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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Troubleshooting Guide   

Configuring Logging in the Startup Script

To enable log file or syslog logging, you can edit the following portion of the /sbin/init.d/vxvm-sysboot script that starts the VxVM configuration daemon, vxconfigd:

# comment-out or uncomment any of the following lines to enable or
# disable the corresponding feature in vxconfigd.

opts="$opts -x syslog"                       # use syslog for console messages
#opts="$opts -x log"                       # messages to vxconfigd.log
#opts="$opts -x logfile=/foo/bar"   # specify an alternate log file
#opts="$opts -x timestamp"                       # timestamp console messages

# To turn on debugging console output, uncomment the following line.
# The debug level can be set higher for more output.  The highest
# debug level is 9.

#debug=1                     # enable debugging console output

Comment or uncomment the lines corresponding to the features that you want to be disabled or enabled at startup. For example, the opts="$opts -x syslog" string is usually uncommented so that vxconfigd uses syslog logging by default. Inserting a # character at the beginning of the line turns off syslog logging for vxconfigd.

Note   Note    By default, vxconfigd is started at boot time with the -x syslog option. This redirects vxconfigd console messages to syslog. If you want to retain this behavior when restarting vxconfigd from the command line, include the -x syslog argument, as restarting vxconfigd does not preserve the option settings with which it was previously running. Similarly, any VERITAS Volume Manager operations that require vxconfigd to be restarted may not retain the behavior that was previously specified by option settings.

For more information on logging options for vxconfigd, refer to the vxconfigd(1M) manual page.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Troubleshooting Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation