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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Troubleshooting Guide   

Logging Error Messages

VxVM provides the option of logging console output to a file. This logging is useful in that any messages output just before a system crash will be available in the log file (presuming that the crash does not result in file system corruption). vxconfigd controls whether such logging is turned on or off. If enabled, the default log file is /var/adm/configd.log.

vxconfigd also supports the use of syslog to log all of its regular console messages. When this is enabled, all console output is directed through the syslog interface.

syslog and log file logging can be used together to provide reliable logging to a private log file, along with distributed logging through syslogd.

Note   Note    syslog logging is enabled by default. Log file logging is disabled by default.

To enable logging of console output to the file /var/adm/configd.log, edit the startup script for vxconfigd as described in Configuring Logging in the Startup Script, or invoke vxconfigd under the C locale as shown here:

vxconfigd [-x [1-9]] -x log

There are 9 possible levels of debug logging; 1 provides the least detail, and 9 the most.

To enable syslog logging of console output, specify the option -x syslog to vxconfigd as shown here:

vxconfigd [-x [1-9]] -x syslog

Messages with a priority higher than Debug are written to /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log, and all other messages are written to /var/adm/configd.log.If you do not specify a debug level, only Error, Fatal Error, Warning, and Notice messages are logged. Debug messages are not logged.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Troubleshooting Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation