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Product: Cluster File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: User Commands (1m)   



cfsdgadm - add or delete shared disk groups to/from a cluster configuration


cfsdgadm add shared_disk_group node_name=activation_mode ...
cfsdgadm add shared_disk_group all=activation_mode
cfsdgadm delete [ -f ] shared_disk_group
cfsdgadm display [ -v ] shared_disk_group
cfsdgadm modify shared_disk_group node_name=activation_mode ...
cfsdgadm modify shared_disk_group all=activation_mode
cfsdgadm modify shared_disk_group dg new_shared_disk_group
cfsdgadm move source_shared_disk_group target_shared_disk_group




The cfsdgadm command is the administrative interface for shared disk groups. Using cfsdgadm, you can add a shared disk group to a cluster configuration, delete a shared disk group, modify the activation mode, or display the shared disk group's configuration information.

Any specified shared disk group must already exist before using this command.

Only a privileged user can run this command.



Adds a shared disk group to a cluster by associating it with the specified nodes. The respective modes are applied when a disk group is activated.

This command adds shared disk group information (such as the shared disk group's name) and the list of specified nodes to the cluster configuration. After the shared disk group is associated with a node in the cluster, it will be activated (in the mode as was specified in the command) whenever the node joins the cluster. You can change the activation mode associated with a shared disk group for a node using the cfsdgadm modify command.


Removes the shared disk group from the cluster by disassociating it from the nodes in the cluster. This option deletes the information related to this shared disk group from the cluster configuration. After the shared disk group is disassociated from the nodes in the cluster, the shared disk group is not automatically activated when the node joins the cluster.

Note   Note    The delete will fail if any shared volume belonging to this disk group is currently mounted. If the -f is specified, the volumes are unmounted and the delete process continues.


Displays the information related to the shared disk group's cluster configuration:

      • List of nodes, with respective activation modes, with which the shared disk group is associated.
      • List of shared volumes, and their associated cluster mounts, defined on the shared disk group (if -v is specified).
      • modify

        Changes the activation mode for a shared disk group. The information corresponding to this shared disk group in the cluster configuration is updated. After the change, whenever the node (for which the activation mode was changed) joins the cluster, the shared disk group is imported in the changed activation mode. Caution: Be careful when using this option. Make sure that the volumes belonging to the disk group are not mounted or in use. Results are unpredictable if the disk group is being used.

        Specifying the modify keyword with the dg option updates the cfsadmin management framework to reflect the new name of the shared_disk_group after the disk group is renamed with the vxdg(1M) command.


        Updates the cfsadmin management framework as appropriate following VxVM disk group splits and joins. Run this command after performing VxVM disk group split or join operations. Note that cfsdgadm does not perform the actual disk group split or join operation; use the vxdg command for that purpose. See the vxdg(1M) manual page for more information.



The force option unmounts the shared volume from all the nodes in the cluster and removes the corresponding cluster mount instance.


Specifies verbose mode.



Name of the VxVM shared disk group.


List of node names on which the specified shared volume can be mounted. The node must be a member of the cluster or the request fails for that node. If no node names are specified, the cluster mount is attached with all the nodes in the cluster.

all= | node_name= activation_mode

For a shared disk group, the activation mode is on a per-node basis. all sets the same activation mode for all the nodes in the cluster. The following are the valid activation modes and corresponding read/write capability for shared disk groups:


Specifies exclusive write. The node has exclusive write access to volumes in the disk group. No other node in the cluster can activate the disk group for write access.


Disables all read/write access.


Specifies read only. The node has read access to volumes in the disk group. The node has no write access and denies write access to all other nodes in the cluster.


Specifies shared read. The node has read access to volumes in the disk group, but no write access. Other nodes can activate the disk group for write access.


Specifies shared write. The node has write access to volumes in the disk group. Other nodes can activate the disk group for shared write access.


cfsdgadm returns an exit value of 0 if the command completes successfully, and a value greater than 0 if the command fails.


To add shared disk group named sharedg to the cluster configuration, enter:

# cfsdgadm add sharedg all=sw


cfscluster (1M), cfsmntadm (1M), cfsmount (1M), vxdg(1M)
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Product: Cluster File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: User Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation