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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   

Monitoring and Controlling ISP Tasks

ISP performs management of objects (such as subdisks, plexes, and volumes). Once these objects have been created, VxVM can start performing I/O with them.

The vxvoladmtask command is provided to allow you to manage tasks (ISP tasks) that are involved in the creation of objects by ISP. The traditional vxtask command allows you to manage tasks that involve VxVM performing I/O with volumes.

Note   Note    The online transformation of an ISP volume is not necessarily complete if the vxtask command shows that synchronization of the volume has finished. A small additional time is required to perform cleanup operations.

For example, if you create a 2-way mirrored volume in the background, ISP creates an allocation task whose progress you can monitor using the vxvoladmtask monitor command. When ISP has allocated storage for the volume, it lays out the volume on that storage and then starts the volume. At this point, VxVM takes over control of I/O, and it begins to initialize the volume by synchronizing its plexes. To view the progress of this synchronization, you would use the vxtask monitor command.

The following command lists all current ISP tasks:

vxvoladmtask list

This command monitors the progress of an ISP task, specified by its task tag:

vxvoladmtask monitor task_tag

If necessary, you can use this command to stop an ISP task:

vxvoladmtask abort task_tag

For more information about the vxvoladmtask command, see the vxvoladmtask(1M) manual page.

For information about the vxtask command, see the "Monitoring and Controlling Tasks" section in the "Administering Volumes" chapter of the VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide, and the vxtask(1M) manual page.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation