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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Initializing Cluster Attributes in the Configuration File

You may assign values for cluster attributes while configuring the cluster. (See Cluster Attributes for a description of each attribute cited below.)

Review the following sample configuration:

 cluster vcs-india ( 
  EngineClass = "RT" 
  EnginePriority = "20" 
  ProcessClass = "TS" 
  ProcessPriority = "40" 

Setting Cluster Attributes from the Command Line

  To update the EngineClass

haclus -modify EngineClass value

For example, to set the EngineClass attribute to RealTime::

haclus -modify EngineClass "RT"

  To update the EnginePriority

haclus -modify EnginePriority value

For example, to set the EnginePriority to 20::

haclus -modify EnginePriority "20"

  To update the ProcessClass

haclus -modify ProcessClass value

For example, to set the ProcessClass to TimeSharing:

haclus -modify ProcessClass "TS"

  To update the ProcessPriority

haclus -modify ProcessPriority value

For example, to set the ProcessPriority to 40:

haclus -modify ProcessPriority "40"
Note   Note    For the attributes EngineClass and EnginePriority, changes are effective immediately. For ProcessClass and ProcessPriority changes become effective only for processes fired after the execution of the haclus command.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation