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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Administering User Profiles

The Java Console enables a user with Cluster Administrator privileges to add, modify, and delete user profiles. The icon next to each user name in the User Manager dialog box indicates privileges for each user. Administrator and Operator privileges are separated into the cluster and group levels. For more information, see VCS User Privileges.

Adding a User

  1. From Cluster Explorer, click User Manager on the File menu.
  2. In the User Manager dialog box, click New User.
  3. In the Add User dialog box:

    Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

    1. Enter the name of the user.
    2. If the cluster is not running in secure mode, enter a password for the user and confirm it.
    3. Select the appropriate check boxes to grant privileges to the user. To grant Group Administrator or Group Operator privileges, proceed to step 3d. Otherwise, proceed to step 3f.
    4. Click Select Groups.
    5. Click the groups for which you want to grant privileges to the user and click the right arrow to move the groups to the Selected Groups box.
    6. Click OK to exit the Add User dialog box, then click OK again to exit the Add Group dialog box.
  4. Click Close.

Deleting a User

  1. From Cluster Explorer, click User Manager on the File menu.
  2. In the User Manager dialog box, click the user name.
  3. Click Remove User.
  4. Click Yes.

Changing a User Password

A user with Administrator, Operator, or Guest privileges can change his or her own password. You must be logged on as Cluster Administrator to access User Manager.

Note   Note    This module is not available if the cluster is running in secure mode.

  To change a password as an Administrator

  1. From Cluster Explorer, click User Manager on the File menu.
  2. Click the user name.
  3. Click Change Password.
  4. In the Change Password dialog box:
    1. Enter the new password.
    2. Reenter the password in the Confirm Password field.
    3. Click OK.

  To change a password as an Operator or Guest

  1. From Cluster Explorer, click Change Password on the File menu.
  2. In the Change Password dialog box:
    1. Enter the new password.
    2. Reenter the password in the Confirm Password field.
    3. Click OK.

    4. Note   Note    Before changing the password, make sure the configuration is in the read-write mode. Cluster administrators can change the configuration to the read-write mode.

Changing a User Privilege

  1. From Cluster Explorer, click User Manager on the File menu.
  2. Click the user name.
  3. Click Change Privileges and enter the details for user privileges:

    Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

    1. Select the appropriate check boxes to grant privileges to the user. To grant Group Administrator or Group Operator privileges, proceed to step 4b. Otherwise, proceed to step 4d.
    2. Click Select Groups.
    3. Click the groups for which you want to grant privileges to the user, then click the right arrow to move the groups to the Selected Groups box.
    4. Click OK in the Change Privileges dialog box, then click Close in the User Manager dialog box.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation