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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Linking the Application and Replication Service Groups

Set an online local hard group dependency from appgroup to appgroup_rep to ensure that the service groups fail over and switch together.

  To link the service groups

  1. In the Cluster Explorer configuration tree, click the cluster name.
  2. In the view panel, click the Service Groups tab. This opens the service group dependency graph.
  3. Click Link.
  4. Click the parent group, appgroup, and move the mouse toward the child group, appgroup_rep.
  5. Click the child group appgroup_rep.
  6. In the Link Service Groups dialog box, click the online local relationship and the firm dependency type and click OK.

Configuring the Second Cluster

  1. Run the GCO Configuration wizard in the second cluster. For instructions, see Running the GCO Configuration Wizard.
  2. Create a configuration that is similar to the one in the first cluster. You can do this by either using Cluster Manager (Java Console) to copy and paste resources from the primary cluster, or by copying the configuration of the appgroup and appgroup_rep groups from the file in the primary cluster to the secondary cluster.
  3. To assign remote administration privileges to users, configure users with the same name and privileges on both clusters. See User Privileges in Global Clusters for more information.
  4. Make appropriate changes to the configuration. For example, you must modify the SystemList attribute to reflect the systems in the secondary cluster.
    Note   Note    Make sure that the name of the service group (appgroup) is identical in both clusters.

    It is a VVR best practice to use the same disk group and RVG name on both sites. This means that just the RLinks attribute needs to be modified to reflect the name of the secondary's RLink.

    If the volume names are the same on both sides, the Mount resources will mount the same block devices, and the same Oracle instance will start at the secondary in case of a failover.

Linking Clusters

Once the VCS and VVR infrastructure has been set up at both sites, you must link the two clusters. The Remote Cluster Configuration wizard provides an easy interface to link clusters.

Before linking clusters, verify the virtual IP address for the ClusterAddress attribute for each cluster is set. Use the same IP address as the one assigned to the IP resource in the ClusterService group.

If you are adding a stand-alone cluster to an existing global cluster environment, run the wizard from a cluster in the global cluster environment. Otherwise, run the wizard from any cluster. From Cluster Explorer, click Edit>Add/Delete Remote Cluster. For instructions on running the wizard, see Adding a Remote Cluster.

  To configure an additional heartbeat between the clusters (optional)

  1. On Cluster Explorer's Edit menu, click Configure Heartbeats.
  2. In the Heartbeat configuration dialog box, enter the name of the heartbeat and select the check box next to the name of the cluster.
  3. Click the icon in the Configure column to open the Heartbeat Settings dialog box.
  4. Specify the value of the Arguments attribute and various timeout and interval fields. Click + to add an argument value; click - to delete it.
    Note   Note    If you specify IP addresses in the Arguments attribute, make sure the IP addresses have DNS entries.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OK in the Heartbeat configuration dialog box.

    Now, you can monitor the state of both clusters from the Java Console:

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation