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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Uninstalling DBE/AC for Oracle9i RAC

Uninstalling VERITAS DBE/AC 3.5 for Oracle9i RAC involves stopping gsd processes, unmounting CFS file systems outside of VCS control, taking Oracle and Sqlnet resources offline, unlinking the Oracle binary from VERITAS libraries, taking Oracle service groups offline, and running the uninstallDBAC script. You do not have to remove the Oracle database or uninstall Oracle9i to upgrade SFRAC. Refer to the VERITAS Database Edition / Advanced Cluster 3.5 for Oracle9i RAC documentation for more details on uninstalling the product.

Stopping gsd and Applications Using CFS

  1. As oracle user, stop gsd processes on each node. To determine if gsd processes are running, type:
      $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/gsdctl stat

    If gsd processes are running, stop them:

      $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/gsdctl stop
  2. Stop all applications using CFS mounts outside of VCS control. Ensure processes do not use the CFS mount point:
      # fuser -c mount_point

    To kill the processes using the CFS mount point, type:

      # fuser -ck mount_point

Unmounting CFS File Systems Outside of VCS Control

On each node, unmount any CFS file systems outside of VCS control.

  1. Determine the file systems to unmount by checking the /etc/mnttab file. For example:
      # cat /etc/mnttab | grep vxfs | grep cluster

    The output shows each line of the /etc/mnttab file that contains an entry for a VxFS file system mounted in cluster mode.

  2. To unmount each of the file systems listed in the output, specify the appropriate mount point:
      # umount mount_point
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation