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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Running the uninstallsfrac Utility

Run the script from any node in the cluster. Prior to invoking the uninstallsfrac script, you must take all service groups offline and shut down VCS.

The example in this procedure involves removing SFRAC from the saturn node.

  1. As root user, start the uninstallation:
      # cd /opt/VRTS/install
      # ./uninstallsfrac
  2. Decline to uninstall SFRAC from all systems:
      VCS configuration files exist on this system with the following
            Cluster Name: rac_cluster1
            Cluster ID Number: 7
            Systems: galaxy nebula saturn
            Service Groups: cvm oradb1_grp
    Do you want to uninstall SFRAC from these systems? [y,n,q] (y) n
    Caution  Caution    Be sure to answer "n". Otherwise, the utility begins the process of uninstalling SFRAC from all systems.
  3. Specify the name of the system on which you are uninstalling SFRAC:
      Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to uninstall
  4. Review the output as the script checks for packages currently installed on your system. The utility also checks for dependencies between packages to determine the packages it can safely uninstall and in which order:
      Checking SFRAC packages installed on galaxy:
        Checking VRTSvxmsa package ........... version 4.1 installed
        Checking VRTSvxmsa dependencies ............ no dependencies
        Checking VRTSvcsvr package ........... version 4.1 installed
        Checking VRTSvcsvr dependencies ............ no dependencies
        Checking VRTSvcsvp package ........... version 4.1 installed
        Checking VRTSvcsvp dependencies ............ no dependencies
        Checking VRTSgab package ............. version 4.1 installed
        Checking VRTSgab dependencies .... VRTSdbac VRTSglm VRTSgms
         VRTSvcs VRTSvcsag VRTSvcsmg VRTSvxfen
        Checking VRTSllt package ............. version 4.1 installed
        Checking VRTSllt dependencies ... VRTSdbac VRTSgab VRTSglm
         VRTSgms VRTSvxfen
  5. Confirm to uninstall SFRAC:
     uninstallsfrac is now ready to uninstall SFRAC packages.
     All SFRAC processes that are currently running will be stopped.

     Are you sure you want to uninstall SFRAC packages? [y,n,q] (y) 
  6. Review the output as the script stops processes and drivers running on each node:
      Stopping SFRAC processes on galaxy:
        Checking VRTSweb process ....................... not running
        Checking had process ............................... running
        Stopping had .......................................... Done
        Checking hashadow process ...................... not running
        Checking CmdServer process ......................... running
        Killing CmdServer ..................................... Done
        Checking notifier process ...................... not running
        Checking vcsmm driver .................. vcsmm module loaded
        Stopping vcsmm driver ................................. Done
  7. After the script uninstalls the packages, it describes the location of the summary and log files.
     Uninstallation of Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC has completed

     The uninstallation summary is saved at:


     The uninstallsfrac log is saved at:

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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation