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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide   

Application Agent

Brings applications online, takes them offline, and monitors their status. Enables you to specify different executables for the online, offline, and monitor routines. (An application has an executable to start it and an executable to stop it.) The executables must exist locally on each node. By default, an application runs in the context of root. Specify the user name to run an application in a user context.

The agent starts and stops the application with user-specified programs.

Monitor the application in the following ways:

  • Use the monitor program
  • Specify a list of processes
  • Specify a list of process ID files
  • All or some of the above

Entry Points

  • Online---Runs the StartProgram with the specified parameters in the specified user context.
  • Offline---Runs the StopProgram with the specified parameters in the specified user context.
  • Monitor---If you specify the MonitorProgram, the agent executes the user-defined MonitorProgram in the user-specified context. If you specify PidFiles, the routine verifies that the process ID found in each listed file is running. If you specify MonitorProcesses, the routine verifies that each listed process is running in the user-specified context.
  • MonitorProgram must return ONLINE to employ any other monitoring method. Any one, two, or three of these attributes can be used to monitor the application. If any one process specified in either PidFiles or MonitorProcesses is determined not to be running, the monitor returns OFFLINE.
  • Clean---Kills processes specified in PidFiles or MonitorProcesses. Ensures that only those processes (specified in MonitorProcesses) running with the user ID specified in the User attribute are killed. If the CleanProgram is defined, the agent executes the CleanProgram.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation