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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Displaying Quick I/O Status and File Attributes

You can obtain and display information about Quick I/O status and file attributes using various options of the ls command.



Lists all files on a file system, including Quick I/O files and their links.


Shows if Quick I/O was successfully installed and enabled.


Shows how a Quick I/O file name is resolved to that of a raw device.

  To list all files on the current file system, including Quick I/O files and their links

Use the ls -al command with the file names:

 $ ls -al filename .filename


To show the absolute path name created using qiomkfile with the -a option:

 $ ls -al d* .d*
 -rw-r--r--         1 oracle   dba          104890368        Oct 2 13:42        .dbfile
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 19 Oct 2 13:42 dbfile -> \

  To determine if a datafile has been converted to Quick I/O

Use the ls command as follows:

ls -lL filename


To determine if Quick I/O is installed and enabled:

 $ ls -lL dbfile
 crw-r--r--        1 oracle         dba         45,  1      Oct  2 13:42         dbfile
 crw-r--r--        1 oracle    dba                237 0x000004   Oct 2 13:42                 dbfile

where the first character, c, indicates it is a raw character device file, and the major and minor device numbers are displayed in the size field. If you see the raw device indication (c) and the size field is zero, Quick I/O did not install properly or does not have a valid license key.

  To show a Quick I/O file resolved to a raw device

Use the ls command with the file names as follows:

ls -alL filename .filename


To show how the Quick I/O file name dbfile is resolved to that of a raw device:

 $ ls -alL d* .d*
 crw-r--r--        1 oracle dba                237 0x000004   Oct 2 13:42                 dbfile
 -rw-r--r--        1 oracle   dba              104890368       Oct 2 13:42         .dbfile

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation