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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Creating Clone Database

The Create Clone Database wizard guides you through the process of creating a clone of the database using either Storage Checkpoints or Volume Manager Flashsnap. Cloning the database helps you perform operations without affecting your production database.


  To create a clone database

  1. Click the database in the object tree.
  2. Select one of the following methods to create a clone database.

    • From the menu bar, click Oracle > Create Clone Database.
      • or

    • Right click the database object to bring up a pop-up menu. Then, click Create Clone Database.
    • The Create Clone Database wizard is then displayed. Click Next.

  3. A read-only dialog with information about the current database instance is displayed. Click Next to continue.
  4. You are required to select whether you want to create a clone database using a Storage Checkpoint (see Using Storage Checkpoint) or Volume Manager Flashsnap (see Using Volume Manager FlashSnap). After making your selection, click Next.

Using Storage Checkpoint

  To create a clone database using a Storage Checkpoint

  1. In the Clone Database Type dialog, select the option to clone the database using a Storage Checkpoint. Click Next.
  2. In the New Database Information dialog, enter the New Oracle SID and the Mount Point.
  3. Select whether you would want to clone the database using a new Storage Checkpoint or use an existing Storage Checkpoint.

    If you choose to clone the database using an existing Storage Checkpoint, you must select a Storage Checkpoint from the drop-down list.

    Click Create Clone Database. Click Next.

  4. When restarting a Storage Checkpoint clone database that is already created, make sure you check the Restart Database option or you would be starting a new Storage Checkpoint clone database.
    Note   Note    For restarting a Storage Checkpoint clone database, you must select an existing Storage Checkpoint. You are not required to enter the mount point.

    If the database was successfully cloned, you will receive a confirmation message. Click OK to continue.

Using Volume Manager FlashSnap

Creating a clone database using Volume Manager FlashSnap goes through the following dialogs:

  1. Create Snapplan
  2. Validate/Modify Snapplan
  3. Create Snapshot
  4. Startup Clone Database

  To create a clone database using Volume Manager FlashSnap

  1. In the Clone Database Type dialog, select create a clone database using Volume Manager FlashSnap. Click Next.
  2. In the VM FlashSnap Clone Database dialog, select whether you would want to create a clone database using a new snapplan or an existing one. Click Next.

    If you choose New Snapplan, the Create Snapplan dialog is displayed. For details, see Creating a Clone Database with a new snapplan.

    If you choose Existing Snapplan, you are required to select a snapplan from the drop-down list, see Creating a Clone Database with an Existing Snapplan.

Creating a Clone Database with a new snapplan

  To create a Clone Database with a new snapplan

  1. Confirm the Oracle SID. This is a read-only field.
  2. Enter the following values:

    • Full path of the snapplan file
    • Name of the secondary host
    • Snapshot plex tag

  3. Click Next to continue. The Validate/Modify Snapplan screen is displayed with default values set.
  4. If needed, modify any incorrect settings. Then, click Next to validate the snapplan.
    Note   Note    For more information regarding the snapplan parameters, see Creating and Working with Snapplans Using dbed_vmchecksnap.

    If the snapplan was successfully validated, you will receive a confirmation message.

  5. To see the snapplan details, click the Show details checkbox. The snapplan details are displayed in the pop-up window.

    When you have finished reviewing them, click OK. The following example is a sample of the snapplan details that you should see:

      PRIMARY_HOST is host1
      SECONDARY_HOST is host2
      The version of PRIMARY_DG-PRODdg is 120.
      SNAPSHOT_MODE is online
      The database is running in archivelog mode.
      ARCHIVELOG_DEST is /prod_db
      SNAPSHOT_PLAN_FOR is database
      ARCHIVELOG_DEST=/prod_db is mount on /dev/vx/dsk/PRODdg/ORACLE1.
      Examining Oracle volume and disk layout for snapshot.
      Volume ORACLE1 on PRODdg is ready for snapshot.
      Original plex and DCO log for ORACLE1 is on PRODdg02.
      Snapshot plex and DCO log for ORACLE1 is on PRODdg01.
      Volume oracon on PRODdg is ready for snapshot.
      Original plex and DCO log for oracon is on PRODdg02.
      Snapshot plex and DCO log for oracon is on PRODdg01.
      SNAP_PRODdg for snapshot will include: PRODdg01
      The snapplan sp3 has been created.
  6. In the Create Snapshot dialog, verify the snapplan location. (This is a read-only field.)
  7. If you need to force the snapshot creation, click the Force snapshot creation checkbox.
    Note   Note    Force snapshot creation can be used after a snapshot operation has failed and the problem was fixed without using VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle commands. (That is, the volumes were synchronized without using VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle commands.) In this situation, the status of the snapplan will appear as unavailable for creating a snapshot. The Force snapshot creation option ignores the unavailable status, checks for the availability of volumes, and creates the snapshot after the volumes pass the availability check.
  8. Click Next to continue.
  9. If the snapshot creation was successful, you will receive a confirmation message.
  10. Click the Show details checkbox to view the actions taken. The following example is a sample of the snapplan details that you should see:
      dbed_vmsnap started at 2004-05-13 17:09:40
      VxDBA repository is up to date.
      The database is running in archivelog mode.
      A snapshot of ORACLE_SID PROD is in DG SNAP_PRODdg.
      Snapplan sp2 is used for the snapshot.
      VxDBA repository volume is SNAP_ORACLE1.
      If -r <relocate_path> is used in dbed_vmclonedb,
       make sure <relocate_path> is created and owned by
       Oracle DBA. Otherwise, the following mount points
       need to be created and owned by Oracle DBA:
      dbed_vmsnap ended at 2003-05-13 17:10:29
  11. Click OK to continue. You can now use the snapshot as a database backup.
    Note   Note    You will need this information when you start your snapshot database.
  12. The Startup Snapshot Database dialog is displayed. In the "connect as" section, confirm the local host name and enter the Oracle home information. Then, enter your UNIX user name and password.
    Caution  Caution    Make sure that the VEA service is running on the secondary host. Also, make sure that the database owner of the secondary host is registered on the VEA Service Console Registry. See Adding Users to the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service Console Registry and Starting the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service for further details.
  13. For the primary database information section, confirm the Oracle SID. It is a read-only field.
  14. Select whether you are creating the database or restarting the database by clicking the appropriate radio button.

    Select "Startup database" if you are starting a new snapshot database based on a snapshot. Select "Restart database" if you are restarting a snapshot database that has already been created.

  15. For the snapshot database information section, verify the snapplan file, VxDBA volume name, and Snapshot disk group name. These are read-only fields. Enter the new Oracle SID and Relocate path in the appropriate fields.
    Note   Note    To start an on-host snapshot database, the Relocate path is required. Make sure the Relocate path has the database owner's permission.
  16. Click Create Clone Database. If the snapshot database was successfully started, you will receive a confirmation message. Click OK to continue.

Creating a Clone Database with an Existing Snapplan

  To create a Clone Database with an existing Snapplan

Select Existing Snapplan. You are required to select a snapplan from the drop-down list. The snapplan displays its status, for example, sp00 [init_db] /ora_home/snapplan/sp00, where INIT_DB is the status of the snapplan.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation