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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Enabling Cached Quick I/O on the File System

Cached Quick I/O depends on VERITAS Quick I/O running as an underlying system enhancement in order to function correctly. Follow the procedures listed here to ensure that you have the correct setup to use Cached Quick I/O successfully.


  • You must have permission to change file system behavior using the vxtunefs command to enable or disable Cached Quick I/O. By default, you need superuser (root) permissions to run the vxtunefs command, but other system users do not. Superuser (root) must specifically grant database administrators permission to use this command as follows:

  •    # chown root:dba /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1/vxtunefs
       # chmod 4550 /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1/vxtunefs
    where users belonging to the dba group are granted permission to run the vxtunefs command. We recommend this selective, more secure approach for granting access to powerful commands.
  • You must enable Quick I/O on the file system. Quick I/O is enabled automatically at file system mount time.

If you have correctly enabled Quick I/O on your system, you can proceed to enable Cached Quick I/O as follows:

  • Set the file system Cached Quick I/O flag, which enables Cached Quick I/O for all files in the file system.
  • Setting the file system Cached Quick I/O flag enables caching for all files in the file system. You must disable Cached Quick I/O on individual Quick I/O files that do not benefit from caching to avoid consuming memory unnecessarily. This final task occurs at the end of the enabling process.

Usage Notes

  • Do not enable Cached Quick I/O if Oracle is using Oracle Disk Manager.

Enabling and Disabling the qio_cache_enable Flag

As superuser (root), set the qio_cache_enable flag using the vxtunefs command after you mount the file system.

  To enable the qio_cache_enable flag for a file system

Use the vxtunefs command as follows:

 # /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1/vxtunefs -s -o qio_cache_enable=1 /mount_point


 # /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1/vxtunefs -s -o qio_cache_enable=1 /db02

where /db02 is a VxFS file system containing the Quick I/O files and setting the qio_cache_enable flag to "1" enables Cached Quick I/O. This command enables caching for all the Quick I/O files on this file system.

  To disable the flag on the same file system

Use the vxtunefs command as follows:

 # /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1/vxtunefs -s -o qio_cache_enable=0 /mount_point


 # /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1/vxtunefs -s -o qio_cache_enable=0 /db02

where /db02 is a VxFS file system containing the Quick I/O files and setting the qio_cache_enable flag to "0" disables Cached Quick I/O. This command disables caching for all the Quick I/O files on this file system.

Making Cached Quick I/O settings persistent across reboots and mounts

You can make the Cached Quick I/O system setting persistent across reboots and mounts by adding a file system entry in the /etc/vx/tunefstab file.

Note   Note    The tunefstab file is a user-created file. For information on how to create the file and add tuning parameters, see the tunefstab(4) manual page.

  To enable a file system after rebooting

Put the file system in the /etc/vx/tunefstab file and set the flag entry:

 /dev/vx/dsk/dgname/volname qio_cache_enable=1


    • /dev/vx/dsk is the name of a block device
    • dgname is the name of the disk group
    • volname is the name of the volume


 /dev/vx/dsk/PRODdg/db01 qio_cache_enable=1
 /dev/vx/dsk/PRODdg/db02 qio_cache_enable=1

where /dev/vx/dsk/PRODdg/db01 is the block device on which the file system resides.

For information on how to add tuning parameters, see the tunefstab(4) manual page.

Note   Note    vxtunefs can specify a mount point or a block device; tunefstab must always specify a block device only.

Using vxtunefs to Obtain Tuning Information

Check the setting of the qio_cache_enable flag for each file system using the vxtunefs command.

  To obtain information on only the qio_cache_enable flag setting

Use the grep command with vxtunefs:

 # /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1/vxtunefs /mount_point | grep qio_cache_enable


 # /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1/vxtunefs /db01 | grep qio_cache_enable

where /db01 is the name of the file system. This command displays only the qio_cache_enable setting as follows:

 qio_cache_enable = 0

You can also use the vxtunefs command to obtain a more complete list of I/O characteristics and tuning statistics.

  To obtain information on all vxtunefs system parameters

Use the vxtunefs command without grep:

 # /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1/vxtunefs /mount_point


 # /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1/vxtunefs /db01

The vxtunefs command displays output similar to the following:

    Filesystem i/o parameters for /db01 
 read_pref_io = 65536
 read_nstream = 1
 read_unit_io = 65536 
 write_pref_io = 65536 
 write_nstream = 1
 write_unit_io = 65536 
 pref_strength = 10 
 buf_breakup_size = 1048576
 discovered_direct_iosz = 262144
 max_direct_iosz = 1048576
 default_indir_size = 8192
 qio_cache_enable = 1 
 write_throttle = 0
 max_diskq = 1048576
 initial_extent_size = 8
 max_seqio_extent_size = 2048
 max_buf_data_size = 8192
 hsm_write_prealloc = 0
 read_ahead = 1
 inode_aging_size = 0
 inode_aging_count = 0
 fcl_maxalloc = 130150400
 fcl_keeptime = 0
 fcl_winterval = 3600

For a complete description of vxtunefs parameters and the tuning instructions, refer to the vxtunefs(1) manual page.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation