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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide   

Error Messages Specific to the Oracle Agent

Message Description and Solution

No SID specified

The Sid attribute in the Oracle type has not been set.

Solution: Set the Sid attribute to the correct database instance.

No initialization parameter file specified for startup

The Pfile attribute in the Oracle type has not been set.

Solution: Set the Pfile attribute to the correct full path name corresponding to the instance specified by Sid attribute.

svrmgrl/sqlplus not found in %s/bin

The client utilities svrmgrl or sqlplus are not found in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

Solution: Verify that the Oracle home has been correctly specified and that these executables are present.

Oracle database is in backup mode

Warning message to indicate that the database is in backup mode.

Solution: If the AutoEndBkup attribute is set then the database files that are being backed up will be taken out of backup mode and the database will be opened.

Oracle %s failed to stop

Warning message to indicate that Shutdown immediate or Shutdown abort commands were not successful in closing the Oracle instance, in the clean or offline entry point.

Oracle instance %s not running

Warning message to indicate that the database instance was not running even before the clean or offline entry points were executed.

Solution: No action required.

Oracle (%s) kill TERM %s

Warning message to indicate that the Oracle processes would be signaled with SIGTERM.

Solution: No action required.

Oracle (%s) kill KILL %s

Warning message to indicate that the Oracle processes would be signaled with SIGKILL.

Solution: No action required.

Oracle (%s) failed to stop even after SIGKILL

Oracle processes could not be terminated even with SIGKILL.

Solution: Contact your Oracle Administrator for assistance.

Oracle (%s) attempting cleanup of Oracle IPC resources

Warning message to indicate that the IPC resources are being cleaned.


Warning message to indicate that database is in QUIESCING or QUIESCED mode.

Database in RESTRICTED mode

Warning message to indicate that database is in RESTRICTED mode.

Database in SUSPENDED state

Warning message to indicate that database is in SUSPENDED state.

Resource %s - monitor procedure did not complete within the expected time.

Refer to Oracle's alert log for more information. One possible reason could be that automatic archiving was not enabled while setting up the database.

Solution: Archive the database manually. If automatic archival is enabled, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_START parameter in the file init.ora to TRUE.

Custom script $VCS_HOME/bin/Oracle/start_custom_%s.sql does not exist. Will not be able to start the database.

The agent could not find the custom script at the specified location to start the database.

Solution: Make sure the custom file exists at the specified location and has valid permissions.

Custom script $VCS_HOME/bin/Oracle/shut_custom_%s.sql does not exist. Using default shutdown option.

The agent could not find the custom script at the specified location to stop the database.

Solution: Make sure the custom file exists and the specified location and has valid permissions.

oraerror.dat did not have records that could be parsed

The file oraerror.dat is not present or has records in an unsupported format.

Solution: Make sure the file exists and has data in the supported format.

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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation