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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide   

Agent Debug Logging Macros for C++ Entry Points

The macros VCSAG_RES_LOG_MSG and VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG can be used within agent entry points to log debug messages of a specific severity level to the agent log.

The LogDbg attribute can be used to specify a debug message severity level. See the description of the LogDbg attribute (LogDbg). The LogDbg attribute can be set at the resource type level, and can be overridden to be set at the level for a specific resource.

The VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG macro controls logging at the level of the resource type level, whereas VCSAG_RES_LOG_MSG macro can enable logging debug messages at the level of a specific resource.

The argument fields for the application logging macros are described in the following table:


Debug severity of the message. The values of dbgsev are macros ranging from VCS_DBG1 to VCS_DBG21; see Severity Arguments for C++ Macros.


Describes the logging options.

Default flags (0) prints UMI, NEWLINE. A macro, VCS_DEFAULT_FLAGS, represents the default value for the flags


A formatted string containing symbols. For example: "PathName is (%s)"


Variable number (as many as 6) of type char, char * or integer

For example:

        (CHAR *)(*attr_val));

For the example shown, the specified message is logged to the agent log if the specific resource has been enabled (that is, the LogDbg attribute is set) for logging of debug messages at the severity level DBG4.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation