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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Library Functions (3)   



fsckpt_sa_info - return status information on a Storage Checkpoint within a vxfs file system on a block special device


#include <fsckpt.h>
int fsckpt_sa_info(char *spec, char *ckptname, int version, int ckptindex, struct c_info *cip);




fsckpt_sa_info() returns status information for a Storage Checkpoint ckptname within a vxfs file system on a block special device spec

A version number is passed to fsckpt_fsopen() to associate the function with a set of features available. The FSCKPT_VERSION constant is defined and represents the most current version of the API. It is recommended that applications use this definition when using the API.

The contents of the structure pointed to by cip includes the following members:

unsigned int     ci_version;   /* API version number */
int              ci_flags;     /* miscellaneous flags */
struct timeval   ci_ctime;     /* ckpt creation time */
struct timeval   ci_mtime;     /* ckpt modification time */
unsigned int     ci_ninodes;   /* number of inodes */
unsigned int     ci_nblocks;   /* number of blocks allocated */
char             ci_name[FSCKPT_.SH NAMESZ];  /* ckpt name */

where flags are:


Used in conjunction with CI_NODATA, the Storage Checkpoint is marked for delayed conversion to nodata.


The Storage Checkpoint supports files larger than 2 gigabytes in size. Applications must be largefiles enabled (compiled to handle 64-bit file offsets) to properly access this Storage Checkpoint. Applications which are not large file enabled cannot operate on a CI_LARGEFILES Storage Checkpoint.


The Storage Checkpoint is mounted.


The Storage Checkpoint contains no data.


The Storage Checkpoint cannot be mounted and cannot allow processes to be in-context.


The Storage Checkpoint was created with the CC_REMOVE flag. This means that this Storage Checkpoint could self-destruct on full file systems.


The Storage Checkpoint is marked as the primary fileset for this file system.

All fields containing a number of blocks are given as 1K blocks.

The ckptindex field is meaningful only when used on the primary file system image. A call with a value other than zero on a Storage Checkpoint name results in an error. When used on the primary image, this field is used to obtain status information on Storage Checkpoints by their creation time with a value of one representing the newest Storage Checkpoint, a value of two the second newest Storage Checkpoint and so forth. If the index value passed to this call is larger than the number of Storage Checkpoints, then an ENOENT error is returned. The ckptindex argument can be used to list all Storage Checkpoints in the file system.


fsckpt_sa_info() returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.



The function is being used incorrectly, or the arguments to the function could not be validated. This may occur when an application tries to use an fshandle that was not created by the same process.


An I/O error occurred on the device. The Storage Checkpoint could not be loaded.


The specified Storage Checkpoint ckptname does not exist.


fsckptadm (1M), fsckpt_cntl (3), fsckpt_create (3), fsckpt_createall (3), fsckpt_fsopen (3), fsckpt_info (3), fsckpt_intro (3)
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Library Functions (3)  
VERITAS Software Corporation