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Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

How VCS Handles Resource Faults

This section describes the process VCS uses to determine the course of action when a resource faults.

VCS Behavior When an Online Resource Faults

In the following example, a resource in an online state is reported as being offline without being commanded by the agent to go offline.

  • VCS first verifies the Monitor routine completes successfully in the required time. If it does, VCS examines the exit code returned by the Monitor routine. If the Monitor routine does not complete in the required time, VCS looks at the FaultOnMonitorTimeouts (FOMT) attribute.
  • If FOMT=0, the resource will not fault when the Monitor routine times out. VCS considers the resource online and monitors the resource periodically, depending on the monitor interval.
  • If FOMT=1 or more, VCS compares the CurrentMonitorTimeoutCount (CMTC) with the FOMT value. If the monitor timeout count is not used up, CMTC is incremented and VCS monitors the resource in the next cycle.
  • If FOMT= CMTC, this means that the available monitor timeout count is exhausted and VCS must now take corrective action.
  • If the ManageFaults attribute is set to NONE, VCS marks the resource as ONLINE|ADMIN_WAIT and fires the resadminwait trigger. If the ManageFaults attribute is set to ALL, the resource enters a GOING OFFLINE WAIT state. VCS invokes the Clean entry point with the reason Monitor Hung.
  • If the Clean entry point is successful (that is, Clean exit code = 0), VCS examines the value of the RestartLimit attribute. If Clean fails (exit code = 1), the resource remains online with the state UNABLE TO OFFLINE. VCS fires the resnotoff trigger and monitors the resource again.
  • If the Monitor routine does not time out, it returns the status of the resource as being online or offline.
  • If the ToleranceLimit (TL) attribute is set to a non-zero value, the Monitor cycle returns offline (exit code = 100) for a number of times specified by the ToleranceLimit and increments the ToleranceCount (TC). When the ToleranceCount equals the ToleranceLimit (TC = TL), the agent declares the resource as faulted.
  • If the Monitor routine returns online (exit code = 110) during a monitor cycle, the agent takes no further action. The ToleranceCount attribute is reset to 0 when the resource is online for a period of time specified by the ConfInterval attribute.
  • If the resource is detected as being offline a number of times specified by the ToleranceLimit before the ToleranceCount is reset (TC = TL), the resource is considered failed.
  • After the agent determines the resource is not online, VCS checks the Frozen attribute for the service group. If the service group is frozen, VCS declares the resource faulted and calls the resfault trigger. No further action is taken.
  • If the service group is not frozen, VCS checks the ManageFaults attribute. If ManageFaults=NONE, VCS marks the resource state as ONLINE|ADMIN_WAIT and calls the resadminwait trigger. If ManageFaults=ALL, VCS calls the Clean entry point with the CleanReason set to Unexpected Offline.
  • If the Clean entry point fails (exit code = 1) the resource remains online with the state UNABLE TO OFFLINE. VCS fires the resnotoff trigger and monitors the resource again. The resource enters a cycle of alternating Monitor and Clean entry points until the Clean entry point succeeds or a user intervenes.
  • If the Clean entry point is successful, VCS examines the value of the RestartLimit (RL) attribute. If the attribute is set to a non-zero value, VCS increments the RestartCount (RC) attribute and invokes the Online entry point. This continues till the value of the RestartLimit equals that of the RestartCount. At this point, VCS attempts to monitor the resource.
  • If the Monitor returns an online status, VCS considers the resource online and resumes periodic monitoring. If the monitor returns an offline status, the resource is faulted and VCS takes actions based on the service group configuration.


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VCS Behavior When a Resource Fails to Come Online

In the following example, the agent framework invokes the Online entry point for an offline resource. The resource state changes to WAITING TO ONLINE.

  • If the Online entry point times out, VCS examines the value of the ManageFaults attribute.
  • If ManageFaults is set to NONE, the resource state changes to OFFLINE|ADMIN_WAIT.
  • If ManageFaults is set to ALL, VCS calls the Clean entry point with the CleanReason set to Online Hung.
  • If the Online entry point does not time out, VCS invokes the Monitor entry point. The Monitor routine returns an exit code of 110 if the resource is online. Otherwise, the Monitor routine returns an exit code of 100.
  • VCS examines the value of the OnlineWaitLimit (OWL) attribute. This attribute defines how many monitor cycles can return an offline status before the agent framework declares the resource faulted. Each successive Monitor cycle increments the OnlineWaitCount (OWC) attribute. When OWL= OWC (or if OWL= 0), VCS determines the resource has faulted.
  • VCS then examines the value of the ManageFaults attribute. If the ManageFaults is set to NONE, the resource state changes to OFFLINE|ADMIN_WAIT.
  • If the ManageFaults is set to ALL, VCS calls the Clean entry point with the CleanReason set to Online Ineffective.
  • If the Clean entry point is not successful (exit code = 1), the agent monitors the resource. It determines the resource is offline, and calls the Clean entry point with the Clean Reason set to Online Ineffective. This cycle continues till the Clean entry point is successful, after which VCS resets the OnlineWaitCount value.
  • If the OnlineRetryLimit (ORL) is set to a non-zero value, VCS increments the OnlineRetryCount (ORC) and invokes the Online entry point. This starts the cycle all over again. If ORL = ORC, or if ORL = 0, VCS assumes that the Online operation has failed and declares the resource as faulted.


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VCS Behavior After a Resource is Declared Faulted

After a resource is declared faulted, VCS fires the resfault trigger and examines the value of the FaultPropagation attribute.

  • If FaultPropagation is set to 0, VCS does not take other resources offline, and changes the group state to OFFLINE|FAULTED or PARTIAL|FAULTED. The service group does not fail over.
  • If FaultPropagation is set to 1, VCS takes all resources in the dependent path of the faulted resource offline, up to the top of the tree.
  • VCS then examines if any resource in the dependent path is critical. If no resources are critical, the service group is left in its OFFLINE|FAULTED or PARTIAL|FAULTED state. If a resource in the path is critical, VCS takes the all resources in the service group offline in preparation of a failover.
  • If the AutoFailOver attribute is set to 0, the service group is not failed over; it remains in a faulted state. If AutoFailOver is set to 1, VCS examines if any systems in the service group's SystemList are possible candidates for failover. If no suitable systems exist, the group remains faulted and VCS calls the nofailover trigger. If eligible systems are available, VCS examines the FailOverPolicy to determine the most suitable system to which to fail over the service group.

  • Note   Note    If FailOverPolicy is set to Load, a NoFailover situation may occur because of restrictions placed on service groups and systems by Service Group Workload Management.


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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation