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Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Backing Up and Restoring VCS Configuration Files

VCS enables you to back up and restore VCS configuration files on each node in the cluster using the hasnap command.

The command includes the following options; each option is described in detail in the following sections:

Option Action

hasnap -backup

Backs up files in a snapshot format.

hasnap -restore

Restores a previously created snapshot.

hasnap -display

Displays details of previously created snapshots.

hasnap -sdiff

Displays files that were changed on the local system after a specific snapshot was created.

hasnap -fdiff

Displays the differences between a file in the cluster and its copy stored in a snapshot.

hasnap -export

Exports a snapshot from the local, predefined directory to the specified file.

hasnap -include

Configures the list of files or directories to be included in new snapshots, in addition to those included automatically by the -backup command.

hasnap -exclude

Configures the list of files or directories to be excluded from new snapshots when backing up the configuration using the -backup command.

hasnap -delete

Deletes snapshots from the predefined local directory on each node.

Note   Note    With the exception of the -include, -exclude, and the -delete options, all options can be combined with the -f option. This option indicates that all files be backed up to or restored from the specified single file instead of a local, predefined directory on each node. This option is useful when you want to store the configuration data to an alternate location that is periodically backed up using backup software like VERITAS Net Backup.

hasnap -backup

The hasnap -backup command backs up files in a snapshot format. A snapshot is a collection of VCS configuration files backed up at a particular point in time, typically before making changes to the existing configuration. A snapshot also contains information such as the snapshot name, description, creation time, and file permisisons.

The command backs up a predefined list of VCS configuration files as well as a user-defined list. The predefined list includes all the *.cf files, custom agents, LLT and GAB configuration files, triggers, custom heartbeats, and action scripts. Please see the -include and -exclude commands to construct a user-defined list.


hasnap -backup [-f filename] [-n] [-m description]


-n: Runs the command in the non-interactive mode
-m: Specifies a description of the snapshot


The following command creates a backup of the configuration in the non-interactive mode and adds "Test Backup" as the backup description.

 # hasnap -backup -n -m "Test Backup"

The following command creates a backup of the configuration files and saves it as /tmp/backup-2-2-2003 on the node where the command was run.

 # hasnap -backup -f /tmp/backup-2-2-2003

hasnap -restore

The hasnap -restore command restores configuration files from a previously created snapshot.


hasnap -restore [-f filename] [-n] [-s snapid]


-n: Runs command in the non-interactive mode
-s: Specifies the ID of the snapshot to be restored
If no snapshot ID is specified, -restore displays which snapshots are available for restoration.


The following command restores the snapshot vcs-20030101-22232 in the non-interactive mode.

 # hasnap -restore -n -s vcs-20030101-22232

The following command restores the snapshot stored in the file /tmp/backup-2-2-2003.

 # hasnap -restore -f /tmp/backup-2-2-2003

hasnap -display

The hasnap -display command displays details of previously created snapshots.


hasnap -display [-f filename] [-list|-s snapid] [-m] [-l] [-t]


-list: Displays the list of snapshots in the repository
-s: Identifies the snapshot ID
-m: Displays snapshot description
-l: Displays the list of files in the snapshot
-t: Displays the snapshot timestamp
If no options are specified, the command displays all information about the latest snapshot.


The following command lists all snapshots.

 # hasnap -display -list

The following command displays the description and the time of creation of the specified snapshot.

 # hasnap -display -s vcs-20030101-2232 -m -t

The following command displays the description, the timestamp, and the list of all files in the snapshot file /tmp/backup-2-2-2003

 # hasnap -display -f /tmp/backup-2-2-2003 

hasnap -sdiff

The hasnap -sdiff command displays files that were changed on the local system after a specific snapshot was created.


hasnap -sdiff [-f filename] [-s snapid] [-sys hostname]


-s: Identifies the snapshot ID of the comparison snapshot.
-sys: Indicates the host on which the snapshot is to be compared.

If no options are specified, -sdiff uses the latest snapshot to compare the files on each node in the cluster.


The following command displays the differences between the current configuration and the snapshot vcs-20030101-22232.

 # hasnap -sdiff -s vcs-20030101-22232

The following command displays the difference between the configuration on system host1 and the snaphot stored in the file /tmp/backup-2-2-2003.

 # hasnap -sdiff -f /tmp/backup-2-2-2003 -sys host1

hasnap -fdiff

The hasnap -fdiff command displays the differences between a file currently on the cluster and its copy stored in a previously created snapshot.


hasnap -fdiff [-f filename] [-s snapid] [-sys hostname] file


-s: Identifies the snaphot ID of the snapshot.
-sys: Indicates the host on which the specified file is to be compared.
file: Identifies the comparison file.
If no options are specified, -fdiff uses the latest snapshot to compare the file on each node in the cluster.


The following command displays the differences between the files /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ on host1 and its version in the last snapshot.

 # hasnap -fdiff -sys host1 /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/

The following command displays the differences between the files /var/llttab on each node in the cluster and the version stored in the snapshot contained in the file /var/backup-2-2-2003.

 # hasnap -fdiff -f /tmp/backup-2-2-2003 /etc/llttab

hasnap -export

The hasnap -export command exports a snapshot from the local, predefined directory on each node in the cluster to the specified file. This option is useful when you want to store a previously created snapshot to an alternate location that is periodically backed up using backup software like VERITAS NetBackup.


hasnap -export -f filename [-s snapid]


-s: Indicates the snapshot ID to be exported.

If the snapshot ID is not specified, the command exports the latest snapshot to the specified file.


The following command exports data from snapshot vcs-20030101-22232 from each node in the cluster to the file /tmp/backup-2-2-2003 on the current node.

 # hasnap -export -f /tmp/backup-2-2-2003 -s vcs-20030101-22232

hasnap -include

The hasnap -include command configures the list of files or directories to be included in new snapshots, in addition to those included automatically by the -backup command. Please see section on the -backup command for the list of files automatically included for VCS.


hasnap -include -add|-del|-list [-sys hostname] files|directories


-add: Adds the specified files or directories to the include file list.
-del: Deletes the specified files or directories from the include file list.
-list: Displays the files or directories in the include file list.
files/directories: Identifies the file or directory names to be added to or deleted from the include list. Use this attribute with the -add or -delete options only.


The following command displays the list of files or directories to be included in new snapshots on each node of the cluster.

 # hasnap -include -list

The following command adds the file /opt/VRTSweb/conf/vrtsweb.xml to the include list on host1, which results in this file being included in the snapshot the next time the hasnap -backup command is run.

 # hasnap -include -add /opt/VRTSweb/conf/vrtsweb.xml

The following command removes the file /opt/VRTSweb/conf/vrtsweb.xml from the include list on host1.

 # hasnap -include -del -sys host1 /opt/VRTSweb/conf/vrtsweb.xml

hasnap -exclude

The hasnap -exclude command configures the list of files or directories that should not be included in new snapshots when backing up the configuration using the -backup command.


hasnap -exclude -add|-del|-list [-sys hostname] files|directories


-add: Adds the specified files or directories to the exclude file list.
-del: Deletes the specified files or directories from the exclude file list.
-list: Displays the files or directories in the exclude file list.
files/directories: Identifies the files or directories to be added to or deleted from the exclude list. Use this attribute with the -add or -delete options only.


The following command displays the exclude file list on each node in the cluster.

 # hasnap -exclude -list

The following command adds the file /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ to the exclude file list on host1, which results in this file being excluded from the snapshot the next time the hasnap -backup command is run.

hasnap -exclude -add -sys host1 /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/

The following command removes the file /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ from the exclude list on host1.

 # hasnap -exclude -del -sys host1 /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/

hasnap -delete

The hasnap -delete command deletes previously created snapshots from the predefined local directory on each node.


hasnap -delete [-s snapid]


-s: Snapshot ID to be deleted.
If the snapshot ID is not specified, the command displays a list of snapshots available for deletion.


The following command deletes snapshot vcs-20030101-22232 from the cluster.

 # hasnap -delete -s vcs-20030101-22232
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation