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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Migration Manager   

Listing Volume Groups and Disk Groups in SAM

To list volume groups and disk groups in SAM, from the Disks and File Systems SAM area, select Volume Groups. The Volume Groups screen lists the LVM volume groups and the VxVM disk groups on the system. The following figure shows a Volume Groups screen for the same example system. vg00 is an LVM volume group with eight logical volumes; rootdg and maroon are VxVM disk groups, with one volume each. See the figure Listing LVM Volume Groups and VxVM Disk Groups with SAM.

Listing LVM Volume Groups and VxVM Disk Groups with SAM

Listing LVM Volume Groups and VxVM Disk Groups with SAM

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Migration Manager  
VERITAS Software Corporation