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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide   

Installing and Configuring Ethernet Cards for Private Network

Both systems require Ethernet cards (NICs) that enable the private network. If both System A and System B have Ethernet cards installed, you can ignore this step.

For high availability, two separate NICs on each system should be used, such that the failure of one NIC doesn't prevent heartbeating from continuing.

Note   Note    The following procedure shows highlights of the procedure described in Setting Up the Private Network
  1. Shut down VCS on System A:
      # hastop -local
  2. Install the Ethernet card on System A.
  3. Install the Ethernet card on System B
  4. Configure the Ethernet card on both systems.
  5. Make the two Ethernet cable connections from System A to System B for the private networks.
  6. Restart the systems.

Configuring the Shared Storage

Use the procedures described in Preparing to Install VCS 4.1 for setting up shared storage (Setting Up Shared Storage) to make the connection to shared storage from System B. Configure VxVM on System B and reboot the system when you are prompted.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation