified, the details of all storage pools are displayed.


Displays the definitions for one or more storage pools. If no storage pool is specified, the definitions of all storage pools are displayed.


Displays the details of one or more storage pool sets. If no storage pool set is specified, the details of all storage pool sets are displayed.


Renames a storage pool.


Removes one or more disks from a storage pool. The disks to be removed are specified as a comma-separated list of disk media names to the dm attribute.

Note   Note    A disk cannot be removed from a storage pool if it is currently allocated to a volume.


Sets the value of the autogrow and/or the selfsuffiecient policy for a storage pool. See the ATTRIBUTES section for a description of the policy level values that may be specified.


-g diskgroup

Specifies a disk group by name or ID for an operation. If this option is not specified, and an alternate default disk group is not defined by specifying the diskgroup attribute on the command line or in a defaults file (usually /etc/default/allocator), the default disk group is determined using the rules given in the vxdg(1M) manual page.


Removes all disks from a storage pool as part of a delete operation.



A storage pool's autogrow policy determines whether the pool can be grown to accommodate additional storage. If set to 1 or pool, the pool cannot be grown, and only storage that is currently configured in the pool can be used. If set to 2 or diskgroup}, it can be grown by bringing in additional storage from the disk group outside the storage pool.

The default value of autogrow is 2 (diskgroup).


Provides a short description of the pool that is being created.


Specifies disks by their disk media names (for example, mydg01). The disks must have already been initialized by VERITAS Volume Manager.


Specifies the name of the pool definition that is to be used for creating a storage pool.


Specifies the rules that are to be applied when creating a storage pool. The rules that are supported for storage pools are affinity, confineto, select, exclude, separateby, and strong separateby. Multiple rules may be specified by spaces.


A storage pool's selfsufficient policy determines whether the pool can use templates that are not currently associated with it. If set to 1 or pool, the pool can only use template that have been associated with it. If set to 2 or diskgroup}, the pool can use templates as necessary that are associated with the disk group. If set to 3 or host}, the pool can use templates if required that are configured on the host system.

The default value of selfsufficient is 1 (pool).


Specifies one or more volume templates to an operation.


Specifies one or more volume template sets to an operation.


Create a storage pool called ReliablePool, in the disk group mydg, containing the disks mydg01 through mydg04, and with the autogrow and selfsufficient policies both set to diskgroup:

vxpool -g mydg create ReliablePool \
dm=mydg01,mydg02,mydg03,mydg04 \
autogrow=diskgroup selfsufficient=diskgroup

Delete the storage pool testpool from the disk group mydg, and also remove all disks from the pool:

vxpool -g mydg -r delete testpool

Rename the pool ReliablePool, in the disk group mydg to HardwareReliablePool:

vxpool -g dg rename ReliablePool HardwareReliablePool

Associate the templates DataMirroring and PrefabricatedDataMirroring with the storage pool HardwareReliablePool:

vxpool -g mydg assoctemplate HardwareReliablePool \

Disassociate the template DataMirroring from the storage pool HardwareReliablePool:

vxpool -g mydg distemplate HardwareReliablePool template=DataMirroring

Add the disks mydg05, mydg06 and mydg07 to the storage pool datapool:

vxpool -g mydg adddisk datapool dm=mydg05,mydg06,mydg07

Remove the disks mydg05 and mydg06 from the storage pool datapool:

vxpool -g mydg rmdisk datapool dm=mydg05,mydg06

Set the autogrow and selfsufficient policies to pool for the storage pool mypool:

vxpool -g mydg setpolicy mypool autogrow=pool selfsufficient=pool

Display the policies that are associated with the storage pool mypool:

vxpool -g mydg getpolicy mypool

Display a list of all the storage pools in the disk group mydg:

vxpool -g mydg list

Obtain details of the storage pool HardwareReliablePool:

vxpool -g mydg print HardwareReliablePool


The vxpool utility exits with a non-zero status if the attempted operation fails. A non-zero exit code is not a complete indicator of the problems encountered, but rather denotes the first condition that prevented further execution of the utility.


vxpool displays only disks that are in a pool, and which have at least one path available. Use the vxprint command to list full information about disks and their states.


vxprint (1M), vxtemplate (1M), vxusertemplate (1M), vxvoladm (1M)
VERITAS Storage Foundation Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation