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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Creating Storage Checkpoints Using sfrac_ckptcreate

  • You can use the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC sfrac_ckptcreate command to create a Storage Checkpoint from the command line. Storage Checkpoints can be either online, offline, or instant. See the sfrac_ckptcreate(1M) manual page for more information.If online is specified, the database is put into hot-backup mode when the Storage Checkpoint is created.
  • If offline is specified, the database is expected to be down; this is the default.
  • If instant is specified, the database is expected to be online; a Storage Checkpoint is taken for a "crash recovery"-type storage rollback.

Usage Notes

In addition to creating the Storage Checkpoint, sfrac_ckptcreate also backs up the Oracle control file in:


  To create Storage Checkpoints while the database is online

Use the sfrac_ckptcreate command as in the following example:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/sfrac_ckptcreate -S DB12 \
-H $ORACLE_HOME -o online

 NOTICE: Creating online Storage Checkpoint of database DB12.
 Storage Checkpoint Checkpoint_1068762379 created.

  To create Storage Checkpoints without updating the VxDBA repository while the database is online

Use the sfrac_ckptcreate command as in the following example:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/sfrac_ckptcreate -S DB12 \
-H $ORACLE_HOME -o online -n

 Storage Checkpoint Checkpoint_1068762379 created.

  To create Storage Checkpoints while the database is offline

Use the sfrac_ckptcreate command as in the following example:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/sfrac_ckptcreate -S DB12 \
-H $ORACLE_HOME -o offline

 Storage Checkpoint Checkpoint_1068762379 created.
Note   Note    The default option is offline.
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation