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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides   
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide   

Overview of Cluster Volume Management

Tightly coupled cluster systems have become increasingly popular in enterprise-scale mission-critical data processing. The primary advantage of clusters is protection against hardware failure. If the primary node fails or otherwise becomes unavailable, applications can continue to run by transferring their execution to standby nodes in the cluster. This ability to provide continuous availability of service by switching to redundant hardware is commonly termed failover.

Another major advantage of clustered systems is their ability to reduce contention for system resources caused by activities such as backup, decision support and report generation. Enhanced value can be derived from cluster systems by performing such operations on lightly loaded nodes in the cluster instead of on the heavily loaded nodes that answer requests for service. This ability to perform some operations on the lightly loaded nodes is commonly termed load balancing.

To implement cluster functionality, VxVM works together with the cluster monitor daemon that is provided by the host operating system or by VCS. The cluster monitor informs VxVM of changes in cluster membership. Each node starts up independently and has its own cluster monitor plus its own copies of the operating system and VxVM with support for cluster functionality. When a node joins a cluster, it gains access to shared disks. When a node leaves a cluster, it no longer has access to shared disks. A node joins a cluster when the cluster monitor is started on that node.

The figure Example of a 4-Node Cluster illustrates a simple cluster arrangement consisting of four nodes with similar or identical hardware characteristics (CPUs, RAM and host adapters), and configured with identical software (including the operating system). The nodes are fully connected by a private network and they are also separately connected to shared external storage (either disk arrays or JBODs: just a bunch of disks) via Fibre Channel. Each node has two independent paths to these disks, which are configured in one or more cluster-shareable disk groups.

The private network allows the nodes to share information about system resources and about each other's state. Using the private network, any node can recognize which other nodes are currently active, which are joining or leaving the cluster, and which have failed. The private network requires at least two communication channels to provide redundancy against one of the channels failing. If only one channel were used, its failure would be indistinguishable from node failure---a condition known as network partitioning.

Example of a 4-Node Cluster

Example of a 4-Node Cluster

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

To the cluster monitor, all nodes are the same. VxVM objects configured within shared disk groups can potentially be accessed by all nodes that join the cluster. However, the cluster functionality of VxVM requires that one node act as the master node; all other nodes in the cluster are slave nodes. Any node is capable of being the master node, and it is responsible for coordinating certain VxVM activities.

Note   Note    You must run commands that configure or reconfigure VxVM objects on the master node. Tasks that must be initiated from the master node include setting up shared disk groups, creating and reconfiguring volumes, and performing snapshot operations.

VxVM designates the first node to join a cluster the master node. If the master node leaves the cluster, one of the slave nodes is chosen to be the new master. In Example of a 4-Node Cluster, node 0 is the master node and nodes 1, 2 and 3 are slave nodes.

Private and Shared Disk Groups

Two types of disk groups are defined:

  • Private disk groups---belong to only one node. A private disk group is only imported by one system. Disks in a private disk group may be physically accessible from one or more systems, but access is restricted to one system only. The root disk group (rootdg) is always a private disk group.
  • Shared disk groups---shared by all nodes. A shared (or cluster-shareable) disk group is imported by all cluster nodes. Disks in a shared disk group must be physically accessible from all systems that may join the cluster.

In a cluster, most disk groups are shared. Disks in a shared disk group are accessible from all nodes in a cluster, allowing applications on multiple cluster nodes to simultaneously access the same disk. A volume in a shared disk group can be simultaneously accessed by more than one node in the cluster, subject to licensing and disk group activation mode restrictions.

You can use the vxdg command to designate a disk group as cluster-shareable. When a disk group is imported as cluster-shareable for one node, each disk header is marked with the cluster ID. As each node subsequently joins the cluster, it recognizes the disk group as being cluster-shareable and imports it. You can also import or deport a shared disk group at any time; the operation takes places in a distributed fashion on all nodes.

Each physical disk is marked with a unique disk ID. When cluster functionality for VxVM starts on the master, it imports all shared disk groups (except for any that have the noautoimport attribute set). When a slave tries to join a cluster, the master sends it a list of the disk IDs that it has imported, and the slave checks to see if it can access them all. If the slave cannot access one of the listed disks, it abandons its attempt to join the cluster. If it can access all of the listed disks, it imports the same shared disk groups as the master and joins the cluster. When a node leaves the cluster, it deports all its imported shared disk groups, but they remain imported on the surviving nodes.

Reconfiguring a shared disk group is performed with the co-operation of all nodes. Configuration changes to the disk group happen simultaneously on all nodes and the changes are identical. Such changes are atomic in nature, which means that they either occur simultaneously on all nodes or not at all.

Whether all members of the cluster have simultaneous read and write access to a cluster-shareable disk group depends on its activation mode setting as discussed in Activation Modes of Shared Disk Groups. The data contained in a cluster-shareable disk group is available as long as at least one node is active in the cluster. The failure of a cluster node does not affect access by the remaining active nodes. Regardless of which node accesses a cluster-shareable disk group, the configuration of the disk group looks the same.

Note   Note    Applications running on each node can access the data on the VM disks simultaneously. VxVM does not protect against simultaneous writes to shared volumes by more than one node. It is assumed that applications control consistency (by using a distributed lock manager, for example).

Activation Modes of Shared Disk Groups

A shared disk group must be activated on a node for the volumes in the disk group to become accessible for I/O from that node. The ability of applications to read from or to write to volumes is determined by the activation mode of a shared disk group. Valid activation modes for a shared disk group are exclusive-write, read-only, shared-read, shared-write, and off (inactive). Activation modes are described in the table Allowed and Conflicting Activation Modes.

Note   Note    The default activation mode for shared disk groups is off (inactive).

Applications such as high availability (HA) and off-host backup can use disk group activation to explicitly control volume access from different nodes in the cluster.

The activation mode of a disk group controls volume I/O from different nodes in the cluster. It is not possible to activate a disk group on a given node if it is activated in a conflicting mode on another node in the cluster.

The table Allowed and Conflicting Activation Modes summarizes the allowed and conflicting activation modes for shared disk groups:

Allowed and Conflicting Activation Modes

Disk group activated in cluster as... Attempt to activate disk group on another node as...
exclusive- write read-only shared-read shared-write




















Shared disk groups can be automatically activated in any mode during disk group creation or during manual or auto-import. To control auto-activation of shared disk groups, the defaults file /etc/default/vxdg must be created.

The defaults file /etc/default/vxdg must contain the following lines:


The activation-mode is one of exclusive-write, read-only, shared-read, shared-write, or off.

Caution  Caution    When enabling activation using the defaults file, it is advisable that the defaults file be identical on all nodes in the cluster. Otherwise, the results of activation are unpredictable.

When a shared disk group is created or imported, it is activated in the specified mode. When a node joins the cluster, all shared disk groups accessible from the node are activated in the specified mode.

If the defaults file is edited while the vxconfigd daemon is already running, the vxconfigd process must be restarted for the changes in the defaults file to take effect.

Caution  Caution    If the default activation mode is anything other than off, an activation following a cluster join, or a disk group creation or import can fail if another node in the cluster has activated the disk group in a conflicting mode.

To display the activation mode for a shared disk group, use the vxdg list diskgroup command.

You can also use the vxdg command to change the activation mode on a shared disk group.

Connectivity Policy of Shared Disk Groups

The nodes in a cluster must always agree on the status of a disk. In particular, if one node cannot write to a given disk, all nodes must stop accessing that disk before the results of the write operation are returned to the caller. Therefore, if a node cannot contact a disk, it should contact another node to check on the disk's status. If the disk fails, no node can access it and the nodes can agree to detach the disk. If the disk does not fail, but rather the access paths from some of the nodes fail, the nodes cannot agree on the status of the disk. Either of the following policies for resolving this type of discrepancy may be applied:

  • Under the global connectivity policy, the detach occurs cluster-wide (globally) if any node in the cluster reports a disk failure. This is the default policy.
  • Under the local connectivity policy, in the event of disks failing, the failures are confined to the particular nodes that saw the failure. Note that an attempt is made to communicate with all nodes in the cluster to ascertain the disks' usability. If all nodes report a problem with the disks, a cluster-wide detach occurs.

The vxdg command can be used to set the disk dettach and dg fail policy. The dgfailpolicy sets the disk group failure policy in the case that the master node loses connectivity to the configuration and log copies within a shared disk group. This attribute requires that the disk group version is 120 or greater. The following policies are supported:

  • dgdisable---The master node disables the diskgroup for all user or kernel initiated transactions. First write and final close fail. This is the default policy.
  • leave---The master node panics instead of disabling the disk group if a log update fails for a user or kernel initiated transaction (including first write or final close). If the failure to access the log copies is global, all nodes panic in turn as they become the master node.

Limitations of Shared Disk Groups

The cluster functionality of VxVM does not support RAID-5 volumes, or task monitoring for cluster-shareable disk groups. These features can, however, be used in private disk groups that are attached to specific nodes of a cluster. Online relayout is supported provided that it does not involve RAID-5 volumes.

The root disk group (rootdg) cannot be made cluster-shareable. It must be private.

Only raw device access may be performed via the cluster functionality of VxVM. It does not support shared access to file systems in shared volumes unless the appropriate software, such as VERITAS Cluster File System, is installed and configured.

If a shared disk group contains unsupported objects, deport it and then re-import the disk group as private on one of the cluster nodes. Reorganize the volumes into layouts that are supported for shared disk groups, and then deport and re-import the disk group as shared.

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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides  
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation