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Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Handling Oracle Temporary Tablespaces and Quick I/O

You can create a new temporary tablespace using Quick I/O files. However, you cannot convert existing temporary tablespaces using regular files to Quick I/O with the qio_getdbfiles command on Oracle9i.

By default, qio_getdbfiles skips any tablespaces marked TEMPORARY because they can be sparse, which means that not all blocks in the file are allocated. Quick I/O files cannot be sparse, as Quick I/O provides a raw-type interface to storage. If a sparse file is converted to a Quick I/O file, the Oracle instance can fail if Oracle attempts to write into one of these unallocated blocks. When you initially create a temporary tablespace on Quick I/O files, however, Oracle sees them as raw devices and does not create sparse files.

To convert a temporary tablespace using regular files to Quick I/O files, you can drop your existing temporary tablespaces using regular files and recreate them using Quick I/O files. You can also leave the temporary tablespaces as regular files.

  To obtain a list of file names that are not temporary

Use the following SQL statements:

 $ sqlplus /nolog
 SQL> connect / as sysdba;
SQL> select file_name from dba_data_files a, dba_tablespaces b
where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and b.contents <>

  To drop an existing temporary tablespace and recreate using Quick I/O files

  1. Drop the temporary tablespace, including its contents:
       $ sqlplus /nolog
       SQL> connect / as sysdba;
       SQL>   drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents;
  2. Create a Quick I/O file on a VxFS file system:
       $ /opt/VRTS/bin/qiomkfile -h header_size -s size \
  3. Create a new temporary tablespace using the create tablespace or create temporary tablespace command.

    To use the create tablespace command:

       $ sqlplus /nolog
       SQL>   connect / as sysdba;
       SQL>   create tablespace tablespace_name \
       datafile '/mount_point/filename.dbf' \
       size size reuse \

    To use the create temporary tablespace command:

       $ sqlplus /nolog
       SQL>   connect / as sysdba;
       SQL>   create temporary tablespace tablespace_name \
       tempfile '/mount_point/new_filename.dbf' \
       size size reuse;


To drop tablespace tempts, create a Quick I/O file temp01.dbf, and then create a new temporary tablespace tempts using the create tablespace command:

 $ sqlplus /nolog
 SQL> connect / as sysdba;
 SQL> drop tablespace tempts including contents;
 Tablespace dropped.
 $ /opt/VRTS/bin/qiomkfile -h 32k -s 100M /db01/temp01.dbf
 $ sqlplus /nolog
 SQL> connect / as dba;
 SQL> create tablespace tempts \
 datafile '/db01/temp01.dbf' \
 size 100M reuse \
 Tablespace created.


To drop tablespace tempts, create a Quick I/O file temp01.dbf, and then create a new temporary tablespace tempts using the create temporary tablespace command:

 $ sqlplus /nolog
 SQL> connect / as sysdba;
 SQL> drop tablespace tempts including contents;
 Tablespace dropped.
 $ /opt/VRTS/bin/qiomkfile -h 32k -s 100M /db01/temp01.dbf
 $ sqlplus /nolog
 SQL> connect / as dba;
 SQL> create temporary tablespace tempts \
 tempfile '/db01/temp01.dbf' \
 size 100M reuse;
 Tablespace created.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation