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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Shutting Down an Oracle Database Instance

The GUI lets you shut down an Oracle database instance. For example, you must shut down the database to perform a Storage Rollback of an entire database.

  To shut down an Oracle database instance

  1. Click the actual Oracle database in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  2. Select one of the following methods to stop the database.

    • From the menu bar, select Oracle > Shutdown Database.
      • or

    • Right click the database to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Shutdown Database.

  3. Verify the database information, such as the Oracle SID and Oracle Home. Then, click Next to continue.
  4. Verify your UNIX user name, then enter your password in the Password field.
  5. In the dialog box, select the type of shutdown you want to perform:

    • Normal
      • Use this option to shut down the Oracle database instance in normal situations. If you shut down using this option, no new database connections are allowed. Oracle waits for all currently connected users to disconnect from the database, and then closes and dismounts the database before shutting down the instance. The next database start up does not require an instance recovery.

    • Transactional
      • Use this option to shut down the Oracle database instance immediately upon completion of all transactions in progress. If you shut down using this option, no client can start a new transaction on this instance, and a client is disconnected when the transaction in progress ends. The next database start up does not require an instance recovery.

    • Immediate
      • Use this option to shut down the Oracle database instance immediately. Use this option in situations where the database, or some application, is running irregularly or a power shutdown is about to occur. If you shut down using this option, all current client SQL statements are terminated immediately, any uncommitted transactions are rolled back, and all connected users are disconnected. Oracle closes and dismounts the database before shutting down the instance. The next database start up does not require an instance recovery.

    • Abort
      • Use this option to shut down the Oracle database instance instantaneously by aborting the database's instance. Use this option with extreme caution and only when normal or immediate shutdown does not work, you experience problems when starting the instance, or you need to shut down the instance instantaneously. If you shut down using this option, all connected users are disconnected, current client SQL statements are terminated immediately, uncommitted transactions are not rolled back, and the instance is terminated without closing the files. The next database start up requires an instance recovery.

        Note   Note    In this release, the umount option to shutdown or umount the FlashSnap clone database has been removed. Use the Remove Clone Database option to shutdown or umount the FlashSnap clone database. See Removing a Clone Database for details.

  6. Click Shutdown instance at the bottom of the screen.
  7. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to confirm that you want to shut down the database.

    If the database instance was successfully shut down, you will receive a confirmation message. Click OK to continue.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation