Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxstorage_stats - VERITAS Storage Foundation for Databases file statistics utility


For Oracle: /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/vxstorage_stats [-m] [-s]
[-i interval -c count ] -f filename

For DB2:
/opt/VRTSdb2ed/bin/vxstorage_stats [-m] [-s]
[-i interval -c count ] -f filename


This command is part of VERITAS Storage Foundation for Databases.


The vxstorage_stats command prints I/O mapping and statistics about one or more VERITAS File System files. The statistics are recorded only for VxFS files and VxVM volumes. These statistics show I/O activity.


The following options are supported:


Displays the I/O stack mapping topology for the specified file.


Displays the file statistics for the specified file.

-c count

Specifies the number of times to print statistics. -i interval is required to use -c count.

-i interval

Specifies the interval frequency for printing updated I/O statistics. If the -i interval option is supplied, statistics are prefaced with a time stamp showing the current local time on the system. If -i interval and -c count are not specified, the default is one count (that is, statistics will be printed a single time). Note: I/O topology information is printed first; subsequent refreshes display statistics only.

-f filename

Specifies the file to print I/O mapping and statistics for.


In vxstorage_stats command output, I/O topology information appears first followed by summary statistics for each object. Summary statistics are printed in single line output records, preceded by two header lines. The output line consists of the following space-separated fields:

  • file name
  • number of read operations
  • number of write operations
  • number of blocks read
  • number of blocks written
  • average time spent on read operations in the interval
  • average time spent on write operations in the interval

The vxstorage_stats command exits with a non-zero status if the attempted operation fails. A non-zero exit code is returned for the first condition that prevented execution of the utility.


Note that for Oracle, the command is located under /opt/VRTSdbed/bin. For DB2, it is located under /opt/VRTSdb2ed/bin.

To print the entire I/O mapping:

# /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/vxstorage_stats -m -f /data/system01.dbf

To print the entire I/O mapping and statistics of each I/O stack:

# /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/vxstorage_stats -m -s -f /data/system01.dbf

To print statistics two times with a time interval of two seconds:

\$# /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/vxstorage_stats  -s -i2 -c2 -f /data/system01.dbf


VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide
VERITAS Storage Foundation for DB2 Administrator's Guide
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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation