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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide   

State Definitions

  • ONLINE---Indicates that all processes specified in PidFiles and MonitorProcesses are running and that the MonitorProgram returns ONLINE.
  • OFFLINE---Indicates that at least one process specified in PidFiles or MonitorProcesses is not running, or that the MonitorProgram returns OFFLINE.
  • UNKNOWN---Indicates an indeterminable application state.

Type Definition

type Application (
    static str ArgList[] = { User, StartProgram , StopProgram ,
    CleanProgram , MonitorProgram , PidFiles , MonitorProcesses }

        str User = "root"
        str StartProgram
        str StopProgram
        str CleanProgram
        str MonitorProgram
        str PidFiles[]
        str MonitorProcesses[]
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation