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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide   

Error Messages Common to the Oracle and Netlsnr Agents

Message Description and Solution

No ORACLE_HOME specified

The Home attribute in the Oracle or Netlsnr type has not been set.

Solution: Set the Home attribute to the correct full path name of the Oracle home.

Oracle home directory %s does not exist

The string specified for the Home attribute in the Oracle or Netlsnr type is incorrect.

Solution: Set the Home attribute to the correct full path name of the Oracle home.

File %s is not a valid text file

The file specified by the EnvFile attribute for sourcing the environment variables is not present, not readable, or is not a text file.

Solution: Set the EnvFile attribute to the correct full path name. Ensure that the file format is valid.

VCSAgExec returned failure when trying to execute in-depth test

Internal error.

Solution: Contact Technical Support for further assistance.

Unable to open pipe from %s

Internal error.

Solution: Contact Technical Support for further assistance.

Process %s restarted

Warning message to indicate that the PID for the Oracle process specified is different than the one registered by the previous monitor cycle.

Execution of script returned %s

The detailed monitoring script returns the output specified in the message when the status is offline or unknown.

Solution: Take corrective action for the error that has occurred.

Monitor procedure %s returned %s

MonScript failed to execute correctly.

Solution: Debug MonScript to assess the exact cause of failure.

Monitor procedure %s did not exit, return value is %s

Internal error while executing MonScript.

Solution: Contact Technical Support for further assistance.

Source file for environment variables %s is not a valid text file

The file specified by the EnvFile attribute for sourcing the environment variables is not present, not readable, or is not a text file. Occurs in MonScript file.

Solution: Set the EnvFile attribute to the correct full path name. Ensure that the file format is valid.

No owner for Oracle executables was specified

The Owner attribute in the Oracle type has not been set.

Solution: Set the Owner attribute to the correct owner of the database binaries.

Invalid owner %s for Oracle executables was specified

The OS user specified by the Owner attribute is invalid.

Solution: Set the Owner attribute to the correct owner of the database binaries.

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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation