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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Removing a Mirror

When a mirror is no longer needed, you can remove it to free up disk space.

Note   Note    The last valid plex associated with a volume cannot be removed.

To remove a mirror from a volume, use the following command:

vxassist [-g diskgroup] remove mirror volume 

Additionally, you can use storage attributes to specify the storage to be removed. For example, to remove a mirror on disk mydg01 from volume vol01, enter:

vxassist -g mydg remove mirror vol01 !mydg01

For more information about storage attributes, see Creating a Volume on Specific Disks.

Alternatively, use the following command to dissociate and remove a mirror from a volume:

vxplex [-g diskgroup] -o rm dis plex 

For example, to dissociate and remove a mirror named vol01-02 from the disk group, mydg, use the following command:

vxplex -g mydg -o rm dis vol01-02

This command removes the mirror vol01-02 and all associated subdisks. This is equivalent to entering the following separate commands:

vxplex -g mydg dis vol01-02
vxedit -g mydg -r rm vol01-02
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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation