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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Setting Up the SFRAC Storage Checkpoint Feature for Use

To enable use of the Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Storage Checkpoint feature:

    Checkmark  Set the ownership and permissions for the Storage Checkpoint utility.

    Checkmark  Choose only one instance from the database for which you want to create and manage a Storage Checkpoint.

    Checkmark  From the appropriate system, create a repository directory. This directory may be created on a cluster file system, on private shared storage, or within a local file system. The procedure that follows describes creating the repository on a cluster file system. A repository is required for storing information about the database elements.

    Checkmark  Set the ownership and permissions on the repository directory.

    Checkmark  Create a locks directory in the repository directory.

    Checkmark  Create the repository.

    Checkmark  Create the Storage Checkpoint for the database.

Perform the following steps on the node where the instance is running. In these examples, the owner is oracle and the group is dba.

  To enable Oracle user and dba group access to VRTSdbckp directory

  1. Log in as root user and move to the /opt directory:
      # cd /opt
  2. Set the ownership and permissions of the VRTSdbckp directory:
      # chown oracle /opt/VRTSdbckp
      # chmod 500 /opt/VRTSdbckp
      # chgrp dba /opt/VRTSdbckp
      # chmod 550 /opt/VRTSdbckp
  3. Perform the preceding steps on all nodes in the cluster.

  To choose a database instance and create a repository directory

  1. Log in to the system running an instance of the database for which you want to create and manage a Storage Checkpoint.
  2. Create and mount a file system for the database repository. In this example, the shared file system ckptrepvol1 with a size of 300 Megabytes is created and mounted at the mount point ckptrep. The repository directory is /ckptrep/test.
       # vxdg -s init ckptrepdg ckptrepdgd1=c2t3d0
       # vxassist -g ckptrepdg make dkptrepvol1 300m
       # mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/ckptrepdg/ckptrepvol1
       # mount -F vxfs -o cluster /dev/vx/dsk/ckptrepdg/ckptrepvol1 \
       # mkdir /ckptrep/test

  To set ownership of repository directory

On the system where the instance is running, set the ownership of the repository directory:

  # chown oracle:dba /ckptrep/test

  To set the permissions of the repository directory and create a locks directory

  1. Log in as oracle user.
  2. As user oracle, set the permissions for the repository directory:
      $ chmod 777 /ckptrep/test
  3. Create a locks directory in the repository:
      $ mkdir /ckptrep/test/locks

  To create Storage Checkpoints

  1. Making sure that the instance is running, set the PATH and VXDBA_DBPATH environment variables:
      $ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/VRTSdbckp/bin
      $ export VXDBA_DBPATH=/ckptrep/test
  2. Run the sfrac_update command to create the repository:
      $ sfrac_update -S db12 -H /oracle/92064/orahome

    See Creating or Updating The Repository Using sfrac_update for more information about the sfrac_update command.

  3. Create the checkpoint:
      $ sfrac_ckptcreate -S db12 -H /oracle/92064/orahome -o online

    See also Creating Storage Checkpoints Using sfrac_ckptcreate.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation