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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Volume Layouts in VxVM

A VxVM virtual device is defined by a volume. A volume has a layout defined by the association of a volume to one or more plexes, each of which map to subdisks. The volume presents a virtual device interface that is exposed to other applications for data access. These logical building blocks re-map the volume address space through which I/O is re-directed at run-time.

Different volume layouts each provide different levels of storage service. A volume layout can be configured and reconfigured to match particular levels of desired storage service.

Implementation of Non-Layered Volumes

In a non-layered volume, a subdisk is restricted to mapping directly to a VM disk. This allows the subdisk to define a contiguous extent of storage space backed by the public region of a VM disk. When active, the VM disk is directly associated with an underlying physical disk. The combination of a volume layout and the physical disks therefore determines the storage service available from a given virtual device.

Implementation of Layered Volumes

A layered volume is constructed by mapping its subdisks to underlying volumes. The subdisks in the underlying volumes must map to VM disks, and hence to attached physical storage.

Layered volumes allow for more combinations of logical compositions, some of which may be desirable for configuring a virtual device. Because permitting free use of layered volumes throughout the command level would have resulted in unwieldy administration, some ready-made layered volume configurations are designed into VxVM. See Layered Volumes for more information.

These ready-made configurations operate with built-in rules to automatically match desired levels of service within specified constraints. The automatic configuration is done on a "best-effort" basis for the current command invocation working against the current configuration.

To achieve the desired storage service from a set of virtual devices, it may be necessary to include an appropriate set of VM disks into a disk group, and to execute multiple configuration commands.

To the extent that it can, VxVM handles initial configuration and on-line re-configuration with its set of layouts and administration interface to make this job easier and more deterministic.

Layout Methods

Data in virtual objects is organized to create volumes by using the following layout methods:

The following sections describe each layout method.

Concatenation and Spanning

Concatenation maps data in a linear manner onto one or more subdisks in a plex. To access all of the data in a concatenated plex sequentially, data is first accessed in the first subdisk from beginning to end. Data is then accessed in the remaining subdisks sequentially from beginning to end, until the end of the last subdisk.

The subdisks in a concatenated plex do not have to be physically contiguous and can belong to more than one VM disk. Concatenation using subdisks that reside on more than one VM disk is called spanning.

The figure, Example of Concatenation, shows the concatenation of two subdisks from the same VM disk. The blocks n, n+1, n+2 and n+3 (numbered relative to the start of the plex) are contiguous on the plex, but actually come from two distinct subdisks on the same physical disk.

The remaining free space in the subdisk, disk01-02, on VM disk, disk01, can be put to other uses.

Example of Concatenation

Example of Concatenation

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

You can use concatenation with multiple subdisks when there is insufficient contiguous space for the plex on any one disk. This form of concatenation can be used for load balancing between disks, and for head movement optimization on a particular disk.

The figure, Example of Spanning, shows data spread over two subdisks in a spanned plex. The blocks n, n+1, n+2 and n+3 (numbered relative to the start of the plex) are contiguous on the plex, but actually come from two distinct subdisks from two distinct physical disks.

The remaining free space in the subdisk disk02-02 on VM disk disk02 can be put to other uses.

Example of Spanning

Example of Spanning

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

Caution  Caution    Spanning a plex across multiple disks increases the chance that a disk failure results in failure of the assigned volume. Use mirroring or RAID-5 (both described later) to reduce the risk that a single disk failure results in a volume failure.

See Creating a Volume on Any Disk for information on how to create a concatenated volume that may span several disks.

Striping (RAID-0)

Note   Note    You need a full license to use this feature.

Striping (RAID-0) is useful if you need large amounts of data written to or read from physical disks, and performance is important. Striping is also helpful in balancing the I/O load from multi-user applications across multiple disks. By using parallel data transfer to and from multiple disks, striping significantly improves data-access performance.

Striping maps data so that the data is interleaved among two or more physical disks. A striped plex contains two or more subdisks, spread out over two or more physical disks. Data is allocated alternately and evenly to the subdisks of a striped plex.

The subdisks are grouped into "columns," with each physical disk limited to one column. Each column contains one or more subdisks and can be derived from one or more physical disks. The number and sizes of subdisks per column can vary. Additional subdisks can be added to columns, as necessary.

Caution  Caution    Striping a volume, or splitting a volume across multiple disks, increases the chance that a disk failure will result in failure of that volume.

If five volumes are striped across the same five disks, then failure of any one of the five disks will require that all five volumes be restored from a backup. If each volume is on a separate disk, only one volume has to be restored. (As an alternative to striping, use mirroring or RAID-5 to substantially reduce the chance that a single disk failure results in failure of a large number of volumes.)

Data is allocated in equal-sized units (stripe units) that are interleaved between the columns. Each stripe unit is a set of contiguous blocks on a disk. The default stripe unit size (or width) is 64 kilobytes.

For example, if there are three columns in a striped plex and six stripe units, data is striped over the three columns, as illustrated in Striping Across Three Columns.

Striping Across Three Columns

Striping Across Three Columns

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

A stripe consists of the set of stripe units at the same positions across all columns. In the figure, stripe units 1, 2, and 3 constitute a single stripe.

Viewed in sequence, the first stripe consists of:

  • stripe unit 1 in column 0
  • stripe unit 2 in column 1
  • stripe unit 3 in column 2

The second stripe consists of:

  • stripe unit 4 in column 0
  • stripe unit 5 in column 1
  • stripe unit 6 in column 2

Striping continues for the length of the columns (if all columns are the same length), or until the end of the shortest column is reached. Any space remaining at the end of subdisks in longer columns becomes unused space.

Example of a Striped Plex with One Subdisk per Column shows a striped plex with three equal sized, single-subdisk columns. There is one column per physical disk. This example shows three subdisks that occupy all of the space on the VM disks. It is also possible for each subdisk in a striped plex to occupy only a portion of the VM disk, which leaves free space for other disk management tasks.

Example of a Striped Plex with One Subdisk per Column

Example of a Striped Plex with One Subdisk per Column

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

Example of a Striped Plex with Concatenated Subdisks per Column illustrates a striped plex with three columns containing subdisks of different sizes. Each column contains a different number of subdisks. There is one column per physical disk. Striped plexes can be created by using a single subdisk from each of the VM disks being striped across. It is also possible to allocate space from different regions of the same disk or from another disk (for example, if the size of the plex is increased). Columns can also contain subdisks from different VM disks.

Example of a Striped Plex with Concatenated Subdisks per Column

Example of a Striped Plex with Concatenated Subdisks per Column

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

See Creating a Striped Volume for information on how to create a striped volume.

Mirroring (RAID-1)

Mirroring uses multiple mirrors (plexes) to duplicate the information contained in a volume. In the event of a physical disk failure, the plex on the failed disk becomes unavailable, but the system continues to operate using the unaffected mirrors.

Note   Note    Although a volume can have a single plex, at least two plexes are required to provide redundancy of data. Each of these plexes must contain disk space from different disks to achieve redundancy.

When striping or spanning across a large number of disks, failure of any one of those disks can make the entire plex unusable. Because the likelihood of one out of several disks failing is reasonably high, you should consider mirroring to improve the reliability (and availability) of a striped or spanned volume.

See Creating a Mirrored Volume for information on how to create a mirrored volume.

Disk duplexing, in which each mirror exists on a separate controller, is also supported. See Mirroring across Targets, Controllers or Enclosures for details.

Striping Plus Mirroring (Mirrored-Stripe or RAID-0+1)

Note   Note    You need a full license to use this feature.

VxVM supports the combination of mirroring above striping. The combined layout is called a mirrored-stripe layout. A mirrored-stripe layout offers the dual benefits of striping to spread data across multiple disks, while mirroring provides redundancy of data.

For mirroring above striping to be effective, the striped plex and its mirrors must be allocated from separate disks.

The figure, Mirrored-Stripe Volume Laid out on Six Disks shows an example where two plexes, each striped across three disks, are attached as mirrors to the same volume to create a mirrored-stripe volume.

Mirrored-Stripe Volume Laid out on Six Disks

Mirrored-Stripe Volume Laid out on Six Disks

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

See Creating a Mirrored-Stripe Volume for information on how to create a mirrored-stripe volume.

The layout type of the data plexes in a mirror can be concatenated or striped. Even if only one is striped, the volume is still termed a mirrored-stripe volume. If they are all concatenated, the volume is termed a mirrored-concatenated volume.

Mirroring Plus Striping (Striped-Mirror, RAID-1+0 or RAID-10)

Note   Note    You need a full license to use this feature.

VxVM supports the combination of striping above mirroring. This combined layout is called a striped-mirror layout. Putting mirroring below striping mirrors each column of the stripe. If there are multiple subdisks per column, each subdisk can be mirrored individually instead of each column.

Note   Note    A striped-mirror volume is an example of a layered volume. See Layered Volumes for more information.

As for a mirrored-stripe volume, a striped-mirror volume offers the dual benefits of striping to spread data across multiple disks, while mirroring provides redundancy of data. In addition, it enhances redundancy, and reduces recovery time after disk failure.

Striped-Mirror Volume Laid out on Six Disks shows an example where a striped-mirror volume is created by using each of three existing 2-disk mirrored volumes to form a separate column within a striped plex.

Striped-Mirror Volume Laid out on Six Disks

Striped-Mirror Volume Laid out on Six Disks

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

See Creating a Striped-Mirror Volume for information on how to create a striped-mirrored volume.

As shown in the figure, How the Failure of a Single Disk Affects Mirrored-Stripe and Striped-Mirror Volumes, the failure of a disk in a mirrored- stripe layout detaches an entire data plex, thereby losing redundancy on the entire volume. When the disk is replaced, the entire plex must be brought up to date. Recovering the entire plex can take a substantial amount of time. If a disk fails in a striped-mirror layout, only the failing subdisk must be detached, and only that portion of the volume loses redundancy. When the disk is replaced, only a portion of the volume needs to be recovered. Additionally, a mirrored-stripe volume is more vulnerable to being put out of use altogether should a second disk fail before the first failed disk has been replaced, either manually or by hot-relocation.

How the Failure of a Single Disk Affects Mirrored-Stripe and Striped-Mirror Volumes

How the Failure of a Single Disk Affects Mirrored-Stripe and Striped-Mirror Volumes

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

Compared to mirrored-stripe volumes, striped-mirror volumes are more tolerant of disk failure, and recovery time is shorter.

If the layered volume concatenates instead of striping the underlying mirrored volumes, the volume is termed a concatenated-mirror volume.

RAID-5 (Striping with Parity)

Note   Note    VxVM supports RAID-5 for private disk groups, but not for shareable disk groups in a cluster environment. In addition, VxVM does not support the mirroring of RAID-5 volumes that are configured using VERITAS Volume Manager software. Disk devices that support RAID-5 in hardware may be mirrored.

You need a full license to use this feature.

Although both mirroring (RAID-1) and RAID-5 provide redundancy of data, they use different methods. Mirroring provides data redundancy by maintaining multiple complete copies of the data in a volume. Data being written to a mirrored volume is reflected in all copies. If a portion of a mirrored volume fails, the system continues to use the other copies of the data.

RAID-5 provides data redundancy by using parity. Parity is a calculated value used to reconstruct data after a failure. While data is being written to a RAID-5 volume, parity is calculated by doing an exclusive OR (XOR) procedure on the data. The resulting parity is then written to the volume. The data and calculated parity are contained in a plex that is "striped" across multiple disks. If a portion of a RAID-5 volume fails, the data that was on that portion of the failed volume can be recreated from the remaining data and parity information. It is also possible to mix concatenation and striping in the layout.

The figure, Parity Locations in a RAID-5 Mode, shows parity locations in a RAID-5 array configuration. Every stripe has a column containing a parity stripe unit and columns containing data. The parity is spread over all of the disks in the array, reducing the write time for large independent writes because the writes do not have to wait until a single parity disk can accept the data.

Parity Locations in a RAID-5 Mode


Parity Locations in a RAID-5 Mode

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

RAID-5 volumes can additionally perform logging to minimize recovery time. RAID-5 volumes use RAID-5 logs to keep a copy of the data and parity currently being written. RAID-5 logging is optional and can be created along with RAID-5 volumes or added later.

The implementation of RAID-5 in VxVM is described in VERITAS Volume Manager RAID-5 Arrays.

Traditional RAID-5 Arrays

A traditional RAID-5 array is several disks organized in rows and columns. A column is a number of disks located in the same ordinal position in the array. A row is the minimal number of disks necessary to support the full width of a parity stripe. The figure, Traditional RAID-5 Array, shows the row and column arrangement of a traditional RAID-5 array.

Traditional RAID-5 Array

Traditional RAID-5 Array

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

This traditional array structure supports growth by adding more rows per column. Striping is accomplished by applying the first stripe across the disks in Row 0, then the second stripe across the disks in Row 1, then the third stripe across the Row 0 disks, and so on. This type of array requires all disks columns, and rows to be of equal size.

VERITAS Volume Manager RAID-5 Arrays

The RAID-5 array structure in VERITAS Volume Manager differs from the traditional structure. Due to the virtual nature of its disks and other objects, VxVM does not use rows. Instead, VxVM uses columns consisting of variable length subdisks (as shown in VERITAS Volume Manager RAID-5 Array). Each subdisk represents a specific area of a disk.

VxVM allows each column of a RAID-5 plex to consist of a different number of subdisks. The subdisks in a given column can be derived from different physical disks. Additional subdisks can be added to the columns as necessary. Striping is implemented by applying the first stripe across each subdisk at the top of each column, then applying another stripe below that, and so on for the length of the columns. Equal-sized stripe units are used for each column. For RAID-5, the default stripe unit size is 16 kilobytes. See Striping (RAID-0) for further information about stripe units.

VERITAS Volume Manager RAID-5 Array

VERITAS Volume Manager RAID-5 Array

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

Note   Note    Mirroring of RAID-5 volumes is not supported.

See Creating a RAID-5 Volume for information on how to create a RAID-5 volume.

Left-Symmetric Layout

There are several layouts for data and parity that can be used in the setup of a RAID-5 array. The implementation of RAID-5 in VxVM uses a left-symmetric layout. This provides optimal performance for both random I/O operations and large sequential I/O operations. However, the layout selection is not as critical for performance as are the number of columns and the stripe unit size.

Left-symmetric layout stripes both data and parity across columns, placing the parity in a different column for every stripe of data. The first parity stripe unit is located in the rightmost column of the first stripe. Each successive parity stripe unit is located in the next stripe, shifted left one column from the previous parity stripe unit location. If there are more stripes than columns, the parity stripe unit placement begins in the rightmost column again.

The figure, Left-Symmetric Layout, shows a left-symmetric parity layout with five disks (one per column).

Left-Symmetric Layout

Left-Symmetric Layout

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

For each stripe, data is organized starting to the right of the parity stripe unit. In the figure, data organization for the first stripe begins at P0 and continues to stripe units 0-3. Data organization for the second stripe begins at P1, then continues to stripe unit 4, and on to stripe units 5-7. Data organization proceeds in this manner for the remaining stripes.

Each parity stripe unit contains the result of an exclusive OR (XOR) operation performed on the data in the data stripe units within the same stripe. If one column's data is inaccessible due to hardware or software failure, the data for each stripe can be restored by XORing the contents of the remaining columns data stripe units against their respective parity stripe units.

For example, if a disk corresponding to the whole or part of the far left column fails, the volume is placed in a degraded mode. While in degraded mode, the data from the failed column can be recreated by XORing stripe units 1-3 against parity stripe unit P0 to recreate stripe unit 0, then XORing stripe units 4, 6, and 7 against parity stripe unit P1 to recreate stripe unit 5, and so on.

Note   Note    Failure of more than one column in a RAID-5 plex detaches the volume. The volume is no longer allowed to satisfy read or write requests. Once the failed columns have been recovered, it may be necessary to recover user data from backups.

RAID-5 Logging

Logging is used to prevent corruption of data during recovery by immediately recording changes to data and parity to a log area on a persistent device such as a volume on disk or in non-volatile RAM. The new data and parity are then written to the disks.

Without logging, it is possible for data not involved in any active writes to be lost or silently corrupted if both a disk in a RAID-5 volume and the system fail. If this double-failure occurs, there is no way of knowing if the data being written to the data portions of the disks or the parity being written to the parity portions have actually been written. Therefore, the recovery of the corrupted disk may be corrupted itself.

The figure, Incomplete Write, illustrates a RAID-5 volume configured across three disks (A, B and C). In this volume, recovery of disk B's corrupted data depends on disk A's data and disk C's parity both being complete. However, only the data write to disk A is complete. The parity write to disk C is incomplete, which would cause the data on disk B to be reconstructed incorrectly.

Incomplete Write

Incomplete Write

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

This failure can be avoided by logging all data and parity writes before committing them to the array. In this way, the log can be replayed, causing the data and parity updates to be completed before the reconstruction of the failed drive takes place.

Logs are associated with a RAID-5 volume by being attached as log plexes. More than one log plex can exist for each RAID-5 volume, in which case the log areas are mirrored.

See Adding a RAID-5 Log for information on how to add a RAID-5 log to a RAID-5 volume.

Layered Volumes

A layered volume is a virtual VERITAS Volume Manager object that is built on top of other volumes. The layered volume structure tolerates failure better and has greater redundancy than the standard volume structure. For example, in a striped-mirror layered volume, each mirror (plex) covers a smaller area of storage space, so recovery is quicker than with a standard mirrored volume.

Example of a Striped-Mirror Layered Volume

Example of a Striped-Mirror Layered Volume

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

The figure, Example of a Striped-Mirror Layered Volume, illustrates the structure of a typical layered volume. It shows subdisks with two columns, built on underlying volumes with each volume internally mirrored. The volume and striped plex in the "Managed by User" area allow you to perform normal tasks in VxVM. User tasks can be performed only on the top-level volume of a layered volume.

Underlying volumes in the "Managed by VxVM" area are used exclusively by VxVM and are not designed for user manipulation. You cannot detach a layered volume or perform any other operation on the underlying volumes by manipulating the internal structure. You can perform all necessary operations in the "Managed by User" area that includes the top-level volume and striped plex (for example, resizing the volume, changing the column width, or adding a column).

System administrators can manipulate the layered volume structure for troubleshooting or other operations (for example, to place data on specific disks). Layered volumes are used by VxVM to perform the following tasks and operations:

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation