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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide   


LogDbg is a resource type-level attribute that specifies which debug messages are to be logged to the agent log. The LogDbg attribute applies only for those agent entry points written in C++.

By default, LogDbg is an empty list, meaning that no debug messages are logged for a resource type. Users can modify this attribute for a given resource type, specifying that debug messages of specific severities be printed to the agent log.

For example, if you want to log debug messages for the FileOnOff resource type with severity levels DBG_3 and DBG_4, use the hatype command:

hatype -modify FileOnOff LogDbg -add DBG_3 DBG_4
hatype -display FileOnOff -attribute LogDbg
FileOnOff   LogDbg            DBG_3 DBG_4

The FileOnOff agent entry points can now log debug messages with severity DBG_3 and DBG_4. They are printed to the agent log file. An example line in the agent log would now resemble:

2003/06/06 11:02:35 VCS DBG_3 V-16-50-0 FileOnOff:f1:monitor:This is a debug message

LogDbg is an overrideable attribute. For example, for a specific critical resource, the attribute value can be set to obtain debug messages of particular severity level in addition to those severity levels already set for the resource type. From the command line, this can be done using the hares command. For example:

hares -override f1 LogDbg
hares -modify f1 LogDbg DBG_5
hares -display f1 -attribute LogDbg
Resource      Attribute        System         Value
f1            LogDbg           global         DBG_5

The FileOnOff agent log would now include debug messages for the f1 resource at severity level DBG_5 in addition to debug messages at the severity levels DBG_3 and DBG_4 enabled for the resource type.

The LogDbg attribute value can be overridden.

Note   Note    Values of LogDbg overridden for a resource are effective only if the agent uses the macro VCSAG_RES_LOG_MSG, which is the only macro that checks if a particular debug severity is enabled for the resource before writing the message to the log file. Please refer to Logging Agent Messages for more information.


Sets the size of an agent log file. Value must be specified in bytes. Minimum is 65536 bytes (64KB). Maximum is 134217728 bytes (128MB). Default is 33554432 bytes (32MB). For example,

hatype -modify FileOnOff LogSize 2097152

Values specified less than the minimum acceptable value will be changed 65536 bytes. Values specified greater than the maximum acceptable value will be changed to 134217728 bytes. Therefore, out-of-range values displayed for the command:

# hatype -display restype -attribute LogSize 

will be those entered with the -modify option, not the actual values. The LogFileSize attribute value cannot be overridden.


A service group level attribute. ManageFaults specifies if VCS manages resource failures within the service group by calling clean entry point for the resources. This attribute value can be set to ALL or NONE. Default = ALL.

If set to NONE, VCS does not call clean entry point for any resource in the group. User intervention is required to handle resource faults/failures. When ManageFaults is set to NONE and one of the following events occur, the resource enters the ADMIN_WAIT state:

1 - The offline entry point did not complete within the expected time. Resource state is ONLINE|ADMIN_WAIT
2 - The offline entry point was ineffective. Resource state is ONLINE|ADMIN_WAIT
3 - The online entry point did not complete within the expected time. Resource state is OFFLINE|ADMIN_WAIT
4 - The online entry point was ineffective. Resource state is OFFLINE|ADMIN_WAIT
5 - The resource was taken offline unexpectedly. Resource state is OFFLINE|ADMIN_WAIT
6 - For the online resource the monitor entry point consistently failed to complete within the expected time. Resource state is ONLINE| MONITOR_ TIMEDOUT|ADMIN_WAIT
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation