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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Using VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager

VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager is specifically designed for Oracle9i or later to enhance file management and disk I/O throughput. The features of Oracle Disk Manager are best suited for databases that reside in a file system contained in VERITAS File System. Oracle Disk Manager allows Oracle9i or later users to improve database throughput for I/O intensive workloads with special I/O optimization.

Oracle Disk Manager reduces administrative overhead by providing enhanced support for Oracle Managed Files. VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager has Quick I/O-like capabilities, but is transparent to the user. Unlike VERITAS Quick I/O, files managed using VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager do not require special file naming conventions. The Oracle Disk Manager interface uses regular database files. With Oracle9i or later, you can access both Oracle Disk Manager and Quick I/O files so you have the option to convert or not to convert your old Quick I/O files.

Note   Note    If you are using Oracle8i, we recommend using Quick I/O.

Note   Note    VERITAS Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle is the last major release that supports Oracle Disk Manager for raw devices.

This chapter describes how to set up and use the Oracle Disk Manager feature.

Topics covered in this chapter include:

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation