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Product: Cluster File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: User Commands (1m)   



cfsmount, cfsumount - mount or unmount a cluster file system


cfsmount mount_point [ [ node_name ] ...]
cfsumount mount_point [ [ node_name ] ...]




cfsmount mounts a shared volume associated with a mount point (as specified in the corresponding cluster-mount definition) on the specified nodes. If no node names are specified, the shared volume is mounted on all associated nodes in the cluster. Before running cfsmount, the cluster mount instance for the shared volume must be defined by the cfsmntadm add command.

cfsumount unmounts a shared volume associated with a mount point (as specified in the corresponding cluster-mount definition) on the specified nodes. If no node names are specified, the shared volume is unmounted on all associated nodes in the cluster. If the unmount fails, cfsumount tries to do a forced unmount of the volume. If the node unmounting the shared volume is the primary of the cluster file system, the primaryship is moved to another node in the cluster before unmounting the file system.


If a shared volume is being mounted for the first time, cfsmount enables (starts) the shared disk group and volume.

These commands can be run from any node in the cluster.

Only a privileged user can run this command.



The mount point representing the cluster mount with which a shared volume is associated. If no shared volume is associated with this mount point, the command fails.


List of node names on which to mount/unmount the shared volume. These nodes must be part of the cluster nodes as defined by the cfsmntadm add command. If no nodes are specified, the shared volume is mounted/unmounted on all the nodes in the cluster with which it is associated.


To mount a shared volume associated with the mount point /mnt1 on both nodes of a 2-node cluster (node1 and node2), from node1 enter:

cfsmount /mnt1

To mount a shared volume associated with the mount point /mnt1 on only one node of a 2-node cluster (node1 and node2), from node2 enter:

cfsmount /mnt1  node1

The above examples also work with the cfsumount command.


cfsmount and cfsumount return an exit value of 0 if the command completes successfully, and a value greater than 0 if the command fails.


cfscluster (1M), cfsdgadm (1M), cfsmntadm (1M)
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Product: Cluster File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: User Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation