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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Creating a Volume on Any Disk

By default, the vxassist make command creates a concatenated volume that uses one or more sections of disk space. On a fragmented disk, this allows you to put together a volume larger than any individual section of free disk space available.

Note   Note    To change the default layout, edit the definition of the layout attribute defined in the /etc/default/vxassist file.

If there is not enough space on a single disk, vxassist creates a spanned volume. A spanned volume is a concatenated volume with sections of disk space spread across more than one disk. A spanned volume can be larger than any disk on a system, since it takes space from more than one disk.

To create a concatenated, default volume, use the following form of the vxassist command:

vxassist [-b] [-g diskgroup] make volume length
Note   Note    Specify the -b option if you want to make the volume immediately available for use. See Initializing and Starting a Volume for details.

For example, to create the concatenated volume voldefault with a length of 10 gigabytes in the default disk group:

vxassist -b make voldefault 10g
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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation