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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Setting Up VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager

VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager is part of VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle. VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager is enabled once VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle and Oracle9i or later are installed, and the VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager library is linked to the library in the {ORACLE_HOME}/lib directory.

Note   Note    Because Oracle Disk Manager uses the Quick I/O driver to perform asynchronous I/O, do not turn off the Quick I/O mount option, which is the default.


  • VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle must be installed on your system.
  • Oracle9i, or later, must be installed on your system.
  • Do not enable Oracle Disk Manager when Cached Quick I/O is enabled for datafiles.

  • Note   Note    Oracle uses default file access methods if Oracle9i or later or VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle is not installed, or VxFS 3.5 is not available in the kernel.

Oracle 10g

  To link the VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager library into Oracle home for Oracle 10g

Use the rm and ln commands as follows.

 # rm ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib/
 # ln -s /opt/VRTSodm/lib/ ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib/


  To link the VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager library into Oracle home for Oracle9i

Use the rm and ln commands as follows.

 # rm ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib/
 # ln -s /opt/VRTSodm/lib/ ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib/

When Oracle Disk Manager is enabled, the message "Oracle instance running with ODM: VERITAS 3.5 ODM Library, Version 1.1." is sent to the alert log.

When the system and instance are configured correctly, the Oracle Disk Manager feature is used, by default, for accessing any database storage.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation