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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Requirements for Installing Components

This section describes the prerequisites to install VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC software.

  • For a list of supported hardware for Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC, see the VERITAS Technical Support website:
  • For the latest information on updates, patches, and software issues regarding this release, see the following TechNote on the VERITAS Technical Support website:

Refer to the VERITAS Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Release Notes for additional details.

License Keys

VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC is a licensed software product. The installation program prompts you for a license key for each node. You cannot use this product until you have completed the licensing process. Use one of the following methods described in the upcoming sections to obtain a valid license key.

Using the VERITAS vLicenseTM Web Site to Obtain a License Key

You can obtain your license key most efficiently using the VERITAS vLicense Web site. The License Key Request Form has all the information to establish a user account on vLicense and generate your license key. The License Key Request Form is a one-page insert included with the disc in your product package. You must have this form to obtain a software license key for your VERITAS product.

Note   Note    Do not discard the License Key Request Form. If you misplace the form, email

The License Key Request Form contains information unique to your VERITAS software purchase. To obtain your software license key, refer to the following information on the form:

  • Your VERITAS customer number
  • Your order number
  • Your serial number

Follow the appropriate instructions on the vLicense Web site to obtain your license key depending on whether you are a new or previous user of vLicense. Access the site at and log in or create a new login. After following the instructions and receiving the generated license key, you can proceed with installation.

Faxing the License Key Request Form to Obtain a License Key

If you do not have Internet access, fax the License Key Request Form to VERITAS. Be aware that faxing the form generally requires several business days to process in order to provide a license key. Before faxing the form, sign and date it in the appropriate spaces. Fax it to the number shown on the form.

Oracle RAC Versions

Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC supports systems running Oracle9i Release 2.

HP Operating Systems

All nodes in the cluster must run the same level and release of the HP-UX operating system. SFRAC 4.1 requires the September 2004 (also called AR0904) HP-UX 11i Version 2.0 (B11.23) release for HP 9000/Itanium servers, 64-bit. If necessary, upgrade the operating system to this version or a later version.

To identify the Operating Environment (OE) currently installed on your system, use the swlist command. For example:

swlist | grep HPUX
HPUX11i-OE-MC B.11.23.0409 HP-UX Mission
Critical Operating Environment Component

HPUXBaseAux B.11.23.0409 HP-UX Base OS

  HPUXBaseOS                    B.11.23        HP-UX Base OS
OnlineDiag B. HPUX 11.23 Support
Tools Bundle, Sep 2004

The output of this command includes a line that identifies the installed OE. For example:

HPUX11i-OE-MC B.11.23.0409 HP-UX Mission
Critical Operating Environment Component

Operating Environments

HP-UX 11i OEs are bundles of key applications available to users to help them install a complete operating system in a single-pass process. VERITAS supports SFRAC for HP-UX on the following OEs:

  • HPUX11i-OE
  • HP-UX 11i v2 Foundation OE
  • HPUX11i-OE-Ent
  • HP-UX 11i v2 Enterprise OE
  • HPUX11i-OE-MC
  • HP-UX 11i v2 Mission Critical OE

HP Patches

Install the following HP packages and patches on each node before installing SFRAC:

  • DiskQuota-Enh
  • FSCmdsEnh
  • FSLibEnh
  • PHCO_32385
  • PHCO_32387
  • PHCO_32388
  • PHCO_32389
  • PHCO_32390
  • PHCO_32391
  • PHCO_32392
  • PHCO_32393
  • PHCO_32488
  • PHCO_32523
  • PHCO_32524
  • PHCO_32551
  • PHCO_32552
  • PHCO_32596
  • PHCO_32608
  • PHCO_32609
  • PHCO_32610
  • PHCO_32611
  • PHKL_32272
  • PHKL_32425
  • PHKL_32430
  • PHKL_32431

Disk Space (Local)

Each node requires at least the following local disk space:

  • For the installation of SFRAC without Oracle9i: 7 GB (recommended)
  • For the installation of Oracle9i on the local disk: approximately 20 GB
  • For the duration of the installation of SFRAC and Oracle9i: a minimum of 1 GB in the /tmp directory.This disk space is required only during the installation.

Synchronized Cluster Nodes

VERITAS recommends all cluster nodes have the same time. If you do not run the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon, make sure to synchronize the time settings on each node.

System-to-System Communication

If you configured ssh (SSH client) for the cluster nodes, the installation program can install SFRAC as long as ssh commands between nodes can execute without password prompting and confirmation.

If you did not configure ssh, enable each node to have remote remsh access to the other nodes during installation and disk verification. On each node, placing a "+ +" character in the first line of the /.rhosts file gives remote access to the system running the install program. You can limit the remote access to specific nodes. Refer to the manual page for the /.rhosts file for more information.

Remove the remote remsh access permissions after the installation and disk verification process.

Removing Pre-existing License Keys

  1. To view license key files currently installed on a node, type:
      # cd /opt/VRTS/bin

    The output lists the license keys and information about their respective products.

  2. Navigate to the directory containing the license key files and list the files:
      # cd /etc/vx/licenses/lic
      # ls -a
  3. Move the license key files to another location for future reference. For example, in the directory containing the license key files, create a sub-directory and move the files to that new location:
      # mkdir OLD
      # mv * OLD
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation