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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Clearing Resources in the ADMIN_WAIT State

When VCS sets a resource in the ADMIN_WAIT state, it invokes the resadminwait trigger according to the reason the resource entered the state. For more information about the trigger, see resadminwait Event Trigger.

  To clear a resource

  1. Take the necessary actions outside VCS to bring all resources into the required state.
  2. Verify that resources are in the required state by issuing the command:
       # hagrp -clearadminwait group -sys system

    This command clears the ADMIN_WAIT state for all resources. If VCS continues to detect resources that are not in the required state, it resets the resources to the ADMIN_WAIT state.

  3. If resources continue in the ADMIN_WAIT state, repeat step 1 and step 2, or issue the following command to stop VCS from setting the resource to the ADMIN_WAIT state:
       # hagrp -clearadminwait -fault group -sys system

    This command has the following results:

    • If the resadminwait trigger was called for reasons 0 or 1, the resource state is set as ONLINE|UNABLE_TO_OFFLINE.
    • If the resadminwait trigger was called for reasons 2, 3, or 4, the resource state is set as FAULTED. Please note that when resources are set as FAULTED for these reasons, the clean entry point is not called. Verify that resources in ADMIN-WAIT are in clean, OFFLINE state prior to invoking this command.

    • Note   Note    When a service group has a resource in the ADMIN_WAIT state, the following service group operations cannot be performed on the resource: online, offline, switch, and flush. Also, you cannot use the hastop command when resources are in the ADMIN_WAIT state. When this occurs, you must issue the hastop command with -force option only.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation