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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides   
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide   


Note   Note    See the VERITAS Volume Manager Adminstrator's Guide for complete information on VxVM and CVM. Online versions of the VxVM documentation set are installed under the /opt/VRTSvmdoc directory.

A cluster consists of a number of hosts or nodes that share a set of disks. The main benefits of cluster configurations are:

  • Availability---If one node fails, the other nodes can still access the shared disks. When configured with suitable software, mission-critical applications can continue running by transferring their execution to a standby node in the cluster. This ability to provide continuous uninterrupted service by switching to redundant hardware is commonly termed failover.
  • Failover is transparent to users and high-level applications for database and file-sharing. You must configure cluster management software, such as VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS), to monitor systems and services, and to restart applications on another node in the event of either hardware or software failure. VCS also allows you to perform general administration tasks such as making nodes join or leave a cluster.
  • Off-host processing---Clusters can reduce contention for system resources by performing activities such as backup, decision support and report generation on the more lightly loaded nodes of the cluster. This allows businesses to derive enhanced value from their investment in cluster systems.

The cluster functionality (CVM) of VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) allows up to 16 nodes in a cluster to simultaneously access and manage a set of disks under VxVM control (VM disks). The same logical view of disk configuration and any changes to this is available on all the nodes. When the cluster functionality is enabled, all the nodes in the cluster can share VxVM objects. This chapter discusses the cluster functionality that is provided with VxVM.

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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides  
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation