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Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Understanding Cached Quick I/O

How Cached Quick I/O Works

Cached Quick I/O is a specialized external caching mechanism specifically suitable to 32-bit ports of the Oracle server. Cached Quick I/O can be used on 64-bit ports of the Oracle server, but the benefits are not as great. Cached Quick I/O can be selectively applied to datafiles that are suffering an undesirable amount of physical disk I/O due to insufficient Oracle System Global Area (SGA). Cached Quick I/O works by taking advantage of the available physical memory that is left over after the operating system reserves the amount it needs and the Oracle SGA disk block buffers cache has been sized to the maximum capacity allowed within a 32-bit virtual address space. This extra memory serves as a cache to store file data, effectively serving as a second-level cache backing the SGA.

For example, consider a system configured with 12GB of physical memory, an operating system using 1GB, and a total Oracle size of 3.5GB. Unless you have other applications running on your system, the remaining 7.5GB of memory is unused. If you enable Cached Quick I/O, these remaining 7.5GB become available for caching database files.

Note   Note    You cannot allocate specific amounts of the available memory to Cached Quick I/O. When enabled, Cached Quick I/O takes advantage of available memory.

Cached Quick I/O is not beneficial for all files in a database. Turning on caching for all database files can degrade performance due to extra memory management overhead (double buffer copying). You must use file I/O statistics to determine which individual database files benefit from caching, and then enable or disable Cached Quick I/O for individual files.

If you understand the applications that generate load on your database and how this load changes at different times during the day, you can use Cached Quick I/O to maximize performance. By enabling or disabling Cached Quick I/O on a per-file basis at different times during the day, you are using Cached Quick I/O to dynamically tune the performance of a database.

For example, files that store historical data are not generally used during normal business hours in a transaction processing environment. Reports that make use of this historical data are generally run during off-peak hours when interactive database use is at a minimum. During normal business hours, you can disable Cached Quick I/O for database files that store historical data in order to maximize memory available to other user applications. Then, during off-peak hours, you can enable Cached Quick I/O on the same files when they are used for report generation. This will provide extra memory resources to the database server without changing any database configuration parameters. Enabling file system read-ahead in this manner and buffering read data can provide great performance benefits, especially in large sequential scans.

You can automate the enabling and disabling of Cached Quick I/O on a per-file basis using scripts, allowing the same job that produces reports to tune the file system behavior and make the best use of system resources. You can specify different sets of files for different jobs to maximize file system and database performance.

How Cached Quick I/O Improves Database Performance

Enabling Cached Quick I/O on suitable Quick I/O files improves database performance by using the file system buffer cache to store data. This data storage speeds up system reads by accessing the system buffer cache and avoiding disk I/O when searching for information. Having data at the cache level improves database performance in the following ways:

  • For read operations, Cached Quick I/O caches database blocks in the system buffer cache, which can reduce the number of physical I/O operations and therefore improve read performance.
  • For write operations, Cached Quick I/O uses a direct-write, copy-behind technique to preserve its buffer copy of the data. After the direct I/O is scheduled and while it is waiting for the completion of the I/O, the file system updates its buffer to reflect the changed data being written out. For online transaction processing, Cached Quick I/O achieves better than raw device performance in database throughput on large platforms with very large physical memories.
  • For sequential table scans, Cached Quick I/O can significantly reduce the query response time because of the read-ahead algorithm used by VERITAS File System. If a user needs to read the same range in the file while the data is still in cache, the system is likely to return an immediate cache hit rather than scan for data on the disk.

Overview of How to Set Up Cached Quick I/O

To set up and use Cached Quick I/O:

  1. Enable Cached Quick I/O on the underlying file systems used for your database.
  2. Exercise the system in your production environment to generate file I/O statistics.
  3. Collect the file I/O statistics while the files are in use.
  4. Analyze the file I/O statistics to determine which files benefit from Cached Quick I/O.
  5. Disable Cached Quick I/O on files that do not benefit from caching.

The rest of this chapter discusses how to set up Cached Quick I/O in more detail.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation