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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Uninstalling Oracle if Installed Locally (Optional)

If Oracle is installed on a cluster file system, proceed to Running the uninstallsfrac Utility.

If Oracle is installed locally and you choose not to uninstall Oracle, proceed to Unlinking the Oracle Binary from VERITAS Libraries (Required if Oracle is Installed Locally).

If Oracle is installed locally and you choose to uninstall it, use the Oracle runInstaller utility. Run the utility on each node you are removing from the cluster.

  1. On one node, log in as oracle.
  2. Set the DISPLAY variable.

    If you use the Bourne Shell (bash, sh or ksh):

      $ export DISPLAY=host:0.0

    If you use the C Shell (csh or tcsh):

      $ setenv DISPLAY host:0.0
  3. On the first node, run the Oracle9i runInstaller utility:
      $ /cdrom/Disk1/runInstaller

    As the utility starts up, select the option to uninstall the Oracle software from the local node you are removing. Refer to the Oracle Installation Guide for details on the utility.

Unlinking the Oracle Binary from VERITAS Libraries (Required if Oracle is Installed Locally)

Refer to Unlinking the Oracle Binary From VERITAS Libraries for details.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation