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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   

Removing Logs from a Volume

To remove logs from a volume, use the following command:

vxvoladm [-g diskgroup] [-f] remove log volume [nlogs=number] \
  logtype=type [attributes...]

The supported log types are dco and raid5. By default, one RAID-5 log or one plex of a DCO volume is removed. You can use the nlogs attribute to specify the number of logs or DCO plexes to remove. You can use storage attributes to specify the storage to be removed. In the following example, a DCO plex on the disk mydg11 is removed from the volume mirvol1:

vxvoladm -g mydg remove log mirvol1 logtype=dco\

To remove all logs of a particular type from a volume, use the following command:

vxvoladm [-g diskgroup] removeall log volume logtype=type
Note   Note    If you use the vxvoladm command to remove logs, you must specify the -f (force) option to the command if the operation would violate any rules. For example, the rules may imply that a volume must have minimum number of logs of a particular kind. You must also specify the -f option when removing a DCO that is in use by DRL configured on a volume.

Data change map (DCM) logs are usually removed automatically as required by VVR adminstration commands.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation